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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 21/2/2021 are:
Autor: @faith65
Day 6|| Part 1 Of The 30 Days Blogging Challenge - What I Am Afraid Of

People all around the world, regardless of their gender, societal status, or race, have preferences. And as such preferences differ from person to person, so do their fears.

Some fear losing their jobs, breaking up with a spouse, or failing a course in school while others fear being harassed and judged for a singular act.

Autor: @soyalex

(ESP / ENG) Blog's Challenge Part Four - Dia 2, ¿Te identificas con el héroe? ¿O con el villano? ¿Hay villanos o héroes en tu vida? | Day 2, Do you identify with the hero or the villain? Are there villains or heroes in your life?

Hola mis Hiver's, hoy es mi segundo día de la cuarta parte del #BloggingChallente, ha sido un recorrido genial, porque cada día me conozco más, he disfrutado mucho los artículos de otros hiver's, ha sido re mucho interés para mi conocer otras costumbres y otras maneras de pensar, sin dejar a un lado las historias increíbles, yo en lo particular me siento muy feliz, porque yo me reí mucho para realizar el post, pues

Autor: @justclickindiva

Are We Obligated to Help Others? | Day 18 of 30-DAY #BLOGGING CHALLENGE - Part 2 | [ENG/SPAN]

I find today's question a bit complex to answer a mere yes or no. To do so would be overlooking numerous factors woven into the moral fabric of what it means to be a human being.

Autor: @gpwar

Blogging Challenge [ESP-ENG] Part 3 - Día 05 ¿Que lecciones has aprendido a lo largo de tu vida que quieras compartir con nosotros? | What lessons have you learned throughout your life you wanna share with us?

Que tal amigos! Dia 05. Tantas lecciones que me ha dado la vida. En este post resumiré las que pienso son las mas importantes.

Centrate en lo que puedes controlar y acepta lo que no. Muchas veces me dejaba llevar por lo que no estaba bajo mi control.

Autor: @carlaabanto

Bloggingchallenge parte 1 día 3 Mi frase favorita [esp/eng] / bloggingchallenge part 1 day 3 My favorita phrase

Buen dia! . Ahora estamos en el día 3 de este #bloggingchallenge con mi frase favorita .

Todo pasa por una razón, si esa es la frase que me acompaña y me guía .

_No fue fácil aceptarla, pero se convirtió en una guía para mí tranquilidad, he tenido muchas malas experiencias en las que la única pregunta que ronda mi mente es porqué?.

Autor: @argeh

Day 17: My reflection today

Si te miras en el espejo ahora mismo ¿estas impresionado contigo mismo?

Bueno, creo que en esta etapa estoy pasando por la crisis de los 30 antes de haber llegado jajajaja. El no estar produciendo los ingresos necesarios para tener libertad financiera me ha causado gran desánimo, sin embargo me impresiona ver como he sido capaz de suplir mis necesidades básicas a pesar de la situación económica de mi país, me impresiona la forma en como

Autor: @micoltatiana
30 days blogging challenge 💖 day 3// Un post por día x 30 días: día 3 💖
Hello everyone! Today is a new day in this challenge that I decided to do so that you know more about me.

Hola a todos! Hoy es un nuevo día en este challenge que decidí hacer para que conozcan más sobre mí.

Autor: @mccoy02

#bloggingchallenge how I manage stress 2 days 11

Hi there, welcome to my daily #bloggingchallenge, today has been a busy day, though one day at a time each day will do today I will be sharing how I manage stress.

I would say every blessed day is always a busy day for me, I'm always engaged with multiple activities, I'm a student of mechanical engineering in my final year, and also I work in an automobile workshop at the same time find time to

Autor: @yetsimar
Blogging Challenge Day 7: Your 5 favorite song / Tus 5 canciones favoritas [ENG/ESP]
Más que canciones favoritas creo que tendría que escoger a alguno artistas y mis canciones favorita de cada uno. >More than favorite songs I think I should choose one of the artists and my favorite songs from each one.

Bruno Mars creo que es uno de los cantantes que me gusta mucho y que he escuchado desde siempre y que tiene mucha diversidad en sus letras y melodías, mi canción favorita seria “Just the way you are”

Autor: @tsunsica

BLOGGING CHALLENGE PART 2 DAY 04: 3 People / sources you've follow closely [ENG/ESP]

3 Personas / fuentes que has seguido de cerca

I am a person who really has no idea where I read the information that I know, so establishing my sources is somewhat complicated. Making an effort to see who I have followed the longest, I will have to stray far from any academic field, the people I follow would be: Nekojitablog, Superholly and .

Autor: @bea23

[ESP-ENG] #BloggingChallenge Part 1 || Day 1 - Explain your blog’s name || Explica el nombre de tu blog.

Día 1: Explica el nombre de tu blog:

Day 1 - Explain your blog’s name:

Hola amigos de mi corazón hoy estoy super contenta de animarme a participar en la primera parte de los 30 días del #bloggingchallenge de Hive, espero ser constante y lograr terminarlo satisfactoriamente y que sepan un poco mas de mi y de lo que me gusta, así que comencemos.

Autor: @mahnoor1

My current 5 goals ~ Blogging challenge part 1 day seven

One of the best ways to get inspiration and to test the ink of your pen is to be part of #bloggingchallenge. Check this out if you are interested. 👇

Today I am going to attempt my seventh blog using this challenge and it is about 5 current goals

Developing my portfolio
In crypto, I am growing up and learning a lot.

Autor: @dwixer

Day 30: Hope for my blog

If there's one thing I hope for my blog so strongly, it will be to have it pile with articles or writings that will inspire people's lives. As a writer, I haven't particularly chosen a niche, I write on various subjects and engage in contests trying to develop myself into a unique style and subject of writing.
Autor: @dayna199019

#Blogging Challenge Part 01:Día 14- N1º Explica el nombre de tu blog[Esp-Eng] Explain the name of your blog


¡Hola mi linda gente de #Hive! que este día este lleno de bendiciones para que puedan continuar haciendo sus actividades. Paso por aquí para continuar con mi #Bloggingchallenge esta vez será algo corto, porque les hablare sobre el nombre de mi blog.

Autor: @eimy7

Blogging Challenge parte 3 día 10 Mi círculo de confianza.

Desafío del día 10

Si haces una lista de la gente en quien confías, ¿Pondrías tu nombre en esa lista?

Day 10 Challenge

If you made a list of people you trust, would you put your name on that list?

Hola amigos de hive la confianza es un valor de honra, un principio que no puede estar ausente de ninguna persona, Sin embargo confiar plenamente en alguien sin ser traicionado no es sencillo de encontrar, por

Autor: @kemmyb

Newbies Initiative Task 4: MY PASSIONS

Newbies Initiative Task 4: MY PASSIONS

Hello Hivers! The Newbies Initiative is very much ongoing and we are having a fabulous time, LOL! I say so because we have been tutored about how to create and upload a video content on 3speak dApp through @starstrings01's post - ecency.

Autor: @justclickindiva

Beliefs That Limit Your Abilities in Life | Day 19 of 30-DAY #BLOGGING CHALLENGE - Part 2 | [ENG/SPAN]

The topic for Day 19 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge deals with beliefs that limit you in some way. I feel the word limit encompasses anything that holds back, minimizes, or keep in a low position.

Autor: @iyimoga

Day 30: hope for my blog


There is a popular say that goes " when there is life there is hope". But i will say if there is #hive then there is hope for my blog. The biggest hope i have for my blog is to see that some day i am counted as one of the most influential blogger who will write to influence people around and even beyond.

Autor: @hive-world

Blogging Challenge Day #7: Your 5 Best Favourite songs

Hello hivans, happy Sunday to you? Music is more than just entertainment, music is part of my life, you can't separate me and music because we are inseparable. Most times when I hear music, I feel like am in another world.

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Special thanks to:

  • Our curators: @elizabeths14, @jizzyjoe @rafabvr @rollinshive @espandor that we gladly call Power Rangers because their duty is to help all citizens of the community to have a better experience and they are doing a great job!
  • Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix, @ritch and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for? Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.


Muchas gracias por el apoyo de siempre, hacen un gran trabajo. Bendiciones.
