[Spanish -English] Welcome Baby Ander. Un consejo no pedido cargado de amor/Welcome Baby Ander. An unsolicited advice loaded with love.



A baby was born!

What a Joy!


What joy the birth of a baby brings, welcoming a new life, a miracle of nature and the fruit of love. ♥️ 🤗

🎊My congratulations🎊 to the proud and happy parents @theycallmedan and @gabbygoldenxo🤗♥️🤗 Today sharing their joy and also thanking our friend @theycalkmedan for his great support to all our publications and to this beautiful community of @motherhood I participate in this sweet challenge, offering new parents an unsolicited advice Yes desen participate, friends of The Hive, over here I leave you the invitation.

Welcome baby Ander


My advice is that from now on, you can take a few minutes as a couple and together in the evenings, read to little Ander children's texts that awaken and stimulate his imagination, very short stories with colorful images.

You may wonder at this point: why? if he is so tiny, he will not understand anything, this girl is a little crazy 🤭🤭 but the truth is, dear friends that doing so brings many benefits:

Mainly it helps to foster the emotional and social development of the little one, it manages to create a very strong emotional bond between parents and children and makes the little baby feel cared for and loved. By fostering this approach between your little one and language through these short texts, you will also be developing in him/her a love for reading, love for language, love for words and thus accelerating the arrival of your baby's long-awaited first word. A unique, exciting and unrepeatable moment.

Remember that in early childhood (from 0 to 12 months) babies are a little sponge ready to absorb information, it is the ideal time to instill in their minds and hearts values, teachings and even skills that will accompany them for the rest of their lives, such as a second language - a bilingual baby blogger and bilingual, can you imagine? - 🤭😉

Can you imagine little Ander standing up in his crib, jumping up and down with excitement and laughing when he hears his daddy or mommy, modulating his voice from low to high-pitched and with exaggerated gestures, in the best storytelling style, telling those stories, maybe about dogs or kittens and ending with the most curious onomatopoeias, saying at the end: woof woof woof woof and making your baby laugh? 😄😄😄😄 I sure can imagine it and I find it too beautiful a picture.♥️🤗

This is my advice dear friends, read together, build dream worlds, fantasy worlds and walk beautiful moments in family. With this advice that comes being rather one of my best wishes for you, I say goodbye, also wishing that God's blessing accompanies you today tomorrow and always. My advice is that from now on, you can take a few minutes as a couple and together in the evenings, read to little Ander children's texts that awaken and stimulate his imagination, very short stories with colorful images.

You may wonder at this point: why? if he is so tiny, he will not understand anything, this girl is a little crazy 🤭🤭 but the truth is, dear friends that doing so brings many benefits:

Mainly it helps to foster the emotional and social development of the little one, it manages to create a very strong emotional bond between parents and children and makes the little baby feel cared for and loved. By fostering this approach between your little one and language through these short texts, you will also be developing in him/her a love for reading, love for language, love for words and thus accelerating the arrival of your baby's long-awaited first word. A unique, exciting and unrepeatable moment.

Remember that in early childhood (from 0 to 12 months) babies are a little sponge ready to absorb information, it is the ideal time to instill in their minds and hearts values, teachings and even skills that will accompany them for the rest of their lives, such as a second language - a bilingual baby blogger and bilingual, can you imagine? - 🤭😉

Can you imagine little Ander standing up in his crib, jumping up and down with excitement and laughing when he hears his daddy or mommy, modulating his voice from low to high-pitched and with exaggerated gestures, in the best storytelling style, telling those stories, maybe about dogs or kittens and ending with the most curious onomatopoeias, saying at the end: woof woof woof woof and making your baby laugh? 😄😄😄😄 I sure can imagine it and I find it too beautiful a picture.♥️🤗

This is my advice dear friends, read together, build dream worlds, fantasy worlds and walk beautiful moments in family. With this advice that comes being rather one of my best wishes for you, I say goodbye, also wishing that God's blessing accompanies you today tomorrow and always. A hug 🤗🌹




DeeLp was used to translate this text.
Source used: https://kidshealth.org/es/parents/reading-babies-esp.html
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!Nació un Bebé!

¡Que Alegría!


Que alegría trae el nacimiento de un bebé, dar la bienvenida a una nueva vida, un milagro de la naturaleza y fruto del amor. ♥️ 🤗

🎊Mis felicitaciones🎊 a los orgullosos y felices padres @theycallmedan y @gabbygoldenxo🤗♥️🤗 Hoy compartiendo su dicha y agradeciéndole además a nuestro amigo @theycalkmedan por su gran apoyo a todas nuestras publicaciones y a esta hermosa comunidad de @motherhood participo en este dulce reto, ofreciéndoles a los padres primerizos un consejo no pedido Sí desen participar, amigos de La Colmena, por acá les dejo la invitación

Welcome baby Ander


Mi consejo es, que desde ya, puedan tomarse unos minutos como pareja y juntos por las noches, leerle al pequeño Ander textos infantiles que despierten y estimulen su imaginación, relatos muy cortos con imágenes coloridas.

Ustedes se preguntarán en este momento: ¿por qué? si está tan pequeñito, no va a entender absolutamente nada, esta chica está un poquito loca 🤭🤭 pero lo cierto es, queridos amigos que hacerlo trae muchos beneficios:

Principalmente ayuda a fomentar el desarrollo emocional y social del pequeño, logra crear un vínculo emocional muy fuerte entre los padres y los hijos y hace que el bebecito se sienta cuidado atendido y querido. Al propiciar ese acercamiento entre su hijito y el idioma a través de estos textos cortos, además estarán desarrollando en él amor a la lectura, amor al lenguaje, amor a la palabra y acelerando por ende, la llegada de la tan esperada primera palabra de su bebé. Momento único emocionante e irrepetible.

Recuerden que en la primera infancia (de 0 a 12 meses) los bebés son una esponjita lista para absorber información, es el momento idóneo para inculcar en su mente y su corazoncito valores, enseñanzas e incluso habilidades que lo acompañarán el resto de la vida, como por ejemplo una segunda lengua -un bebecito bloguero y bilingüe ¿se imaginan? - 🤭😉

¿Pueden imaginarse al pequeño Ander paradito ya en su cuna, dando pequeños saltitos de emoción y riéndose al escuchar a su papi o a su mami, modular la voz de pronto grave de pronto aguda y con ademanes exagerados, al mejor estilo del cuenta cuentos, narrar esas historias, quizás de perros o gatitos y terminar con las más curiosas onomatopeyas, diciendo al finalizar: guau guau guau y despertando carcajadas en su bebé? 😄😄😄 Yo sí puedo imaginarlo y me resulta un cuadro demasiado hermoso.♥️🤗

Éste es mi consejo queridos amigos, lean juntos, construyan mundos de ensueño, de fantasía y pasean hermosos momentos en familia. Con este consejo que viene siendo más bien uno de mis mejores deseos para ustedes, me despido, deseando además que la bendición de Dios los acompañe hoy mañana y siempre. Un abrazo.





Para traducir este texto se utilizó DeeLp
Fuente utilizada: https://kidshealth.org/es/parents/reading-babies-esp.html
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Gracias, gracias por el gran apoyo a mis publicaciones. Pronto estarán recibiendo noticias de mí, con el favor de Dios. Un abrazo grande


Thank you for your recommendations!


It was a pleasure, imagining those beautiful scenes, sweet moments of a wonderful future 🤗🤗❤️❤️ My blessings to you, your wife and your baby.
