Word "successfull", who comes to your mind?


Nuestra mayor gloria no esta en fracasar nunca, sino en levantarnos cada vez que caemos

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in getting up every time we fall.


¡Hola, chicos!

Sí, he vuelto y en esta ocasión con la lista 2 del Blogging Challenge, siendo este el día 1.

La palabra "exitoso", ¿quién te viene a la mente? Pues sonará algo egocéntrico, pero a mi misma, sí, a mi. De ves en cuando deberíamos tener la costumbre o buen hábito, de pararnos frente a un espejo y mirar hacia atrás, viendo no solo lo que dejamos, sino aquello que avanzamos, cambiamos y pudimos lograr con el pasar del tiempo.

Pero, ¿Qué es el éxito?... Si buscas en Google o el diccionario, seguramente no hayas una clara respuesta a tú pregunta, ya que por lo general dice: dícese de quien tiene éxito o es exitoso. Y eso no nos dice mucho.

El éxito para mi, es lograr alcanzar aquello que te has propuesto, sin importar las veces que falles al intentar conseguirlo. Es tener lo que anhelas y sentirte completo.

Ahora bien, partiendo de ese punto de vista, ¿porqué pienso en mí misma, como exitosa?, mirándome al espejo pienso que he logrado tener éxito en algo que he soñado y que no todos pueden lograr y su nombre es, mi familia.

Si hay algo que ningún título, dinero o estatus social puede comprar, es eso, la familia y no todos tienen éxito en conseguirla.

Desde muy joven, más que cualquier otra cosa, mi sueño era casarme con un buen hombre y tener 3 hijos, de echo desde adolescente tenía pensado el nombre de mi primera hija jeje.

Hoy en día y luego de 10 años de matrimonio (y los que faltan) puedo decir, lo hemos logrado. Sí, "lo hemos" así en plural, ya que esto es algo que se logra en equipo y aún cuando no todo siempre es color de rosa y desde luego existen las diferencias, seguimos adelante, uno al lado del otro, dando lo mejor por nuestros hijos.

Sabes, si tu sueño era o es ser un atleta, un chef, doctor, empresario, etcétera, sé el mejor y no te rindas hasta lograrlo. Incluso si tu sueño es ser un vago, ponle la mejor de las ganas en serlo y eso te hará exitoso en lo que deseas.

Es tan exitosa la mujer que desea formar una familia y lo logra, como la que desea ser soltera y recorrer el mundo y lo hace. Ya que para tener éxito no necesitamos estándares, ni grandes trofeos, sino sentirnos plenos y orgullosos de lo que somos.


¡Hi, guys!

Yes, I'm back and this time with the list 2 of the Blogging Challenge, being this the 1st day.

The word "successful", who comes to mind? Well, it will sound a little self-centred, but I think of myself, yes, me. From time to time we should have the habit, or good habit, of standing in front of a mirror and looking back, seeing not only what we left behind, but what we advanced, changed and were able to achieve with the passing of time.

But, what is success? If you look up in Google or the dictionary, there is probably no clear answer to your question, as it usually says: it is said of who is successful or is successful. And that doesn't tell us much.

For me, success is achieving what you set out to do, no matter how many times you fail and have to get up. It's having what you want and feeling complete.

Now, from that point of view, why do I think of myself as successful?, looking in the mirror I think that I have succeeded in something that I have dreamed of and that not everyone can achieve and its name is, my family.

If there is one thing that no title, money or social status can buy, it is that, family and not everyone succeeds in getting it.

Since I was very young, more than anything else, my dream was to marry a good man and have 3 children, in fact since I was a teenager I had the name of my first daughter in mind hehe.

Today, after 10 years of marriage (and the remaining years) I can say that we have succeeded. Yes, "we have" in the plural, since this is something that is achieved as a team and even though not everything is always rosy and of course there are differences, we continue to move forward, one beside the other, giving the best for our children.

You know, if your dream was or is to be an athlete, a chef, a doctor, an entrepreneur, etc., be the best and don't give up until you achieve it. Even if your dream is to be a bum, give it your best shot at being one and that will make you successful at what you want.

The woman who wants to start a family and succeeds is just as successful as the woman who wants to be single and travel the world and does so. Because to be successful we don't need standards, or big trophies, but to feel full and proud of who we are.

Simplemente Eli.gif

La portada fue tomada por mi hija Ammy y editada con el programa Collage Maker de Play Store. Los separadores e imágenes del reto son cortesía de @tripode para la comunidad Blogging Challenge.

¿Quieres Saber más sobre la Comunidad Blogging Challenge? Entra aquí.




Wow... I love the way you ended it. Success is not just about trophies but being proud of who you are.

More over many have failed in bringing up a family but you having the family you have always planned of definitely makes you successful.

Wow... Me encanta la forma en que lo terminaste. El éxito no se trata sólo de trofeos, sino de estar orgulloso de quién eres.

Más de muchos han fracasado en criar una familia, pero que tener la familia que siempre has planeado definitivamente te hace exitoso.


Hi Star, thanks for stopping by and if it is, success or when successful is determined by you, not the trophies you may or may not have achieved. There are those who have many medals but live failed and sad lives.


I love that quote, that success is doing what you want to do no matter how many times you have failed and have to get up.
Beautiful definition, I think I am stealing that lol.
I was eagerly reading to know what it is that wanted to succeed in and it turns out to be the best and left me awed.
You are right that nothing can ever be compared to family and I am pleased to hear that you have succeeded in your dreams already and still counting the blessings.
What's your first daughter's name? If you don't mind


Hi, I'm glad you liked it. Beware of stealing the phrase hahaha. My oldest daughter's name is Ammy Elizabeth.


Hahahah. But I love it, can't I at least borrow it? Lol🤭🙄
Wow, beautiful name. My regards to Ammy girl


Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in getting up every time we fall.
Of Confucio

Success is achieving what you set out to do, no matter how many times you fail and have to get up.
Of Simplemente Eli

can't I at least borrow it?

Yes, my friend.
