Day 15 - Awilda of my heart [ENG-ESP]


Photo by Dan Dimmock on Unsplash


Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day 15

If you could give a teacher an award, who would it be and why?

That award, without thinking twice I would give it to my professor Awilda at the university, she gave us a class called "Leadership and Social Action", I must say that she opened my eyes in many things, and although I love my career and I enjoyed most of the subjects, I dare to say that was the best class i have ever taken (and it has nothing to do with design perce, it has to do with all careers).

Why do I think this?

  • Because she is an example to follow in punctuality and organization, all the subjects were well developed, and she gave us different exercises with each one. Each class was a different experience, and it was very easy to understand the terms covered. There were videos, personality tests, group activities, discussions, explanations, walks, meditation, exercises and even modelling.

  • Because she is such a lovely person, she expressed a lot of love and patience in the way she addressed us. And every now and then she let us pass on a few little things.

  • Because with her I learned about emotional intelligence, its importance and many ways to manage emotions. I honestly feel that this subject is one of the secrets of life, when you learn to manage yourself, you can see situations objectively and find a better solution to any problem, and even manipulate the environment to avoid conflicts.

  • Because it taught us ways to help people and ways to heal our own wounds.

The funny thing about this (and why I admire her the most), is that even though many of the students were there to fill credits, make messes sometimes and do unfair things, she always came with a smile and told us that if her teachings could reach just one person in the course, she will be happy to teach them, because *whoever learns learns learns, and if she can help someone with her content, her job is done.

It also happened right in my course, she had her dad die the day before one of the classes, and she still went and gave it... even though she felt very bad, she was very responsible and didn't miss it, and she says that being there in front of us made her very happy, and that it was what she needed at that moment.

If you ever read this Awilda I want to tell you that I admire you the world and that you are the best teacher I know, I learned so much from your class and I would definitely take any other class you teach in the future.

And now, tell me about you Do you have a teacher you would like to give an award to?. That's all for now. Thank you very much for joining me in this little corner of tripode, I hope you have a wonderful day, I hope to see you again soon... and remember, good vibes always..

Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day 15

Si pudiera dar un premio a un profesor, ¿Quién sería y por qué?

Ese premio, sin pensarlo dos veces se lo daría a mi profesora Awilda de la universidad, ella nos dió una clase llamada ¨Liderazgo y Acción social¨, en donde debo decir que me abrió los ojos en muchas cosas, y a pesar de que amo mi carrera y disfruté la mayoría de las materias, me atrevo a decir que esa fue la mejor clase (y ni tiene que ver con diseño perce, tiene que ver con todas las carreras)

¿Por qué pienso esto?

  • Porque ella es ejemplo a seguir en puntualidad y organización, todos los temas estaban bien desarrollados, y nos brindaba ejercicios diferentes con cada uno. Cada clase era una experiencia diferente, y era muy fácil de entender los términos tratados. Habían videos, tests de personalidad, actividades en grupo, debates, explicaciones, paseos, meditación, ejercicios y hasta modelaje.

  • Porque ella es un amor de persona, nos expresaba mucho cariño y paciencia en su forma de dirigirse a nosotros. Y a cada rato nos dejaba pasar algunas cuantas cositas.

  • Porque con ella aprendí sobre la inteligencia emocional, su importancia y muchas formas de manejar las emociones. Sinceramente este tema siento que es uno de los secretos de la vida, cuando aprendes a manejarte, puedes ver objetivamente las situaciones y encontrar una mejor solución a cualquier problema, y hasta manipular el entorno para evitar conflictos.

  • Porque nos enseñó maneras de ayudar a las personas y maneras de sanar nuestras propias heridas.

Lo más curioso de esto (y es por lo que la admiro más), es que a pesar de que muchos de los estudiantes estaban allí para llenar créditos, hacían desorden en ocasiones y cosas injustas, ella siempre llegaba con una sonrisa y nos decía que si sus enseñanzas le podían llegar a una sola persona en el curso, ella va a estar feliz enseñándole, porque aprende el que quiere, y si ella logra ayudar a alguien con su contenido, su trabajo está hecho.

También pasó justo en mi curso, que a ella se le murió el papá un día antes de una de las clases, y de igual forma ella fué y la dió... a pesar de que se sentía muy mal, ella fué muy responsable y no faltó, además de que ella dice que estar allí en frente a nosotros la alegra mucho, y que era lo que necesitaba en ese momento.

Si alguna vez lees esto Awilda quiero decirte que te admiro un mundo y que eres la mejor maestra que conozco, aprendí demasiado de tu clase y sin duda alguna tomaría cualquier otra que impartas en un futuro.

Y ahora, cuéntame tú ¿Tienes algún profesor al que le quieras dar un premio?. Esto es todo por ahora. Muchas gracias por acompañarme en este pequeño rincón de tripode, espero que pases un maravilloso día, ojalá te vuelva a ver pronto... y recuerda, buenas vibras siempre.


This is my entry for the 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 04, created by ME. If you want to participate just enter our Discord server SMILE: And start writing with the tag #bloggingchallenge, I'll leave you the introductory post so you can get to know the community.

Esta es mi entrada para el 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 04, creado por MI. Si quieres participar solo entra a nuestro servidor de Discord SMILE: Y comienza a escribir con la etiqueta #bloggingchallenge, te dejo el post introductorio para que conozcas la comunidad.


Click on the banner to get redirect to the SMILE server.

Click on the banner to get redirect to the community.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

And following the initiative of @wesphilbin from #thoughtfuldailypost providing content that tries to be reflective, positive and shares the love of true commitment and healing.

Y siguiendo la iniciativa de @wesphilbin de #thoughtfuldailypost proporcionando contenido que trate de ser reflexivo, positivo y que comparta el amor al compromiso y la curación.


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All the illustrations are created by me with Adobe Illustrator.


Hi it's important sometimes In life to look forward to others who are ahead of us thanks you learnt how to manage stress from your lecturer, and wherever she is now she's proud she made good impact in someone's life today 🙂
Interesting article you got here thanks for sharing.


Yeah!! I told her everything i wrote in that time! And she was very happy about it! She´s the best!!

Thank you so much for your visit!


Hahah.... My guess is that Awilda is already aware of how proud you and every other person that values her teaching method would be even if she fails to see this.

A lot of people take pride in their job and they do it diligently and I can already see that this teacher of yours happens to be such a person. She did her business with smile on her face and it's now showing off in the life of those that listened to her lectures.

She fully deserves an award so make sure that you will get enough money to buy her a house on the long run.


Yeah!! My friends and i (they where touched too) told her everything i wrote here! She´s the best one ever!! I will always remember her, and i hope i can help her with something in the future! She mark a before and after in my life.


Awwn. I admire the love you have for your teacher. She must have been a very good one. One who listens asides from teaching. She definitely have a great personality from what I have read so far.


yesss she is!!! SHEDABEST hahahahha
