League of Movies (Third Edition | Week 02): Hereafter - Más allá de la vida [ENG] [ESP]



Mas allá de la vida

Directed by Clint Eastwood starring Mat Damon. It tells the story of, George Lonegan (Matt Damon) a psychic with a connection to the spiritual world, a boy, Marcus (Frankie McLaren) who loses his twin brother and the journalist Marie LeLay (Cécile de France) who suffers from the tsunami in Asia 2004 in an amazing scene that only the great Clint Eastwood could give us, making this film participate in this contest.
Dirigida por Clint Eastwood protagonizada por Mat Damon. Narra la historia de, George Lonegan (Matt Damon) un psíquico con una conexión con el mundo espiritual, un niño, Marcus (Frankie McLaren) que pierde a su hermano gemelo y la periodista Marie LeLay (Cécile de France) quien padece el tsunami en Asia del 2004 en una escena alucinante que solo el genial Clint Eastwood nos odia regalar, haciendo que esta película entre en este concurso en la categoría de desastre natural.

heresafter 2.jpg


Without a doubt Clint Eastwood has given cinema a deep, analytical, reflective filmography, his cinema is not the typical silly and empty commercial cinema, this is a director whose films go further, I personally recommend them all Clint Eastwood is one of the best directors of all time.
Sin duda alguna Clint Eastwood le a regalado al cine una filmografía profunda, analítica, reflexiva, su cine no es el típico cine comercial palomero y vacío, este es un director cuyas películas van más allá, personalmente las recomiendo todas Clint Eastwood es uno de los mejores directores de todos los tiempos.

hereafter 1.png

This is a film that addresses various topics, each of the protagonists goes through an existential crisis and a journey that leads them to meet, the character of Matt Damon has a gift but he sees it as a curse, he has an ability that when touching A person can talk to the ancestors of this, which has relegated him to a lonely life is a man in search of happiness, in search of love and faces the moral dilemma of continuing to help people or help himself.
Esta es una película que aborda varios temas, cada uno de los protagonista atraviesa una crisis existencial y un viaje que los lleva a encontrarse , el personaje de Matt Damon posee un don pero el lo ve como una maldición, el posee una habilidad que al tocar a una persona puede hablar con los antepasados de esta , cosa que lo a relegado a una vida solitaria es un hombre en busca de la felicidad, en busca del amor y se enfrenta al dilema moral de seguir ayudando a la gente o ayudarse el.


The boy's character loses his brother and is left with that sadness, of not being able to give him a last hug, a last kiss, that last goodbye so he decides to undertake a journey in search of a real psychic, who will help him to say goodbye to his dead brother.
El personaje del niño pierde a su hermano y se queda con esa tristeza, de no poder darle un último abrazo, un último beso, ese último adiós así que decide emprender un viaje en busca de un psíquico real, que le ayude a despedirse de su hermano muerto.

The journalist manages to survive the natural disaster, but wonders if there is something beyond after life, what is the purpose of existence, many philosophical questions begin to address her and she begins to search for answers.
La periodista logra sobrevivir al desastre natural, pero se pregunta si hay algo más allá después de la vida, cual es el propósito de la existencia, muchas preguntas filosóficas la empiezan a abordar y ella empieza a buscar respuestas.


As the story is about how badly Matt Damon is having a hard time getting love, how he loses his love interest in the film because of his gift, it is a narrative wonder, the scene of the terrorist attack on the train is impressive, the how Clint Eastwood undresses the human being philosophically, showing how false psychics feed on the pain of others, how nobody cares about the protagonist's own happiness, but that everyone wants to exploit him. It is a genius.
Como la historia trata lo mal que la pasa Matt Damon al no poder conseguir el amor, el cómo pierde su interés amoroso en la cinta por culpa de su don, es una maravilla narrativa, la escena del atentado terrorista en el tren es impresionante, el cómo Clint Eastwood desnuda al ser humano filosóficamente, mostrando como falsos psíquicos se alimentan del dolor ajeno , de como a nadie le importa la felicidad propia del protagonista, sino que todos lo quieren explotar. Es una genialidad.

I can only conclude that not seeing this movie is a crime, I highly recommend it, it is a spiritual journey, which begins with a terrible natural disaster.
Solo me queda concluir que no ver esta película es un crimen y la recomiendo enormemente, es un viaje espiritual, que empieza con un terrible desastre natural.

Thank's for reading

Thanks to @wiseagent this initiative if you want to participate here this contest link

I take the opportunity to invite @rosz and @reynaldoverdu to this contest.

All image are screenshot from the trailer


The approach to the main theme of this movie is very interesting. A different kind of work in Clint Eastwood's career.

Good luck in the constest, @ramsesuchiha.


Our friend Eastwood he is a revolutionary he always wants to do something different, he has a movie that deals with a real life fact, the interesting thing is that he makes the movie with the true protagonists of the event, the movie is The 15:17 to Paris
