"A Drawing..." by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

[Various pens on a big ol' sheet of Strathmore drawing paper with digital embellishments and a little bit of color.]

Today came and went, and I did some stuff. I posted a new NFT or two in the last 24 hours (a couple to NFT Showroom and two to Rarible late last night... I go for the late-night tokenizing on ETH platforms to try to save a few ducats on the gas fees.) I also worked on recording a new pirate radio show today, but I didn't finish it in time to get it uploaded today... Hopefully, I'll finish it for tomorrow!

But I'm happy with that drawing up at the top! I'll probably get around to tokenizing that image, some day...

Just for what-have-you's, here's a Low-ku...

Fiddly dee doo
I'll steal all of your free time
And leave you empty!

That's.... Hmmmm... That's not good! I should erase it and start over, but I WON'T! Sometimes, we can learn as much from our missteps as from our successes. NOW GO TO BED!!!! I've gotta get up early....


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Posted using Dapplr


You're obviously a very talented artist, love it. Thanks for the support on NFT Showroom by the way. !BEER
