Day 13 - Ideal partner [ENG-ESP]

Photo by Travis Grossen on Unsplash


Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day 13

Describe 3 essential qualities that would have your ¨ideal partner¨

Well, the truth is that, more than saying essential qualities, i have some things that i do not tolerate in a relationship. For personal reasons I know they're going to bring me a lot of problems and i can´t handle them.

Controller: I can't be with a controller or a jealous person. I come from a family where these toxic attitudes are seen too much, and I'm in a level that even when they ask me "What are you doing? I feel strange... but well, since I'm already at that extreme, and I manage myself very freely and with a more independent mentality, I need a person who thinks the same way, because there are enough problems in the world to be fighting because I told a friend he looks good.

Liar: This has to do with the previous one, I understand that when you are with a person, you must trust that person, not control them, nor go around investigating what they do and don't do. An honest relationship is the most important thing. And I also feel that a relationship should have trust at an extreme level, that they don't mind telling each other what they think or want. (Obviously without offending the other). To also have the confidence to speak up when something is bothering them or when there are problems...

From the first moment that we prefer to lie, or stop telling things because the partner might be offended or upset or will fight, I feel that the relationship has big problems.

Stereotypes: I hate stereotypes, I can't be with a person who lives telling me to paint my nails to look prettier, or to put on earrings and a dress because I look like a boy, or that I can't do something because I'm a woman I HATE IT, and I confess that possibly it's a weak point I have. I need to feel free in a relationship, I can't feel like I'm being judged for the slightest thing.

And an extra positive one:

Loving: I'm a love bug and a stickler for detail, so my partner will have to put up with me, because I'm not like that with everyone. So the person must fill me with love and have very pending the important things that happen in my life, with that they buy me yes or yes.

And now, you tell me What qualities should your ¨ideal partner¨ have? This is all for now. Thank you very much for joining me in this little corner of tripode, i hope you have a wonderful day, i hope to see you again soon... and remember, good vibes always.

Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day 13

Describa 3 cualidades esenciales que tendría su ¨pareja ideal¨

Bueno, la verdad es que creo que más que decir cualidades esenciales, son cosas que no tolero en una relación. Que por motivos personales sé que me van a traer muchos problemas y no me va a funcionar.

Controlador: NO puedo estar con una persona controladora o celosa. Vengo de una familia en donde estas actitudes tóxicas se ven demasiado, y ya estoy que hasta cuando me preguntan "¿Qué haces? me siento extraña... pero bueno, como ya estoy a ese extremo, y me manejo muy libremente y con una mentalidad más independiente, necesito una persona que piense igual, porque hay suficientes problemas en el mundo para estar peleando porque le dije que está guapo a un amigo.

Mentiroso: Esta tiene que ver con la anterior, yo entiendo que cuando estas con una persona, debes confiar en esa persona, no controlarla, ni andar investigando que hace y que no. Una relación honesta lo más importante. Y también siento que una relación debe tener confianza a un nivel extremo, que no les pese decirle lo que piensan o quieren. (Obviamente sin ofender al otro). Tener también la confianza de hablar cuando algo molesta o cuando hay problemas...

Desde el primer momento que preferimos mentir, o dejar de contar las cosas porque la pareja se pueda ofender o molestar o le vaya a pelear, siento que la relación tiene problemas.

Estereotipos: Odio los estereotipos, no puedo estar con una persona que me viva diciendo que me pinte las uñas para verme mas bonita, o que me ponga aretes y prendas porque me veo como un chico, o que no puedo hacer algo porque soy mujer LO ODIO, y confieso que posiblemente es un punto débil que tengo. Yo necesito sentirme libre en una relación, no puedo sentirme que me están juzgando por la más mínima cosa.

Y uno extra positivo:

Amoroso: Yo soy una chincha de amorosa y detallista, así que mi pareja va a tener que aguantarme, porque no soy así con todo el mundo. Así que la persona debe llenarme de amor y tener muy pendiente las cosas importantes que pasan en mi vida, con eso me compran si o si.

Y ahora, cuéntame tú ¿Cuáles cualidades debe tener tu ¨pareja ideal¨?. Esto es todo por ahora. Muchas gracias por acompañarme en este pequeño rincón de tripode, espero que pases un maravilloso día, ojalá te vuelva a ver pronto... y recuerda, buenas vibras siempre.


This is my entry for the 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 04, created by ME. If you want to participate just enter our Discord server SMILE: And start writing with the tag #bloggingchallenge, I'll leave you the introductory post so you can get to know the community.

Esta es mi entrada para el 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 04, creado por MI. Si quieres participar solo entra a nuestro servidor de Discord SMILE: Y comienza a escribir con la etiqueta #bloggingchallenge, te dejo el post introductorio para que conozcas la comunidad.


Click on the banner to get redirect to the SMILE server.

Click on the banner to get redirect to the community.


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All the illustrations are created by me with Adobe Illustrator.


esto es mas un rant que otra cosa..... xDDD

me encanta!!


que es un rant? hahahaha


hahahah es cuando te descargas por algo que te molesta, ya sea de manera escrita o hablada, un "manifiesto de la rabia"(? lmaoooo

o algo asi 😝



HAHAHAHAHAH pues si, lo escribí con un poquito de hate.



Hope you find someone to fill those required quality ☺️

Wish you the very best 💖


I hope too!! sometimes I think I'm too demanding, but I'm still young, aren't I? hahahahah


This is beautiful! I like the love bug part 😍. I mean, we all want to be loved and also love in return.

The things you detest in an ideal partner goes for me too, especially the lying part. A partner who lies will definitely do almost every thing wrong. Basically, there will be no faithfulness in that relationship. This I can't stand. 🙂


yeah, i can be really sticky sometimes hahhaahah too much love to give.

#sayNOtoLIES dont really get why people lie... its very simple to say the truth


I'm in the list of those that believe that one lie begets another and experience have teached me that there is no doubt about it. Being in a relationship with a lawyer will show you later more issues in the long run and it will bring distrust which also make the relationship to become shambolic.

There are times in a relationship when people will choose to lie in the name of protecting their partner and they may end up getting applauded for that but I do not fancy it at all.

I always stick with 100% honesty in all situations


Honesty is life.

I give you all the reason, there is nothing better than a healthy relationship without lies. What a pity that there are so many toxic relationships nowadays.


No se que es más difícil, si encontrar a alguien que no sea controlador o alguien que se deje amar sin complicaciones.😅 Espero que consigas a esa pareja ideal si no la tienes aún. ❤️


hahahahahaha EXISTEN YO SE QUE SII. hahahahah solo hay que ser pacientes.


Que romantico este post, hasta me hiciste suspirar.
