Cave paitings ! A 5 minute freewrite


Thomas was a very curious and imaginative man. Being a regular reader of ancient stories, one of these caught his attention as it told the way of life of the ancient inhabitants of the earth.

After reading this story, he set out to explore the many caves near his residence. Prepared with everything necessary and accompanied by an assistant, he set out to make his dream come true.

After exploring several caves and stumbling over strangely shaped stones, something told him that his search for him was going to pay off.

Near sunset after clearing the undergrowth of his last objective, before his eyes appeared a cave painting with wild animals and thin men with cat heads, barely distinguishable on the wall. He took photos to show later to the media. His purpose from then on was to keep the secret of the site of his discovery and return to the city.

© 2021, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved



Pinturas rupestres
Thomas era un hombre muy curioso e imaginativo. Siendo un asiduo lector de historias antiguas, una de estas le llamó la atención ya que narraba la forma de vida de los antiguos habitantes de la tierra.
Después de leer esta historia, se dispuso a explorar las muchas cuevas cercanas a su residencia. Preparado con todo lo necesario y acompañado de un asistente, se propuso hacer realidad su sueño.
Después de explorar varias cuevas y tropezar con piedras de formas extrañas, algo le dijo que su búsqueda iba a dar buenos resultados.
Ya cerca de la puesta del sol después de despejar la maleza de su ultimo objetivo, ante sus ojos apareció una pintura rupestre con animales salvajes y hombres delgados con cabezas de gato, apenas se distinguian en la pared. Tomó fotos para mostrárselas luego a los medios. Su propósito a partir de ese momento fue guardar el secreto del sitio de su descubrimiento y regreso a la ciudad.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Wednesday's freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]

