Authored by @tripode

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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 1/6/2021 are:
Autor: @manuelramos
DESAFÍO DE BLOGGING II | N ° 3: Worst advice you heard? [ENG | ESP]


Tema 3:Theme 3:

El peor consejo que has oído?

Worst advice you heard?

Saludos queridos amigos de la comunidad de Blogging Challenge, me complace compartir con ustedes mis vivencias, anécdotas y curiosidades por medio del reto el cual lleva como nombre: #BLOGGINGCHALLENGE.

Autor: @kathe1898

Blogging challenge: Parte 1- Día 3: Frase favorita // Day 3: Favorite phrase [ESP-ENG]

¡Hola amigos de Hive! En esta oportunidad no hablaré sobre mis gustos, preferencias o habilidades, sino que daré inicio al challenge posteado por @bloggingchallenge Para comenzar, tomo la pregunta numero 3 de la parte 1, la cual, hace alusión a mi frase favorita.

Autor: @jynura

Blogging Challenge Parte 1 -Día 12- 3 Hábitos saludables | 3 Healthy habits

Hola querida comunidad, es un placer compartir con ustedes mi décimo segundo día de Bloggin Challeng, donde comentare mis tres hábitos saludables, no sin antes hablar un poco de este tema.

Hello dear community, it is a pleasure to share with you my twelfth day of Bloggin Challengeng, where I will comment my three healthy habits, not without first talking a little about this topic

Los hábitos saludables, son todas esas conductas o patrones que seguimos

Autor: @crisbel20

Blogging Challenge Part V Day 23 : 3 favorite comedy movies // 3 peliculas de comedia favoritas

Un saludo nuevamente a esta fabulosa comunidad, les comento que he estado un poco ausente por motivos personales, además tuve un gran problema, el lugar donde me encontraba tenía diversos inconvenientes, entre ellos la electricidad, la cual todos los días existían cortes eléctricos y esto causaba una inestabilidad en la señal en mi teléfono, causando que fuese imposible comunicarme o poder ingresar a internet.

Autor: @lauramica

Blogging Challenge Part #4 - Day 20: The ideal famous neighbor. / Día 20: El vecino famoso ideal. ❤️

Hello Hive friends! Welcome to my blog ❤️. Happy Saturday to all. Hope you had a great day. We have reached the last leg of our blogging challenge, I am happy about that. On this day # 20 we have to talk about how famous we would like to have as a neighbor 😃.

Autor: @bettyleo

Blogging challenge No. 5. Tú peor cita romántica hasta ahora. -- Blogging challenge No. 5. Your worst romantic date yet.


Hola a todos, espero que se encuentren bien en esta ocasión desarrollaré la pregunta # 4 de este interesante y divertido blogging challenge que se refiere.


Hello everyone, I hope you are well this time I will develop the question # 4 of this interesting and fun blogging challenge that refers.

Autor: @cescajove

Blogging Challenge - My Thought 💭💭

It's another phrase from the 30-day blogging challenge and today's topic is “My Thoughts On Education”.
Education is a continuous process that we encounter every day of our life for the purpose of increasing our knowledge and sense of reasoning to able us differentiate or scale right and wrong.

Autor: @edpalma12

[ESP / ENG] Blogging Challenge Part 1 - Dia 5- Momento de mayor orgullo🤔🤩 // Day 5-Your Proudest moment🤔🤩

Hola a toda la comunidad de HIVE // Hello to the entire HIVE community 👋

**Hoy es mi día 5 en el #BloggigChallenge y les hablare sobre mi "momento de mayor orgullo"🤩

Today is my 5th day in the #BloggigChallenge and I will tell you about my "proudest moment" 🤩

Este tema del día 5 me pone a pensar, considero que he logrado muchas cosas en mi vida a nivel personal, emocional, educativo y elegir un

archivo bc09.png

Special thanks to:

  • Our curators: @kat.eli that we gladly call Power Rangers because their duty is to help all citizens of the community to have a better experience and they are doing a great job!
  • Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix, @ritch and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for? Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.


It's all good, read most of the articles and they seem nice, you do a great task when you mention lot's of great writers.
Thanks for mentioning me too, it's all over but it's a starting point for me to continue my writing.
