Can Bitcoin hit $1million?


Can the price of Bitcoin hit $1,000,000 USD? Is it possible that a virtual asset that was hated by most could be this precious? Now, the $10,425 price isn’t too shabby. Just ask Satoshi! But $1 million seems almost impossible. Or is it?

Like it or not the USD aka Federal Reserve Note is an asset class with unlimited supply. Wait what? Yes, trillions are sloshing around right now as we speak. The average lay person is clueless to this fact. They see talking points on the news about trillion dollar budgets. And the more the lie is repeated the more a trillion seems like a billion.

When it comes to money purchasing power is what truly matters. The USD has lost 98% of it’s purchasing power since 1913. So basically the money they print but we work for buys us less. Sad but very true.

So bankers and politicians are an irresponsible bunch. Money(Federal Reserve Notes) to them is free. And they will print and borrow like there is no tomorrow. It’s like a modern day pillaging of the people’s treasury. They say “our money but your debt”. It’s akin to your drunken brother running up your credit card and sticking you with the bill.

Sounds a little gloomy but now the world has a choice. Bitcoin, with it’s scarcity baked in takes the center stage. The amount of fiat in the system is disconcerting to say the least. And this liquidity will be looking for a place to park. At this point any price could be achieved. If this ever occurs look for a Satoshi standard to take place. You may be seeing this at a merchant near you: Romba Vacuum on sale price 10,000 SAT

Posted Using LeoFinance


Not being gloomy but looking at the reality around us BTC have the potential to hot 1mil !

Posted Using LeoFinance


The USD has lost 98% of it’s purchasing power since 1913.

Really? Are people still paid in 1913 wages?

Doesnt the income statement tell us something completely different?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
