Insane hat! A 5 minute freewrite


Dear friends

insane hat

As every morning Peter dressed and put on the insane hat that he had inherited from his father, when walking down the main street of the town all those who saw him were smiling, they always waited for him to pass to comment on the way he dressed .

It is the case that Peter in that insane hat kept the secret recipe for the elixir of youth, given at the time by his father. Since so much time had passed since his father died, the memory of him had disappeared and now he was left as custodian of the family secret. When he grew old he would pass the secret to his eldest son who from that moment on would wear the same hat that he now wore on his head daily.

© 2021, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Image from


Sombrero loco
Como todas las mañanas Peter se vestía y se ponía el loco sombrero que había heredado de su padre, al caminar por la calle principal del pueblo todos los que lo veían sonreían, siempre esperaban a que pasara para comentar cómo vestía. .
Se da el caso de que Peter con ese loco sombrero guardaba la receta secreta del elixir de la juventud, dada en ese momento por su padre. Como había pasado tanto tiempo desde la muerte de su padre, el recuerdo de él había desaparecido y ahora quedaba como custodio del secreto familiar. Cuando envejeciera le pasaría el secreto a su hijo mayor, quien a partir de ese momento usaría el mismo sombrero que ahora usaba en la cabeza a diario.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Friday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]



I like the passing down of the father's hat and it's secrets
