Authored by @tripode

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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 30/5/2021 are:
Autor: @alejandrojra
ES/EN|BloggingChallenge |Dia 16|BloggingChallenge |Day 16.
Saludos Hivers😋 Bienvenidos a mi blog el día de hoy Seguimos con los 30 días del reto número 01 del BloggingChallenge en la pregunta número 16 que trata sobre: Que te hace feliz.


La felicidad es el trofeo más deseado por todos los seres humanos, cuando queremos algo lo hacemos con el fin de ser felices, esta palabra está involucrada en todo, es por eso que debemos hacer todo lo posible por conseguir la felicidad.

Autor: @deivis75

[ESP-ENG] Día 10: ➢Diez comidas favoritas - Day 10: ➢Ten favorite foods

¡Hola comunidad de Hive!

Me anime a escribir en el Blogging Chanllenge de 30 días escribiendo, hoy quiero contarles un poco acerca de mis Diez comidas favoritas, día 10.

Hello Hive community!

I was encouraged to write in the Blogging Chanllenge of 30 days writing, today I want to tell you a little bit about my Ten favorite foods, day 10.

Autor: @mahfuzur20

Blogging Challenge Part 1 Day 16// what makes you happy

what makes you happy

What makes me happy, this question always be heard inside of my mind then in a hurry I try to think about my own happiness. Absolutely, there are so many things that can make me feel happy such as traveling, shopping, playing with kids, etcetera.

Autor: @taifur21

Blogging Challenge Part 1 Day 12. 3 Healthy Habits.

Hello my people, today I am here with my #Bloggingchallenge part 1 / day 12:today's topic is:"3 Healthy Habits".

I'm not much a person of habits, or so I thought but I realize that I do have habits that help my health, not just physical but also mental.

Autor: @vero.perez27

[ESP-ING] BLOGGING CHALLENGE PARTE 1/DÍA 12: Tres hábitos saludables - Three healthy habits


Hola mis queridos lectores, esto de escribir los #BloggingChallenge me ha tenido muy entretenida. Me ha ayudado a evaluarme y en este día número 12 me hizo pensar en mis hábitos saludables.

Y este post les comentaré tres de ellos.

1- Buena hidratación

El agua y jugos naturales nos limpia y purifica por dentro.

Autor: @cescajove

Blogging Challenge - My Favorite Movie

Hanging out with friends that love having fun, making the most of their life wonderful, that feeling could make you feel awesome, going to watch a movie with my partner seems better, having chips or ice cream and discussing the characters of the movie then predicting what will happen that makes it so lively as we argue about the predictions.

Autor: @suezoe

(ESP/ENG) Blogging Challenge día 25: ¿Cuál es tu espíritu animal? / Blogging Challenge day 25: What is your spirit animal?

¡Hola a todos! Hace un tiempo conocí al que creo, es mi espíritu animal. Acompáñenme y les contaré como pasó.

Hello everybody! Some time ago I met who I believe is my spirit animal. Join me and I'll tell you how it happened.

Autor: @isgledysduarte

[ENG-ESP] Blogging Challenge - PART 1 by @isgledysduarte Si gano la Loteria

Imagen editada en Power Point Fuente Casa, Fuente loteria

Mis amigos del #BloggingChallenge, hoy me toca soñar por un ratico. Soñar que me gané la loteria y con todo lo que puedo hacer con el dinero.

My friends of the #BloggingChallenge, today it's my turn to dream for a while.

Autor: @jerrystitches

How do you manage stress?

How do you manage stress
good morning Lovers ♥️.. firstly what does stress really means,it can be defined as any type of change that causes physical or emotional slow down it can also be defined as a fact o nature in which forces from the inside or outside world affect the individual either emotionally it physically.
Autor: @mrenglish

30 Days Blogging Challenge Part 1 #10: Your Ten Favorite Foods

Header Image: Edited @canva.com

Hi Hiveians. This planet (Hive) seem deserted, where has everyone been? Oh! Party things, I presume. Weddings, housewarming, birthday parties etc. Anyways, it's another explosive episode of the blogging challenge from yours truly. My ten favorite food. Please, before you begin to read or see the food, let me take this space to announce to you that I am a local breed and I have flair for local dishes.

Autor: @sbsuperhit

#Blogging challenge {part 1-day 10} //10 favourite food.

Hello my people, today I am here with my #Bloggingchallenge part 1 / day 10:today's topic is:TEN FAVORITE FOOD.
The truth is if I have several current objectives, and I will tell you that are soon to be fulfilled.
Food... who doesn't like food? if you don't enjoy eating we can't be friends .

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Special thanks to:

  • Our curators: @kat.eli that we gladly call Power Rangers because their duty is to help all citizens of the community to have a better experience and they are doing a great job!
  • Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix, @ritch and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for? Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.


Thanks for the mention. We hope to do what we do.


Gracias saludos son una comunidad maravillosa espero seguir generando contenido para esta comunidad, se les quiere
