"Bifurcated Nonsense" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Part One: A comic with secret, hidden non-meaning!

[Digital drawing made with phone and fingers. 2020.]

Part Two: A word flow orgy faux-poetry swap jamboree?

Limited hick-up
tucked and rolled, the sermon
meandered through midnight springs
and haunted coffee stands

The two young lovers
or three
court documents are unclear

The two young lovers
or three
embraced in the sweaty humid orchid
stained phone booth grasping at straws
and freedom
and playing the banjo from afar
that no one could hear
here or there

"We're in love love love!" the banjo and the phone booth sang
and they wept and asked for more

The night
wet with tears and slobber
crumpled to the ground
just before dawn
a dagger in its eye
and a smile in its heart

And the two young lovers
or three
escaped prosecution
but drowned in a hotel swimming pool
minutes before

mere minutes before.....

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to tip the wait-staff, and may the Cosmic Serpent point his Mighty Winged Circle directly at you...specifically!

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