Into the darkness- fiction- prompt "insane hat, squeaky" - Day 8/31


I kept running through the blackness, it felt as though......



Hello hivers!
I hope you're having a blast! . Sadly , I missed day 7 (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ but here's my write up for day 8. Prompts are in bold italics
Enjoy :)


I kept running through the blackness, it felt as though I were blind for a while. My eyes were wide, at least I didn't feel my eyelids touching. Yet, I couldn't see a thing. I stopped, what was I running from? It dawned on me I didn't know why, or how I got here. I stopped for a second, then felt around. It appears I was in some kind of cave, but even caves have openings. How did I get in?. I looked up ahead and could only see blackness. I had a small cut on my forehead and it hurt badly. I sat down on what appeared to be a rock or probably a sculpture. I couldn't quite make it out, it was coffin black. I held my hands out right beneath my eyes and stared hard at them.

I looked back and saw a tiny dot, it was a relief, I was not blind after all. But I was somewhat worried, it happened to be towards the direction I was running from. I pondered over what to do. I didn't remember why I was running and worse still, I didn't even know what I was doing out here in the first place. The thought of the injury struck me. Perhaps I hit my head and had a mild concussion. It made much sense, considering how hard it was to see out here. Finally, I conceded to my curiosity and decided to head outback. I kept walking, carefully, and little by little the dot got bigger and brighter. Why! I cried out, it's probably the way out. I began to pick up the pace as I ran.

I got to the source of the light and was in shock. Jack-o'-lanterns!!. I took a look at the cave and I understood why I was running. It all seemed awkward, there was a strong rancid odor oozing out from an earthen pot.

A cauldron bubbled slowly in the corner, leaving off the most infernal vapors. Bits of frogs’ legs, bat wings and eyes of newt were scattered around the floor of the cave. I stared in utter dismay at the sight and to my greatest surprised she walked in, or it walked in. I couldn't tell. It didn't seem human. It stood at least six feet tall and that was probably because it was crooked and bent. I hid behind a rock concealed by the blackness outside. I was sure I was well out of sight but I began to fear my heavy breathing might give me away.

It took two strides and was all the way across the room. Its features were more visible now. It seemed feminine. She looked grotesque as she had saurian eyes. The side of her face happened to be covered in what seemed like scales. She had a hawkish look and her hair was oleaginous and for the first time, I heard her voice. In a rather loud and squeaky tone, I heard the words "arkh arkh leot fago". At least that's what it sounded like and with that she walked over to the open fire and sprinkled something into the cauldron.

A bright light shone and the contents began to bubble. I stared in utter dismay, black magic! I thought aloud. I let my curiosity get the better of me as I kept staring, confident I was well out of her sight.
suddenly...poof! another figure appeared. She was shorter than the other and even crooked. She wore an insane hat. she looked a bit funny. However, I had seen enough, I was about to tiptoe my way out when the newcomer roared. You let it go!!. I was perplexed, I thought aloud, could she possibly be referring to me. The taller of them finally spoke words I could comprehend. Don't worry, she replied. They always come back, don't they? She replied, as she met my gaze.

Thanks for reading through my blog :)



