RE: FarmFarmer - The Threat Of A Monopoly May Have Just Ended


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Very good assessment of the situation, I see it the same way.

With one exception: I don't think that so many new people will join. Due to the fact that a second game was released in such a short time and another one is to follow in December, I'm sure that some doubts have arisen. Especially since the fictional value of $1/$FARM only exists as long as more and more games are released.


Its hard to call it "fictional". Each new "game" adds another outlet for value storage, and considering the idle nature of all these, it can begin to create its own ecosystem of value over time. But we'll see how this all plays out. In the very least, I wouldn't expect the content creation to end anytime soon given how simplistic setting these up seem to be. Hopefully, they just become more varied than how Mythical came off as... which was pretty much a cookie cutter re-skin of this. Not ideal, but still not without its own merits depending on where he goes with it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Currently I would call the value fictional, because the aim of the two games is farming and it's only possible to sell these token to other players, who also want to farm token.

In order to make the whole thing a success, a game should be created that has real added value (fun). The problem is that by then a huge amount of tokens has accumulated, so that the "last game" hardly generates a low amount of new revenue.
