Desfase - Offset (Cuentochip)




En ese largometraje que disfrutaba cómodamente estirado en la butaca de la sala de cine, gracias a la afluencia de poca gente, todo parecía ocurrir en cámara rápida, porque las acciones eran continuas y los personajes vivían con afán y trajín cada instante y lo mas extraño era que las acciones aunque ocurrían en la época medieval tenían locaciones no acordes con la fecha y algunos actores que conformaban los habitantes de algún pueblo por donde el protagonista pasaba, vestían trajes modernos.

Un desfase que tal vez pocos noten pero que a él como guionista dramático le parece imperdonable.

English version


In that feature film that I enjoyed comfortably stretched out in the theater, thanks to the affluence of few people, everything seemed to happen in fast motion, because the actions were continuous and the characters lived with eagerness and hustle and bustle every moment and the strangest thing was that the actions although they occurred in medieval times had locations not in accordance with the date and some actors who were the inhabitants of a town where the protagonist passed, wore modern costumes.

A gap that perhaps few will notice but that to him as a dramatic screenwriter seems unforgivable.
