I Need Something... And It's Creepy



He felt stuck and needed help. Not help with grammar or with a trivial issue that can happen to anyone, no. Help with his life?

He turns to his community (or communities) trying to find someone he'd feel comfortable enough to ask them for such a favor and... that's when it hits him!

He doesn't have friends that close!

He'd rather keep his walls high and play the cool guy, in charge of his own life. The game probably everyone is playing. The first to take off the mask loses.

Like sunflowers at night, desperately seeking sunlight, never bothering to look around for other kinds of light, the people around him never consider being the light. Therefore, he never dares to shine for them.

Since when has it been this way?

The only time he remembers feeling differently, being able to rely on someone, was when he had those childhood friends. Those used to care. They probably still do, somewhere beneath their own walls and masks. Maybe they, too, need something but are embarrassed to admit it.

Is this part of growing up?

Does maturity have to come in this grim pack that includes talking less, communicating even less, and only express himself in writing, pretending it's pieces of fiction he comes up with for the sake of a freewrite?

Photo credit: Splash


This is indeed a lot of people's experience ... but sunflowers have to keep growing up and reaching for dawn, and sometimes, it's a long, hard search and journey.

And sometimes, you have to be the light in the darkness when no one else will ... the light will attract other light and also, those meant to see it. Everyone is waiting in the dark for someone else to start, while the moon and the stars and cloudy times roll by ... but you don't need to wait on anyone else to shine. You may need to find a place and time that is safe for you, but there's a big world out here. Shine, and find your fellow lights.


I love your perspective
What would the world be like if everyone does just that...


It would be a different world than what we have now, and better ... but sometimes we can't wait on the world.


This post has received a 100.00% upvote from @fambalam! Join thealliance community to get whitelisted for delegation to this community service.


This is a sad reality for many today, and to find that Light in the dark is getting harder.
So much negativity around us and many have given up.
But instead of searching for the Light in others or outside, we need to find that light in ourselves first.
And belive me it's there... YOU have a Light in you that shines through more than you know.
It doesn't have to be with a smile and happy face like many says.
It can be just open yourself up to someone, letting them in and get to see the whole YOU ❤️
Its ok to tell People how you really feel... That Will ease the burden on you, and there are People Who knows your heart and wants to be a shoulder when you need it.
Like you are to them.
Your writing is pure and inspiering, by telling your story you incurage others to dare doing the same.
Give hope... You not alone ❤️

You are more than you know, and there are People Who see you.
I am one ❤️

You are the Light you can't see if you don’t look inside.
I been there myself and it was a Long lesson to learn 😁


Just letting you know
I saw this his, and it left me speechless at the time
but know I appreciate your friendship (and twinship hehe, if that's even a work) more than you can remember ;)


Wow hombre, que profundo y tan real.

Vivir en dentro de las sombras, es tan común y normal, que pudieran existir leyes que lo avalen.

Pese a todo, siempre se puede salir adelante y reflejar luz a nuestro alrededor.

¿Cómo hacerlo?
¿Cuando hacerlo?

Será esa la decisión mas importante que tomaremos y marcara el rumbo de nuestra vida.
