Authored by @tripode

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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 3/5/2021 are:
Autor: @horstman5
#BloggingChallenge Part 1 // Day 30 // Your Hopes For Your Blog.

It’s the final day of the first part of the Blogging Challenge. Day 30. For this one, I’ll be writing about my hopes for my blog.

I have had a pretty good start to blogging, so far, if I don’t say so myself.

Autor: @eliguzmane

¿Qué pasará en 5 años? 🔮 | 30 Days Blogging Challenge | Part 2 Day 10

¡Hola mis amores de Hive! Espero que tengas un feliz inicio de semana el día de hoy. 😍

Hoy inicie mi primera clase de artes oscuras y necesito practicar con la bola de cristal ¿me acompañas a ver el futuro? 🤔🔮

A ver.

Autor: @jay-one

My Favourite Movie

Good morning everyone,

We all have our favorite movie,so today I will be talking about mine.My favourite movie is *The rescue "(a Chinese movie)

The rescue main actors were Eddie peng as (Gao Xian),and Xin Zhilei as(Fang yuling).

Autor: @yole

Blogging Challenge Part 4 - Día 10 ¿Qué canciones relaciono con cada momento? / Day 10 What songs do I relate to each moment?

Saludos, este es mi décimo día del Blogging Challenge Parte 4 y les comparto la música que relaciono con cada momento.

Greetings, this is my tenth day of the Blogging Challenge Part 4 and I share with you the music that I relate to each moment.

Autor: @irenenavarroart

Día 7 Algo que odio y que pagaría a otro para que haga por mí / Day 7 Something I hate and would pay someone else to do for me - Blogging Challenge Part 3

Saludos, es este séptimo día del Blogging Challenge Parte 3 les comparto lo que odio y pagaría a otro para que lo hiciera por mí.

Greetings, it is this seventh day of the Blogging Challenge Part 3 I share what I hate and I would pay someone else to do it for me.

Autor: @corporateay

BLOGGINGCHALLENGE PART 1 DAY 8(Your 5 current goals)

Hello to all participant of the @bloggingchallenge, my name is Olafisoye Ayorinde, also known as @corporateay. This is my eight post on the @bloggingchallenge community, and the title of this contest is YOUR 5 CURRENT GOALS. Goals are meant to direct one's life, a life without a goal is a life without a destination.
Autor: @luisa71092

(ESP / ENG) BloggingChallenge ¿Cual es tu motivación para trabajar, excepto el dinero? //What is your motivation for working, except money?

(ESP / ENG) BloggingChallenge ¿Cual es tu motivación para trabajar, excepto el dinero? // What is your motivation for working, except money? ?

Hola hola mi comunidad de hive, bendecido inicio de semana para todos, continuo con la ronda de preguntas de nuestra comunidad @BloggingChallenge, esta pregunta me llama mucho la atención y me llena de tantos recuerdos, para los que no han leído mi presentación , les comento

Autor: @harumi05

[Eng/Esp] Mis 5 Objetivos Actuales | My 5 Current Objectives | 30 days blogging challenge (day #8)

Hola comunidad de #Hive, ¿Cómo están? Espero y estén teniendo un grandioso día ✨🌻. Hoy les traigo la continuación de los "30 days blogging challenge" De esta manera me podrán conocer mejor 😁✌.

Autor: @arthope

[Eng/Esp] Cosas que me hacen sentir triste | Things that make me feel sad | 30 days blogging challenge (day #17)

Hola hermosa comunidad!! Como se encuentran el día de hoy?, espero que estén de lo mejor, que ya hayan comido y cepillado esos dientes. Hoy ya es el día #17 de "Blogging Challenge". Y hoy toca después del descanso que me tomé, la contraparte del día #16, esta vez hablando sobre "Las cosas que me hacen sentir triste", como todos tenemos momentos super lindos, y divertidos, también tendremos días tristes, o oscuros.

Autor: @jay-one

A confession

Hello everyone,

Today's blog post is about my confession.

First of all,what is confession? Confession to my understanding is the acknowledgement of one's sins or wrongs.

My confession is that I have once tried to kill my mum mistakenly.

I became obsessed with my phone,which made me stop sleeping well at night,then there was a night ,I didn't sleep all because I was pressing my phone,My came to my room and she grabbed the phone from me.

Autor: @gabrielazamora10

[ESP/ENG] Ultimo sueño || Blogging Challenge

Este texto esta disponible en dos idiomas para mayor compresión lectora

Día: 21 Ultimo sueño

Siempre he creído que los sueños nos traen mensajes ocultos que debemos descifrar, a lo largo de mi vida he tenido sueños que me han dejado un poco petrificada jajaja, otros que me llenan de alegría y otros con personas que ya no se encuentran en este plano terrenal.

Autor: @shakil002

Blogging challange community :day 2 .Part 1-20 fact about me..date 03-05-2021

My all blogging challange community member how are all..i hope all you are very well..i am also well too.so lets share my 20 fact..thanks all.

Introduce myself.
I am MD Shakil Ahmed. I am from Bangladesh.i am 18 years old .i am a student in agricultural department.

Autor: @keritroberts

[ESP | ENG] ¿La mejor cita romántica en la que has estado? | Best romantic date you've ever been on? 💕

¡Hola Hivers! Feliz inicio de semana. Que las buenas vibras los acompañen esta semana. Mi post hoy se pone un poco romanticón porque escribiré sobre la pregunta #25 del #BloggingChallenge, referida a: ¿La mejor cita romántica en la que has estado?, pondré a prueba a mi memoria, para recordar esto jaj, siento que entreno a mi cerebro cada vez que trato de recordar sucesos importantes.

Autor: @tsunsica

Not the hero, neither the villain, more like the hero's friend. Part 4 day 2

Ni héroe ni villana, más como amiga del héroe

Hello bees, how are you? I'm thinking about this, the hero or the villain. Some times the line is blurry, but I'm not even in the blurry side, I always identify as the side character who never dies but didn't do anything neither.

Autor: @my-musings

Day 6 ~ 3 items To A Desert Island

HIVERS, hello! 👋

Being stuck on an Island despite being a course of anxiety to many, to me would be the best opportunity to really get in touch with myself. Without the everyday interactions with anyone, it would mean I would have to actually have time to make peace with being myself, time to stare at my darkest side, time to be in touch with my most repressed and undesirable thoughts.

Autor: @jinafoucault15

BLOGGING CHALLENGE Dia: 5 / Your Proudest moment (ENG/ESP

¡Saludos Comunidad HIVE!

Greetings HIVE Community!

Hoy es un día lleno de muchas bendiciones y es un grato placer en volver a compartir con todos, el reto del Blogging Challenge en esta ocasión me corresponde hablar de “Mi momento de mayor orgullo”.

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Special thanks to:

  • Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for? Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.


Como siempre gracias por la mención, los adoro 😘
