(ESP/ENG) Las aventuras de la niña unicornio en su bicicleta nueva / The adventures of the unicorn girl on her new bike🌈👧🚲💖


Hoy Paula se llevó una gran sorpresa al recibir un regalo por parte de su madrina, resulta que le regalo su primera bicicleta con rueditas entrenadoras, ya que su triciclo se averió (porque le daba mucha roscas jajaja además ya estaba muy grande para él, mucho aguantó el pobre).

Today Paula got a big surprise when she received a gift from her godmother, it turns out that she gave her her first bicycle with training wheels, since her tricycle broke down (because it gave her a lot of threads hahaha also it was too big for him, a lot the poor man endured).

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El tío de paula fue muy amable de armarla y Paula estaba tan emocionada que no despegaba su mirada de su tío y de la bicicleta jaja.

Ya armada fue difícil convencer a Paula que se subiera a la bicicleta pues repentinamente paso de estar emocionada a estar completamente asustada al ver que la bicicleta es más grande que su antiguo triciclo. Rápidamente se escondió y comenzó a decir que tenía miedo.

Traté de hablar con ella y convencerla de que no tuviera miedo que yo la ayudaría a subirse y a manejarla pero nada funcionó. Se escondió detrás del sofá del abuelo para que no la encontráramos. Decidí dejarla mientras su tío y ya hablábamos en la sala mientras la veíamos, ya que sabíamos que era algo nuevo para ella.

Paula's uncle was very kind to put it together and Paula was so excited that she didn't take her eyes off her uncle and the bicycle haha.

Once armed, it was difficult to convince Paula to get on the bike as she suddenly went from being excited to being completely scared when she saw that the bike was bigger than her old tricycle. He quickly hid himself and began to say that he was afraid.

I tried to talk to her and convince her not to be afraid that I would help her get on and drive her but nothing worked. She hid behind Grandpa's sofa so we wouldn't find her. I decided to leave her while her uncle and we were already talking in the living room while we watched her, since we knew it was something new for her.

Después de un rato salió y fue en busca de su triciclo y me dijo que quería subirse pero le dije y mostré que estaba averiado. Ella lo miro y dijo muy tiernamente: “Oh no”. Yo solté una risita porque fue inevitable. Me agaché y hablé con ella y la convencí de que se acercara a su bicicleta nueva y así se familiarizara con ella. Recelosa se acercó y comenzó a tocarla y a emocionarse de verla pero no intentaba subirse hasta que noté que la bicicleta tenía una campanita en el volante y la hice sonar. Rápidamente Paula se sobresaltó y se emocionó al escucharla y le dije que si se subía podría sonar la campanilla.

Rápidamente me pidió que la ayudara a subirse y eso hice. Nuevamente se asustó pero le hice sonar la campana para que no se asustara y algo nerviosa se sostuvo del volante. Después de un ratito y de pasearla poco a poco ya no había quien la bajara de la bicicleta jajaja. De este modo le animé a que saliéramos por la urbanización a dar un paseo y así enseñarla a andar en bici y… ¿saben qué? ¡Funcionó! Aunque le tomara tiempo aprender usar bien los pedales, le va dando poco a poco, por ahora sólo les da hacia atrás jeje.

After a while he came out and went looking for his tricycle and told me he wanted to get on but I told him and showed that it was broken. She looked at him and said very tenderly: "Oh no." I giggled because it was inevitable. I bent down and talked to her and convinced her to walk over to her new bike and get acquainted with it. Suspicious she approached and began to touch it and get excited to see it but did not try to get on until I noticed that the bicycle had a bell on the steering wheel and I made it ring. Quickly Paula was startled and excited when she heard her and I told her that if she got up, the bell could ring.

She quickly asked me to help her get on and I did. Again she was scared but I rang the bell so that she would not be scared and somewhat nervous she held on to the steering wheel. After a little while and walking it little by little there was no one to get it off the bike hahaha. In this way, I encouraged her to go out for a walk around the urbanization and thus teach her to ride a bike and… you know what? It worked! Although it took time for him to learn to use the pedals well, he is giving him little by little, for now he only gives them backwards hehe.

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Gracias por haber leído mi publicación 😘

Thank you for reading my post 😘


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