There will always be ties that bind us together / Personal reflection




Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, as human beings of this planet we will always be related in some way or another to each other, and this in any area of our lives, but the most important thing is to be able to value these bonds of affection because in this way we can value each other in a reciprocal way.

It is no secret that one of the most complex characteristics for all of us is the coexistence, both with us as human beings, as with any living species in this world, but nevertheless, over the years we learn to tolerate our attitudes and we are relating in the best way and to have a better quality of life in terms of support among the people around us.

All of us develop our existence next to a large number of people who are constantly linked to our thoughts and way of being, and little by little we are intertwined with them, this makes us very sensitive to the things that happen to these people and vice versa, and when we feel these feelings is because there are already ties that bind us and that each time are and will be stronger and this will depend on ourselves.

A clear example is found in our family environment, since anything that happens to a loved one hurts us and we feel the need to help them, however, sometimes we do not observe this aspect, and this should be a cause for concern, since when a group of individuals are united by a family bond, there should be no doubt to go out to support any loved one and help them to get back on their feet.

It may not always be spontaneous, but the most important thing is that we can respond to that natural feeling of family love that unites us, therefore, if at any time we feel that we are distancing ourselves from our loved ones, we must quickly address this situation as this should be a great cause for concern because as people we are losing our natural aspect of sensitivity to our fellow either family or any person in our environment.

Therefore, my dear readers, as human beings we will always have ties that bind us to each other and if we value these ties, this will undoubtedly allow us to be better people every day, both with ourselves and with the rest of the people who in one way or another live with us.



Until another opportunity my dear readers, we must keep in mind that we are not alone in any space-time where we develop our existence, and this will allow us to have a link with these people who are at our side, these links are bonds of union that will be very positive if we so wish and in this way we can live as quietly as possible and be very happy.


Yeah! It's good to live peacefully with people. Nice post !PIZZA
