My long term investment - dCity: Week 1 Review


I've made a post yesterday about my first impression on dCity and today, I'm going to give you my very first report.

I actually made a mistake on my first post about the days that I've been into the game. I recently posted that I started 4 days ago, August 14, 2020, but on dCity Statistics data shows August 12,2020. Well during that time, I didn't start managing the account yet, I simply purchase via "Buy" option instead of actually making direct purchases on the market with the proper building that I need as if I am really customizing my own city.


This is how my city is right now, more buildings and is starting to show better figures. Compared to my first post wherein I'm lacking workers, this time, I don't have enough job for the people on my city. I guess this is one of the main problem that one can encounter in the long run, having high unemployment rate.



From 169 cards/buildings, I increased it by 19 and is now 188 cards/building in total. Based on dCity Statistics , day 1, I stated with 564 Population and if my memory serves me right, I'm around top 250 by then and currently I'm at top 211



With a total of 450 Hive investment, it shows that the current account value is at 659 Hive, I'm not quite sure if the figure is accurate, but in case that the data is indeed accurate then, just the mere cards/buildings alone once sold will give about 46% profit, given that the data is accurate. However, I'm not planning about taking early profit for my goal is to establish a great city that is self-sustainable and gives good daily profit.


This is currently how I'm building my city, I'm more focused on increasing my popularity and income instead of my base population. I researched some accounts on the higher ranking and found out that some of them only has a base between 3k to 5k Population and the magic is being done by their massive popularity.

Popularity gives % boost in population and works as a multiplier. There are cards/buildings that provides +income, +popularity and # of workers needed while there are some population focused cards/buildings that also provides other stats but it is quite low.

Let's say Person#1 has a base population of 500 and popularity of 1500 while Person#2 has a base population of 1500 and popularity of 500, which one do you think will have a greater INCOME, Person#1 or Person#2? If your answer is Person#2, then you are wrong.

The math for Popularity works like this:
Person#1: 1500^0.7 = 167% so 500 x (100% + 167%) = 1335 Population while Person#2 500^0.7 = 77% so 1500 (100% + 77%) = 2655 Population. You might wonder why I stated above that choosing Person#2 is wrong in terms of higher INCOME. There are other factors that you need to consider and one of it is that -- Population focused buildings such as Basic Home, Luxury Home and Apartment gives very few amount of Income and requires no worker while Popularity focused buildings such as Casino, Shopping Mall and Weed Dispensaries gives way higher Income together with good value of Popularity and requires certain numbers of worker, this being said, a city with a higher popularity actually has higher income generating buildings.


Conclusion: Getting more Popularity + Income cards/building is way better than growing base population. Yes high population will make you part of a higher ranking however the way I see it, I can have my ROI way faster if I focused more on my Income instead of my ranking.

Take Note: Why choose one if you can have both - high ranking + high SIM Income. How? I'll create a more detailed post next time.

Thank you for dropping by and reading through this post. Have a blessed day ahead!

Posted Using LeoFinance


I have a city of similar size, but the criminality is killing me... The current crime rate in my city is 62%, and there's almost no single day with having my bank robbed.


Oh no! It eats up your possible income. I just don't know yet what is the right ratio of police station and the buildings that can possibly be robbed. Mine is at 28% now and I guess, immigrants and homeless are the reason behind it.
