The Emporer may not have clothes, but he has a mask!




"The Emperor's New Clothes" written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, 'exposes' a vain emperor who is literally exposed (naked) before his subjects. The tale has been translated into over 100 languages.


It would seem the whole Virus-19 Wuhan China etc etc.. is exposing just how frail, bureaucratic, and corrupt central governments are behaving. They literally are "Cutting off the nose to spite the face". If you are unfamiliar with this expression it means self-destructive over-reaction to a problem.

Lock-Downs have significantly harmed what was left of a flailing economy. It's almost as if the world knows the economy was in collapse, but needs a black swan event to explain their maleficence away.


Despite records amount of debt printed and shoved into corners of the market that 'hide' the printing, anyone in the 'know' has seen this behavior before. This is the classic "Emperor's New Clothes" situation, but usually with a darker twist that the Emperor knows he doesn't have any clothes on, but wants to make everyone else think he does. There are usually many delusional people found in the highest positions of power and prominence.

So let's fix this to this day and age.


Cryto's are generally flat, and gold and silver are catching a small bid. Anyone into these assets knows that only sound money, or at least fixed assets will do well when the people realize; the mask is the cover-up. I'm not saying DON'T wear a mask, what I am saying is that it took 7 months into a pandemic to come up with 'protection'.



There I fixed it.


The inevitable blame game is coming; meanwhile WOKE states like California have homeless shitting in front of prime real-estate. Let's just hope that the grab for power when the deck of cards collapses doesn't put the tyrants of the past into power. Unfortunately this is the next likely step as the collapse continues.

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