My Current Life Situation | Day 8 of 30-DAY #BLOGGING CHALLENGE - Part 3 | [ENG/SPAN]

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Your life. When you think about it, how do you feel? What do you see? How do you interpret it? What can you learn from it? That is what I believe the question for Day 8 of the 30-day Blogging Challenge (Part 3) asks:

What is my current life situation?

Image by Pixel2013x from Pixabay

If I had to sum op my current life life situation, it would have to be:

"Released, I've Let Go and Let God."

I say this because in my early adulthood, stress was my middle name. I had a demanding career in the legal field. Taking care of my immediate family was another full-time job. In addition to that, providing care and support to my elderly parents completed my weekly chart of must-dos. Multi-tasking became an art form for me. Mastering and applying this daily was a major part of my developing high blood pressure.

It is widely read that stress can cause numerous illnesses. High blood pressure is among those. It was a hard diagnosis to handle. But I understood it's origins once explained to me.

I had to take off the gloves and allow my hands and mind to breathe unrestricted. I had to release all the stressors in my life. I let them go. I gave them over to a high power who is more able to able issues beyond my control.

Now I practice living a stress-free life. Since my retirement, I've been able to do and accomplish items in my life I had held at bay for over 30 years. I'm able to enjoy myself now and do whatever I desire whenever the urge arises. I use my hands and mind to take care of me. My wants and desires. My hopes and dreams for my future in the senior citizen phrase of my life.

That's my life now. Of course, there's always some hiccups that come long that has to be dealt with. Urgent matters crop up no matter what stage of your life you're in. It's unavoidable.

What is not avoidable is the way you handle them in your current life situation.

With my current life situation being shielded from the outside stressors, the possibilities are endless to what I can accomplish and get my life in order. There are so many unfinished projects that need my attention. I have the peace of mind and the willingness to tackle them at my own pace.

With whatever time I have left in this life.


Tu vida. Cuando piensas en ella, ¿cómo te sientes? ¿Qué ves? ¿Cómo la interpretas? ¿Qué puedes aprender de ella? Eso es lo que creo que plantea la pregunta del Día 8 del Reto Blogger de 30 días (Parte 3):

¿Cuál es mi situación vital actual?

Image by Pixel2013x from Pixabay

Si tuviera que resumir la situación actual de mi vida, tendría que ser:

"Liberado, he dejado ir y he dejado a Dios".

Digo esto porque en mi temprana edad adulta, el estrés era mi segundo nombre. Tenía una carrera exigente en el campo legal. Cuidar de mi familia inmediata era otro trabajo a tiempo completo. Además, cuidar y apoyar a mis padres ancianos completaba mi lista de tareas semanales. La multitarea se convirtió en un arte para mí. Dominar y aplicar esto a diario fue una parte importante de mi desarrollo de la presión arterial alta.

Es sabido que el estrés puede causar numerosas enfermedades. La presión arterial alta es una de ellas. Fue un diagnóstico difícil de manejar. Pero entendí su origen una vez que me lo explicaron.

Tuve que quitarme los guantes y dejar que mis manos y mi mente respiraran sin restricciones. Tuve que liberar todos los factores de estrés de mi vida. Los dejé ir. Se los entregué a un poder superior que es más capaz de resolver los problemas que escapan a mi control.

Ahora practico una vida sin estrés. Desde mi jubilación, he sido capaz de hacer y lograr cosas en mi vida que había mantenido a raya durante más de 30 años. Ahora soy capaz de disfrutar y de hacer lo que me apetece cada vez que me apetece. Utilizo mis manos y mi mente para cuidar de mí. Mis deseos y anhelos. Mis esperanzas y sueños para mi futuro en la frase de la tercera edad de mi vida.

Esa es mi vida ahora. Por supuesto, siempre hay algunos contratiempos que vienen de largo y que hay que solucionar. Los asuntos urgentes surgen independientemente de la etapa de tu vida en la que te encuentres. Es inevitable.

Lo que no es evitable es la forma en que los manejas en tu situación vital actual.

Con mi situación de vida actual protegida de los estresores externos, las posibilidades son infinitas para lo que puedo lograr y poner en orden mi vida. Hay muchos proyectos inacabados que necesitan mi atención. Tengo la tranquilidad y la voluntad de abordarlos a mi propio ritmo.

Con el tiempo que me quede en esta vida.


Thank you for taking the time to read my topic for today. I've set out above what I feel my life situation is. Do you think you life situation compares with what others may feel? How does your life situation compare with mine. If different, then I'd like to hear it in a comment below.

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Follow my 30-Day Blogging Challenge below:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

@traciyork initiative #hiveblopomo (Published Day 8 of my Part 3, 30-Day Blogging Challenge post for my blog today)

@flaxz initiative #iamalivechalleng3 (Published my Day 8 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge [Part 3] post today)


Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.



a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines.
f) Image created in Canva by @justclickindiva utilizing its free images and bckgrnds.

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 55 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
