Day 16 - Fav activity [ENG-ESP]


Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash


Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day 16

What is my favorite activity?

I have several favourite activities, I love painting, designing, 3D modelling, taking pictures and even singing badly (she laughs). But, at the moment, the one I can do without getting tired is dancing.

A few years ago I enrolled in bachata, merengue and salsa classes (I already knew how to defend myself but taking classes is another level) and since then I haven't stopped dancing (not counting the forties of course). I used to go out every week to dance socials, I spent almost 6 hours dancing, and yes, I got tired physically, but not mentally.

There was a time when I took salsa classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, on Thursdays I went to tango classes, on Saturdays I taught dance classes and on Friday and Saturday nights were for socials (a social is simply the same school but in disco mode, they put coloured lights and free music for us to practice) and after that you went to the discotheques that opened later. And that, and one or other Sunday we would go out for a matinee.

After that, my friends who don't dance started to complain, and other priorities in life began to present themselves to me and I limited myself to 2 days of class and 1 social event per week. So that I wouldn't be disinherited.

And if you, who are reading this, are one of those who say: Oh I don't like dancing, I recommend you give it a chance and get into classes, I'm 99% sure you don't like it because you don't know how to dance, but everyone who has been in your position (and I say it with the voice of a dance instructor) say the same thing, and end up falling in love with dancing. Oh, and that I have two left feet is nonsense, there's nothing that practice and good music can't fix.

And now, tell me about you Do you dance, or are you one of those who say they don't like to dance? This is all for now. Thank you very much for joining me in this little corner of tripode, i hope you have a wonderful day, i hope to see you again soon... and remember, good vibes always.

Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day 16

¿Cuál es mi actividad favorita?

Tengo varias actividades favoritas, Me encanta pintar, diseñar, hacer modelado 3D, tomar fotografías y hasta cantar malo (se ríe). Pero, en estos momentos, la que puedo hacer sin cansarme es el baile.

Hacen unos años me inscribí en clases de bachata, merengue y salsa (ya sabía defenderme pero tomar clases es otro nivel) y desde ese momento no he parado de bailar (sin contar la cuarentena obvio). Solía salir todas las semanas a sociales de baile, me pasaba prácticamente 6 horas casi seguidas bailando, y si, si me cansaba físicamente, pero mentalmente no.

Hubo un tiempo que tomaba clases de salsa lunes y miércoles, los jueves iba a clases de tango, los sábados impartía clases de baile y los viernes y sábados en la noche eran para sociales (un social es simplemente la misma escuela pero en modo discoteca, ponen luces de colores y música libre para que practiquemos) ya después de ahí uno se iba a las discotecas que abrían más tarde. Y eso, que uno que otro domingo se armaba una salida tipo matiné.

Luego de ahí mis amigos que no bailan se comenzaron a quejar, y también se me fueron presentando otras prioridades en la vida y me limité a 2 días de clase y 1 social por semana. Para que no me vayan a desheredar.

Y si tu que estas leyendo, eres de los que dicen: Ay a mi no me gusta el baile, te recomiendo darle una oportunidad y ponerte en clases, estoy 99% segura que no te gusta porque no sabes bailar, pero todos los que han estado en tu posición (y lo digo con voz de instructora de baile) dicen lo mismo, y terminan enamorados del baile. Ah! Y eso de que tengo dos pies izquierdos es una tontería, no hay nada que la práctica y la buena música no puedan arreglar.

Y ahora, cuéntame tú ¿Bailas, o eres de los que dicen que no les gusta bailar?. Esto es todo por ahora. Muchas gracias por acompañarme en este pequeño rincón de tripode, espero que pases un maravilloso día, ojalá te vuelva a ver pronto... y recuerda, buenas vibras siempre.


This is my entry for the 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 04, created by ME. If you want to participate just enter our Discord server SMILE: And start writing with the tag #bloggingchallenge, I'll leave you the introductory post so you can get to know the community.

Esta es mi entrada para el 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 04, creado por MI. Si quieres participar solo entra a nuestro servidor de Discord SMILE: Y comienza a escribir con la etiqueta #bloggingchallenge, te dejo el post introductorio para que conozcas la comunidad.


Click on the banner to get redirect to the SMILE server.

Click on the banner to get redirect to the community.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

And following the initiative of @wesphilbin from #thoughtfuldailypost providing content that tries to be reflective, positive and shares the love of true commitment and healing.

Y siguiendo la iniciativa de @wesphilbin de #thoughtfuldailypost proporcionando contenido que trate de ser reflexivo, positivo y que comparta el amor al compromiso y la curación.


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All the illustrations are created by me with Adobe Illustrator.


oh gawd! ya sabemos que vamos hacer entonces cuando vaya a RD xDDD

yo antes era de las que no le gusta bailar tbh pero luego en una época donde salia seguido a bares/discotecas descubrí que me gusta bailar merengue y que según no soy tan mala xDDD estaría bueno tomar clases algun día :D

Cheeeeers! 🍻


Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii te enseño algunos pasitos aquiii



You spend 6 hours dancing?! That is some exercise! I'm glad you were not disinherited. 😂

I love to dance too but like at church or parties. I don't commit that much time to dancing. I have seen some videos on dance lesson and would love to learn. Maybe one day, hehehe. Nicely done!


Yeah we need to drink a lot of water during the night hahahhahahaha

There´s A LOT of youtube videos thas share some good classes!! You should totally give it a try


Come and be my online dance instructor 😊💃💃🤗. I would definitely love that. Moreover I don't know maybe you are waiting for the second coming of Jesus christ before you make us a dance video. I have been asking you this since the beginning of time. 😒


hahahahahahahahaha HAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAH i need to find a friend to record some videos


Don't worry, I am coming to Dominican Republic soon.
