Day 29 - Fears from the past [ENG-ESP]

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon Unsplash


Blogging Challenge - Part 03 - Day 29

What scares from the past do you have, physical or mentally?

The truth is that there are not many fears from the past that I still have, nor do I remember any right now. What I can talk about is the ones I have had and overcome... and the new ones I have in the future.

Of the past...

First, I used to be very afraid of "what will they say", "what will my parents think", "what will society say"... until I realized that my conscience must be worth more than what people say, because at the end of the day no matter what form, reason or circumstance you do things, they are always going to find reasons to give an opinion, and it is customary to give a negative opinion most of the time. So why would I stress out over someone else who doesn't even care about putting himself in my shoes and understanding why I do things?

Second, I was very afraid of my dad, afraid of rejection, afraid of him fighting me, hitting me, or anything. I used to spend days thinking about how I was going to ask him for permission to go out, I would go around the house 20 times before going into his room, and many times I didn't even dare to go in and I just didn't come out. He's an oppressor, and I've learned to not give a shit** about what he has to say or comment on. And I'm a big girl for those situations.

From the future...

In this year I was unblocked by the fear of failure, of reaching my 40's and not having fulfilled any of my goals or dreams. Because I have met many people who tell me that they had the same dreams as me, and in the end they couldn't do it or they failed. I don't want to be one of them, I feel like it would make me fall into a very serious depression, and it's something I'm trying to work through and overcome.

And now, you tell me What fears of the past or future do you have? This is all for now. Thank you very much for joining me in this little corner of tripode, i hope you have a wonderful day, i hope to see you again soon... and remember, good vibes always.

Blogging Challenge - Part 03 - Day 29

¿Qué miedos del pasado tienes, físicos o mentales?

La verdad es que no hay muchos miedos del pasado que siga teniendo, ni me acuerdo ahora mismo de ninguno. Lo que si puedo hablar es de los que he tenido y superado... y los nuevos que tengo a futuro.

Del pasado...

Primero, solía tenerle mucho miedo al "que dirán", "que van a pensar mis padres", "que va a decir la sociedad"... hasta que me dí cuenta de que mi consciencia debe valer más que lo que dice la gente, porque a fin de cuentas no importa la forma, razón o circunstancia que hagas las cosas, siempre van a encontrar motivos para opinar, y es costumbre opinar de forma negativa la mayoría de las veces. Así que, ¿Por qué me voy a estresar por otro que ni le interesa ponerse en mi lugar y entender por qué hago las cosas?

Segundo, le tenía mucho miedo a mi papá, miedo al rechazo, a que me pelee, me golpee o cualquier cosa. Solía durar días pensando como le iba a pedir permiso para alguna salida, daba 20 vueltas a la casa antes de entrar a su habitación, y muchas de las veces ni me atrevía a entrar y simplemente no salía. Él es un opresor, y he aprendido a que me importe una mier** lo que tiene para decir o comentar. Y ya estoy bien grandecita para esas situaciones.

Del futuro...

En este año se me desbloqueó el miedo al fracaso, a llegar a mis 40 y no haber cumplido ninguna de mis metas o sueños. Porque he conocido mucha gente que me dice que tenían los mismos sueños que yo, y a fin de cuentas no pudieron hacerlo o fallaron. Yo no quiero ser una de ellas, siento hasta que me haría caer en una depresión muy seria, y es algo que estoy tratando de trabajar y superar.

Y ahora, cuéntame tú ¿Cuáles miedos del pasado o futuro tienes?. Esto es todo por ahora. Muchas gracias por acompañarme en este pequeño rincón de tripode, espero que pases un maravilloso día, ojalá te vuelva a ver pronto... y recuerda, buenas vibras siempre.


This is my entry for the 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 03, created by @cwow2. If you want to participate just enter our Discord server SMILE: And start writing with the tag #bloggingchallenge, I'll leave you the introductory post so you can get to know the community.

Esta es mi entrada para el 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 03, creado por @cwow2. Si quieres participar solo entra a nuestro servidor de Discord SMILE: Y comienza a escribir con la etiqueta #bloggingchallenge, te dejo el post introductorio para que conozcas la comunidad.


Click on the banner to get redirect to the SMILE server.

Click on the banner to get redirect to the community.


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All the illustrations are created by me with Adobe Illustrator.
