The Drip Network



I have really gotten interested in liquidity pools lately and I find them a decent place to put my crypto while I am holding but I watched to a 3speak video from @broncnutz and he really got me interested in the Drip Network. A link for the @bronchutz post can be found here. Great find @bronchutz by the way. Watch the video as he is excited about this one as well.
So let's talk about the Drip Network.
The Drip network is the first ever deflationary daily ROI platform that earns you 1% daily on your investment on your stake. It's system is sustained by a tax on the tx when you claim your daily profit by "hydrating". Once you gain your daily profit you can stake it and cause a compound effect or you can withdraw it to the BSC so you can buy lots of goods and services.

Drip uses a BEP-20 token called DRIP on the Binance Smart Chain that captures value by being scarce, deflationary, censorship resistant, and by being built on a robust, truly decentralized blockchain.
A drip will cost you around 60 dollars at the moment and in order to stake you have to stake at least one drip minimum. You buy drip using BNB on their site. Once you buy DRIP you then go to the Faucet and you stake your DRIP. After the stake begins the Faucet will drip your interest at a rate of 1% per day. So 365% per year minus a little tax that the Drip Network use for payouts. The more you stake the more DRIP you get paid out. So say if DRIP moons then you have a passive income pretty much every day.
You can also go to the reservoir with your DRIP profits and pool your DRIP with BUSD which gives you back 3%.
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This is once of the highest compounding pools around. DRIP is limited in supply and when you stake your initial investment , that's it. It's gonzo.

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I don't mind this as they do tell you but then the interest starts appearing and you know you are going to make your investment back and then some. There has been talk of pyramid schemes and scams and the like on reddit but the guys behind this are legit. Plus if you look at crypto overall, most of it is an extravagant ponzi scheme anyway. If I lose my investment I lose it but I have a great felling about this one. Just like I had with Chilliz back in the day. Fuck it what's the worse that can happen?? A leak?? Like what I did there. Well I'm hope it's gonna be a tidal wave.

To sign up and and buy DRIP you need a referral .
Here take mine.

This post is not financial advice. Yada Yada Yada. I would love to see the case where the claimant claimed over the financial advice thing. It must have been something mad.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Bitconnect has had 1% daily interest as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


yeah their famous "trading bot" did quite well initially. The key to drip is to start small and just keep compounding every day. Your initial investment just has to be enough to cover the daily Hydrate BNB fees. At the moment you need around 2.5 drip to do this which is around 150 quid. If everything goes belly up I won't be too upset.


I have to put in my experience with Drip. This is the best place to place my crypto investments in all of crypto. Your deposit is locked, but you will receive it back by hydrating usually within 70 days, and from there you are in the profit zone. With price appreciation going up do the supply being locked into the faucet, you are looking at real gains being made in just a few months. Get in now.


Yes I'm loving it at the moment.
