The poison! / ¡El veneno! (eng/esp) A 5 minute freewrite


The poison

In that forest where Charles and Ann enjoyed their days away from the vicissitudes and dangers of the city, there were hidden surprises for them, the wild nature was teeming with life, birds, small mammals, insects and an unpleasant ordinary guest like ants, that they were always on the lookout to form columns to go after the sweet food waste that sometimes remained in the kitchen.

Those in charge of leasing them the cabin, had already warned them of these problems, they unaware of the seriousness of the warning made, happily took his recommendations.

Ann when got up one morning gave a cry when she saw the amount of ants that were eating a piece of cake that was forgotten.

Charles, even though it was too late to prevent the attack, remembered that the ant poison was stored in the cupboard, so he sprayed them with it, they immediately left the cabin terrified, some of them were left dying immediately.

Ann surprised by the moment, exclaimed:

"I had no idea that ants became as weak as we are"

Charles laughing said:

"Ann, honey they also have a life that is similar to that of us in the city, only we die from the poison of the pollution emitted by the cars"

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Image from


Veneno de hormigas
En ese bosque donde Charles y Ann disfrutaban sus días alejados de las vicisitudes y peligros de la ciudad, había sorpresas ocultas para ellos, la naturaleza salvaje estaba repleta de vida, aves, pequeños mamíferos, insectos y un huésped ordinario desagradable como las hormigas, que siempre estaban al acecho para formar columnas para ir tras el desperdicio de alimentos dulces que a veces quedaba en la cocina.
Los encargados de arrendarles la cabaña, ya les habían advertido de estos problemas, ellos, inconscientes de la gravedad de la advertencia realizada, tomaron felizmente sus recomendaciones.
Ann al levantarse una mañana dio un grito al ver la cantidad de hormigas que comían un trozo de tarta que estaba olvidado.
Charles, aunque era demasiado tarde para evitar el ataque, recordó que el veneno de las hormigas estaba guardado en el armario, por lo que las roció con él, de inmediato abandonaron la cabaña aterrorizadas, algunas de ellas se quedaron muriendo de inmediato.
Ann sorprendida por el momento, exclamó:
"No tenía idea de que las hormigas se volvían tan débiles como nosotros"
Charles, riendo, dijo:
"Ann, cariño ellas también tienen una vida que es similar a la de nosotros en la ciudad, solo que nosotros morimos por el veneno de la contaminación que emiten los autos"

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Thursday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


You can also visit the weekend´history: The campfire.

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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]

