BC Part 1 Day 8: Beliefs that other think are crazy [ENG|ESP]

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#BloggingChallenge Part 2 day 8... for this one I'll talk about a talk I had with an aunt last Saturday, she thought I was crazy... I thought she's the one who is crazy...

#BloggingChallenge Parte 2 día 8... para hoy hablaré sobre una charla que tuve con una tía el sábado pasado, ella pensó que yo estaba loca... yo pensé que ella era la loca

Last Saturday I saw some of my aunts and uncles and talked about several things, one of the topics was cooking.

One of my aunts cooks for living, she has catering service and has been doing it for years, ever since I can remember... The thing is that she mentioned that she can't believe how can people prefer to pay someone else to cook even simple things like soup or even a sauce, another aunt told her that it was because the lack of time, but the cooking aunt said that a hot sauce is fast to do, or for a soup all you have to do is let it cook while you can go do other things.

I told her that other persons like me simply don't like to cook and rather pay others to get food all done and ready just to eat, she thought I was crazy for paying for something I could do on my own. I told her that what's crazy is to spend so much time cooking a meal, then cleaning the dishes, just for a meal that takes me minutes to eat, if I wouldn't live alone then I'll probably cook to save money but living on my own I spend more money and time cooking only for me.

El sábado pasado vi a algunos de mis tíos y tías y hablamos de varias cosas, uno de los temas fue cocinar.

Una de mis tías se dedica a cocinar, tiene un servicio de catering y lo ha hecho por años, desde que recuerdo... La cosa es que ella mencionó que no puede creer como hay personas que prefieren pagar a otros para cocinar aunque sean cosas simples como una sopa o una salsa, otra tía le dijo que era por falta de tiempo, pero la tía cocinera dijo que una salsa es rápida de hacer, o para una sopa todo lo que tienes que hacer es dejarla cocinar en lo que haces otras cosas.

Le dije que otras personas como yo simplemente no nos gusta cocinar y preferimos pagar a otros para tener comida lista para comer, ella pensó que estoy loca por pagar por hacer algo que yo podría hacer por mi cuenta. Le dije que lo loco es pasar tanto tiempo cocinando una comida, luego limpiando los trastes solo por una comida que me toma minutos en comer, si no viviera sola probablemente cocinaría para ahorrar dinero pero viviendo por mi cuenta gasto mas dinero y tiempo cocinando solo para mi.


She shouldn't be complaining about the ones of us who pay for cooked food, she lives from us... well not exactly, the catering is more for a big number of persons in one event, she's used to cook huge quantities in big pans...
No debería quejarse de los que pagamos por comida preparada, vive de nosotros... bueno no exactamente, el catering es más para un gran número de personas en un evento, está acostumbrada a cocinar grandes cantidades en enormes cacerolas.


Another thing that most people called me crazy for was that since I was little I always said I wanted to live alone, I've never wanted to get married or have kids, and still there are many persons that say it's crazy not wanting to have a family, raise kids, get married...

When I was a teenager and insisted on my plans as a single grown up, most people told me that I'd change my mind eventually, that one day I would want to become a mom, and well, I'm 36 years old now and I still don't want to have kids, I don't want a husband, I want to keep living on my own and have all the space for me.

People tell me it's crazy not wanting a partner... those persons are the same ones that always complain about their failed marriages, or their abusive boyfriend or girlfriend, if they want to sell me the idea of happiness through living with someone then they need a better strategy to make me wish for it.

Otra cosa por la que muchos me han llamado loca es que desde que era pequeña siempre decía que quería vivir sola, nunca he querido casarme ni tener hijos, aún hay personas que a esta fecha me dicen que es loco no querer una familia, criar niños o casarse...

Cuando era adolescente e insistía en mis planes de ser soltera de grande, muchos me decían que cambiaría de opinión, que un día querría convertirme en madre, y bueno, tengo 36 años y aun no quiero tener hijos, no quiero un esposo, quiero seguir viviendo por mi cuenta y tener todo el espacio para mi.

Las personas me dicen que es loco no querer una pareja... esas personas son las mismas que siempre se quejan de sus matrimonios fracasados, o sus abusivos novios o novias , si quieren venderme la idea de que la felicidad es vivir con alguien necesitan una mejor estrategia para hacerme desearlo.


Until Next time
Banners made by me on Ai.


Lol interesting to read some of your life views, i believe we all have different ways of approaching life situations everyone points of view matter in their own ways.


The differences is what makes everything more interesting
