The boy who tamed the wind (ESP/ENG)




"When I cut off my arm to feed you, you will know that you are my daughter."

"Cuando me corte un brazo para alimentarte, sabrás que eres mi hija".




Pocos tienen el valor de creer en sí mismos cuando nadie le da la oportunidad de hacerlo, sin embargo, esta película nos enseña el valor de seguir creyendo en si mismo, demostrar que si podemos crear un cambio y encontrar soluciones a los peores problemas, nada puede detenerte si crees lo suficiente en tu propio poder.
Few have the courage to believe in themselves when no one gives them the opportunity to do so, however, this film teaches us the value of continuing to believe in ourselves, to show that if we can create change and find solutions to the worst problems, nothing can stop you if you believe enough in your own power.



Esta película está basada en hechos reales de la vida de William Kamkwamba, un hombre que cambió para siempre el destino de su aldea en Malaui. Claro en esta película podremos ver el desenlace de su historia cuando él tenía unos 13 años y la situación que él y su familia vivían en aquella época. Mientras veía esta historia se me hacía imposible no pensar en aquella época en Venezuela cuando debíamos hacer colas increíblemente largas, salías de casa sin nada en el estómago, solo un poco de agua, esperar por horas y horas bajo el sol para comprar un solo artículo para comer, no es que podías ir al supermercado a comprar arroz, harina y granos a un precio mucho más alto para evitar estas situaciones, es que de verdad no había nada que comprar. Su situación era muy parecida, se acabaron los tiempos buenos de cosecha y llego la hambruna, los ahorros se hicieron nada y no alcanzó para subsistir en los tiempos difíciles, no había agua ni electricidad, las personas entraron en desesperación y olvidaron su humanidad. Con el hambre llegó la muerte y el abandono en busca de un lugar mejor.
This film is based on the real life of William Kamkwamba, a man who forever changed the destiny of his village in Malawi. Of course in this movie we can see the outcome of his story when he was about 13 years old and the situation that he and his family lived at that time. While watching this story it was impossible for me not to think about that time in Venezuela when we had to wait in incredibly long lines, you left home with nothing in your stomach, just a little water, waiting for hours and hours under the sun to buy a single item to eat, not that you could go to the supermarket to buy rice, flour and grains at a much higher price to avoid these situations, there was really nothing to buy. Their situation was very similar, the good times of harvest were over and the famine came, the savings became nothing and it was not enough to subsist in the hard times, there was no water or electricity, people went into despair and forgot their humanity. With hunger came death and abandonment in search of a better place.

Actual images of William Kamkwamba

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Este pequeño niño nunca abandonó a su familia, no desistió y lucho por su educación, él sabía que esta era su mayor arma para salir adelante y para abandonar la pobreza. Su padre se esforzó por enviarlo al colegio y cuando no pudo pagar más la colegiatura, el pequeño William no se quedó de brazos cruzados y no aceptó su destino como hombre que solo sabe trabajar el campo. Se escabullía para entrar a las clases de ciencias y hasta chantajeó con el propósito de aprender más. Con solo trece años tuvo el poder de convencer a otros para que lo ayudaran a crear un cambio, fue la fe y esperanzas cuando el gobierno y la tierra les dieron la espalda. Se puede ver que no le fue fácil enfrentarse a todos, en especial a los adultos y decir “Yo puedo hacerlo”. También se puede notar su noble corazón sin un gramo de maldad, apartaba de su comida para darle alimento a su noble can.
This little boy never abandoned his family, he did not give up and fought for his education, he knew that this was his greatest weapon to get ahead and to leave poverty behind. His father made an effort to send him to school and when he could no longer afford the tuition, little William did not stand idly by and did not accept his fate as a man who only knew how to work in the fields. He would sneak into science classes and even blackmailed for the purpose of learning more. At only thirteen years old he had the power to convince others to help him create change, it was faith and hope when the government and the land turned their backs on them. You can see that it was not easy for him to stand up to everyone, especially adults and say "I can do it". You can also notice his noble heart without an ounce of evil, he would set aside his food to feed his noble canine.


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Ser pobre económicamente no implica serlo también mentalmente, con su ingenio el pequeño William se valió de chatarra y un libro de una biblioteca cerrada para traer agua a su familia, logró que todos trabajaran juntos para un futuro mejor. Tal vez no tenía que comer pero si tenía grandes ideas por pensar y una fuerza de voluntad inquebrantable para seguir adelante con lo que él sabía que podía hacer.
Being poor economically does not imply being poor mentally, with his ingenuity little William used scrap metal and a book from a closed library to bring water to his family, he managed to get everyone to work together for a better future. He may not have had to eat but he had great ideas to think about and an unbreakable willpower to go ahead with what he knew he could do.


Es importe al crecer seguir pensando como niños, eso nos permitirá ser menos lógicos y estar abiertos a las ideas que como adultos no concebimos, ser niños nos permite soñar a lo grande e intentar arriesgarnos con esos sueños, al arriesgarnos con esos sueños, aprendemos a ser innovadores y en la innovación está el futuro que queremos.
It is important as we grow up to continue thinking like children, this will allow us to be less logical and be open to ideas that as adults we do not conceive, being children allows us to dream big and try to take risks with those dreams, by taking risks with those dreams, we learn to be innovative and innovation is the future we want.







Esta película tiene grandes mensajes ocultos y es una increíble historia de superación. El viento al igual que las ideas no se ven, pero si se sienten, solo necesitamos donarlas para convertirlas en algo real, con el esfuerzo suficiente será algo importante en nuestra sociedad.
This movie has great hidden messages and is an incredible story of overcoming. The wind as well as the ideas can't be seen, but they can be felt, we just need to donate them to turn them into something real, with enough effort it will be something important in our society.



Gracias por leer.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards!


Free text splitters by @MayVileros.

Divisores de texto libre de @MayVileros

Images without sources are Screenshot of the movie, from my Netflix account, taken with my phone.

Las imágenes sin fuentes son Screenshot de la película, desde mi cuenta Netflix, tomadas con mi teléfono.

English translation by

Traducción al inglés realizada mediante


When the trailer came out, I watched it and it told me all about the movie. I didn't want to see it, because the trailer shows everything, I also started reading about the guy's life and well, I said to myself, why am I going to see it? I'm sure it's very beautiful, all the reviews I've read talk about the positive message.


you don't stop going on a trip just because you know you're coming home, even if you know the ending, you watch the movie to enjoy the journey of the story.
thanks for reading.


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This movie can be very inspiring because it shows that difficult situations and general hardship life conditions can be solved with enough time, dedication, and hope. This type of story can be very inspiring.


Mainly dedication, waiting for things to be resolved will not change anything, hence the importance of hope.
Thank you for reading.
Best regards!
