Authored by @tripode

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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 28/4/2021 are:
Autor: @pashinni
BC Part 2 Day 23: Describe your perfect day [ENG1ESP]

Hello again! how's your day going? is it perfect yet?

¡Hola de nuevo! ¿Cómo va su día? ¿ya es perfecto?

First of all, if the day is very cold or very hot it's not perfect, perfect would be with some clouds and refreshing breeze.

Autor: @justclickindiva

I'd Gladly Pay Someone To Do This for Me! | Day 7 of 30-DAY #BLOGGING CHALLENGE - Part 3 | [ENG/SPAN]

It's time for me to leave. Final touches applied, I'm ready to walk out the door. It doesn't matter where I'm going. I reach for my keys. That's when it hits me. Anxiety. It always has and always will. Why? because I hate to drive.

Autor: @corporateay

BLOGGINGCHALLENGE PART 1 DAY 5(your proudest moment)

Hello to all participant of the @bloggingchallenge, my name is Olafisoye Ayorinde, also known as @corporateay. This is my fifth post on the @bloggingchallenge community, and the title of this contest is YOUR PROUDEST MOMENT. I surely do have a lot of proud moments, it's hard to pick one out, but I'll say that the moment when i gained an admission into the university, it might sound silly, but it's one happy moment.
Autor: @dwixer

[ENG-ESP]Memlimigaj kredoj|Self-Limiting beliefs

When we were children, our parents warned us against taking certain actions. Their best reason was that they failed while trying and so believed everyone may not succeed because they gave their best effort which was enough to justify their claims.
Autor: @kemmyb

Cultural Stereotype | Cross Community Contest

Image from Pixabay edited with canva

For a very long time since man discovered the differences in our human make up, stereotyping became an issue. Let's understand what the word 'stereotype' means. I'll say @starstrings01 effectively captured the meaning of stereotype in his contest post where he described it thus,

Stereotype to my understanding is when a particular belief is being generalized to a particular category which may not always be true.

Autor: @tibaire


Has it ever happened to you in your workplace that a colleague recommends you to leave the job as you did, because the boss won't notice? It has always seemed to me that this advice is an invitation to mediocrity.

Imagen taken from Pixabay.

Autor: @my-musings

Day 2 ~ Best Investment I've Made

Best Investment I've Made

It’s a small price to pay, but investing a little extra effort into the life you choose will move you from average — where all the competition is — to the top.

~― Richie Norton

Money wise I have not invested anything, just yet, but that doesn't mean I have no investment I am proud of.

Autor: @harumi05

[Eng/Esp] Mi Frase Favorita | My Favorite Phrase | 30 days blogging challenge (Day #3)

foto extraída de mi galería y portada creada en Canva
photo extracted from my gallery and cover created in Canva

Hola comunidad de #Hive, ¿Cómo están? Espero y estén teniendo un grandioso día ✨🌻. Hoy les traigo la continuacion de los "30 days blogging challenge" De esta manera me podrán conocer mejor 😁✌.

Autor: @ismarysanton16

[ESP/ENG] Día/Day #28 Blogging Challenge Parte 5: Eres el jefe ¿Cómo trataras a tus compañeros y subordinados?

Hola Hivers nuevamente me encuentro con ustedes para compartir la quinta parte del blogging Challenge creada por @surrealfia donde durante 30 días compartiré con ustedes mi contenido diario sobre cada pregunta de este reto.

Un jefe es una persona que tiene la autoridad y el poder sobre un grupo de personas para dirigir y supervisar las actividades de trabajo, posee el conocimiento y tiene las herramientas necesarias para poder hacer de manera más eficiente el trabajo

Autor: @mayraro05

[ESP/ENG] BLOGGING CHALLENGE: Día 30 "Your hopes for your blog" || Tus esperanzas para tu blog!

Saludos mi querida Colmena! || Greetings my dear Beehive!

Estoy muy feliz porque con esta publicación he completado el Blogging Challenge en el día 30 compartiendo mis esperanzas para el blog. Me complace haber superado mis expectativas en cada uno de los desafíos, responder cada pregunta ha sido especial.

Autor: @fatimac

[ESP-ENG]- #BloggingChallenge I- DAY 21- Part 1| Placer que me hace sentir culpable - Guilty pleasure


Hola hivers hoy sigo en el #BloggingChallenge es mi dia #21, hoy el tema es el placer que me hace sentir culpable.

Los placeres de la vida para mi en particular son demasiados, son todos aquellos actos o acciones que nos generan gran alegria, emotividad y esa sensación de felicidad que solo cuando estas haciendolo te sientes asi.

Autor: @floreces

Día 1: Explica el nombre de tu blog ♡ Day 1: Explain the name of your blog #Bloggingchallenge

Día 1: Explica el nombre de tu blog ♡ Day 1: Explain the name of your blog #Bloggingchallenge


Hola a todos, hoy decidí unirme al challenge de los 30 días #bloggingchallenge, el cual consiste en ir respondiendo las preguntas del desafío a medida que van pasando los días.

Autor: @andr3apat1no

30 days Blogging Challenge, day 15: We Will you be in 5 years

Hi hivers! How are you? Today we have day 15 of your 30 days #BloggingChallenge and I'm suppose to tell you where will i be in 5 years, I'd say that is most where i will like to be because life is so unpredictable, that one day we are here and the next we won't know, i know i song a bit fatalist, but because of COVID i have lost many loved ones and it

Autor: @popurri

Blogging Challenge Part 4 – La cosa más tonta que has hecho por amor/The dumbest thing you've ever done for love

Saludos apreciados amigos de Hive, comenzando otro reto de la comunidad Blogging Challengue en su parte 4, con la primera pregunta

La cosa mas tonta que has hecho por amor

Cuando leí esta pregunta me vino a la mente un recuerdo de hace muchos años, la primera vez que me enamore y por supuesto que uno hace cosas impulsivamente sin pensar mucho, se deja llevar por los sentimientos.

Autor: @mayorkeys


Our country currently can not always meet our demand of getting a better place to work since population of people are increasing everyday and the rate of people finding job is increasing. So people are engaging themselves in different kind of business since that would fetch them more income than waiting for the government.
Autor: @franconav

[ESP-ENG] #BloggingChallenge Part 1 || Day 5 - Your proudest moment

Seguimos ampliando el #bloggingchallenge en el dia 5 hablaré esta vez sobre mi madre porque ha mi parecer a luchado desde siempre por las cosas que quiere y es un pilar fundamental en mi vida.

We continue to expand the #bloggingchallenge on day 5 I will talk this time about my mother because I think she has always fought for the things she wants and is a fundamental pillar in my life.

Autor: @freidimar18

Blogging challenge: Part 4- Day 18: If you were forced to participate in a Hives Got Talent, what talent would you show? || Día 18: Si te obligan a participar en una Hives Got Talent, ¿Qué talento mostrarías? [ENG-ESP]

Hola a todos los miembros de esta gran comunidad; Blogging Challenge

Hello to all the members of this great community; Blogging Challenge


Already on my eighteenth day of challenge four, this time the question to answer is entitled If you were forced to participate in a Hive`s Got Talent, what talent would you show?

Ya en mi día dieciocho del desafío cuatro, en esta oportunidad la pregunta a contestar se titula

Autor: @saravm82

Blogging Challenge Part 2 | Day 1 — Word "Successful", who comes to your mind?. | Palabra "Exitosa", ¿Quíen te viene a la mente?

Hello! Today we continue part two of the Blogging Challenge and I am very happy to have finished the first part and very excited to start this new adventure of exciting questions.

Today we are going with the first question of the challenge and it is Successful Word, who comes to your mind?.

Autor: @horstman5

#BloggingChallenge Part 1 // Day 27 // A Difficult Time In Your Life

Photo By: Noah Silliman

Today’s post is about a difficult time in my life. I have had a pretty good life so far. There are some definite difficult moments I can think of.

I have talked about in a previous post that my dad was in the Airforce growing up.

Autor: @heskay


Hello hivers it so glad to be here.. hope you all have been having a great time here on hive. I just want to discuss about a crucial topic which says are we obliged to help others.


OBLIGATION is a duty which one owes to do, and which he or she is willing to do perform, but which he is not legally right to fulfill.

Autor: @tommyl33

1st edition - Day 10. Ten favorite foods

For me , the best food that the best in the world is

Cook by mother
Free food is always the best
Good coffee made by my brother

There is no other food in the world can beat those 3 of food in my life.

Autor: @eliguzmane

El mejor consejo ❤️ | 30 Days Blogging Chalenge | Part 2 Day 5

Hola mis amores, nuevamente saludos por acá... Los extrañaba un montón. 😘

La razón de mi desaparición tiene mucho que ver con el tema de hoy por eso me gustaría iniciar por allí.😅

Hace poco decidí buscar nuevamente trabajo y quedé en un bodegón super cool como especialista de marketing digital, la verdad el cargo me encantó y la empresa en general era genial desde los compañeros hasta los jefes, sin embargo, con el pasar de los

Autor: @maryed

BLOGGING CHALLENGE #5 - Día #7: ¿Cómo me calmo cuando me enfado? || Day #7: How do I calm down when I get angry?

El enojo es ese estado emocional provocado, la mayoría de las veces, por algo externo a nosotros que nos disgusta y puede terminar sacándonos por completo de nuestras casillas. Cuando nos sentimos enojados podemos llegar a gritarle a otras personas, golpearlas, podemos romper cosas e incluso, muchas veces, terminamos lastimando emocionalmente a las personas que queremos.

Autor: @suezoe

(ENG- ESP) Blogging Challenge día 15: Película favorita / Blogging Challenge Day 15: Your favorite Movie

¡Hola a todos! Hoy nos pondremos cinéfilos je je como a la mayoría, me encantan las películas, pero como siempre ando ocupada, es poco el tiempo que puedo dedicarle a éste hobbie.

Por lo general me inclino más por el cine independiente, porque es como encontrar tesoros escondidos.

Autor: @jes.seth

3 Hábitos saludables [ESP/ENG]

3 Healthy habits

Comer, dormir, reflexionar XD, sé que suena tonto hablar sobre estos tres hábitos, especialmente porque son cosas que se suelen hacer naturalmente, pero, curiosamente estas tres cosas que suenan tan comunes la gente no las hace de la forma correcta, por eso decidí hablar sobre estos tres hábitos saludables que son “comunes”.

Autor: @irenenavarroart

Sentir con el corazón / Energy Refill Contest # 17 [Esp-Eng]

Saludos, en esta nueva ronda del Energy Refill Contest # 17 de @tripode se nos invita a reflexionar sobre esta frase:

Greetings, in this new round of the Energy Refill Contest # 17 by @tripode we are invited to reflect on this phrase:

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched; they must be felt with the heart"
Helen Keller

Si quieren saber más del concurso, los invito a seguir el enlace

Invito a @chacald.

Autor: @fatimac

[ESP-ENG]- #BloggingChallenge I- DAY 22- Part 1| 3 rasgos de mi personalidad que me enorgullecen - 3 personality traits you' re proud of.

Hola mis amores hoy sigo en el #BloggingChallenge es mi dia #22 el tema que corresponde para el dia de hoy es definir 3 rasgos de mi personalidad que me hagan sentir orgullosa.

Primero que nada la personalidad son todos aquellos patrones y expresiones autónomas y propias de nuestro ser, que nos van a diferenciar del resto de las personas.

Autor: @arthope

[Eng/Esp] ¿Qué pienso de la educación actual? 📕 | What do I think of today's education? 📕 | 30 days blogging challenge (day #14)

Hola hermosa comunidad!! Como se encuentran el día de hoy?, espero que estén de lo mejor, que ya hayan comido y cepillado esos dientes. Hoy ya es el día #14 de "Blogging Challenge". En esta ocasión tocaremos un tema muy delicado y muy criticado actualmente tanto en mi país Venezuela, y mundialmente, pero solo me concentrare sobre el sistema de educación en Venezuela, dando mi punto de vista.

Autor: @mariasalas19

Un momento difícil de tu vida. ○ Blogging challenge: Día 27- Parte 1 ○ || A difficult moment in your life. ○ Blogging challenge: Day 27- Part 1 ○

Hola a toda la comunidad de Hive, me contenta ya estar casi en la meta para finalizar la primera parte del bloggin challenge y comenzar la siguiente, la verdad es que me ha ayudado mucho hacerlos, agradezco la iniciativa de @blogging-team que cada día va creciendo más y más.

Autor: @eleazarvo

30 days #BloggingChallenge - [ENG/ESP] Day 28:Top things on your bucket list - Lo mejor de tu lista de deseos

30 days #BloggingChallenge - [ENG/ESP] Day 28:Top things on your bucket list - Lo mejor de tu lista de deseos

No es la mejor lista pero es la más sincera, algunos planteamientos parecen sueños pero de sueños vivimos todos, otros no tanto, solo deseo que:1.

Autor: @hendersonp

Blogging Challenge [ESP-ENG] - Part 01 - Day. 28 -¿Cuáles son las cosas más importantes en tu lista de deseos ? / - What are the most important things on your bucket list?

Imagen de S. Hermann & F. Richter en Pixabay

Hola amigos espero que estén muy bien huy vengo a participar por primera vez en blogging challenge, hace poco me entere de estos desafíos que nos hacen preguntas interesantes, adicional nos saca del bloqueo que nos puede dar cuando no sabemos sobre qué escribir, ya llevan varios meses con este challenge voy a comenzar con la

Autor: @jay-one

Blogging challenge part 1// day 21*Guilty pleasure"

Hello everyone💞💞,

Today's challenge is for me to write about my guilty pleasure.

My guitly pleasure is film . Specifically action films. I love martial arts action film,war and military action film just anything action film.I just can't control myself around them.

Autor: @xcountytravelers

She Was Small, But Her Spirit of Adventure Was Great!

She was small, but her spirit of adventure was great.

April 21 was a very sad day for us. Our sweet Cordie, our travel companion, and my fellow hammock snuggler had a stroke. We knew this day would come, but it didn't make the decision any less painful to make.

Autor: @floreces

Día 2: 20 cosas sobre mi ♡ Day 2: 20 things about me #Bloggingchallenge

Día 2: 20 cosas sobre mi ♡ Day 2: 20 things about me #Bloggingchallenge

Hola a todos, espero que se encuentren bien. Estaré continuando con el desafío de los 30 días #bloggingchallenge, el cual consiste en ir respondiendo las preguntas a medida que van pasando los días y para el día de hoy, les estaré contando 20 cosas sobre mi

Hello everyone, I hope you are well, today I continue with the 30-day challenge #bloggingchallenge, which consists

Autor: @corporateay

BLOGGINGCHALLENGE PART 1 DAY 6(What you fear the most)

Hello to all participant of the @bloggingchallenge, my name is Olafisoye Ayorinde, also known as @corporateay. This is my sixth post on the @bloggingchallenge community, and the title of this contest is WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF. Everyone has something they gets scared of, this is my own.

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Special thanks to:

  • Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix, and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for? Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.


gracias por la mención!!!!!! :D <3


Hi, thanks again for rating my content. Greetings!

Congrats to all mentioned.<3


Thank you for participating!


To you for the creation of the community, I think I will not get tired of mentioning you :)

Greetings to all the team <3


So many good posts! Thanks for putting this out there. It was nice to have them all in one place. Well, other than in the community.

awkward silence

I'mma go sit down now.
