What are the stocks to buy if Trump wins and what are the stocks to buy if Biden wins?


Trump and Biden support different things and their policies are fundamentally different. Considering the incoming electrions and the predicted winners, a questions comes to mind...

What are the stocks to buy if Trump wins and what are the stocks to buy if Biden wins?

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My guess that if Biden wins one should invest in alternative energy (solar, wind, etc),Chinese companies, and any large media and entertainment companies. Likewise, dump anything old energy (coal, oil, etc), old manufacturing, companies not dependent on alt energy and foreign connections.

If it’s Trump - buy anything that will
benefit from a thriving economy (just about everything). I wouldn’t dump right away, but watch companies with foreign connections, dependent on govt contracts, and large media/entertainment companies.

Of course, everything depends on current announced policies, etc. everything could change and there is always a chance the markets will react overall with a downward turn. And crypto may be a haven in an unsure world.
