"Anomalous Transportation Concern" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

[Ink on notebook page with digital embellishments and color. 2020.]

Today was a shopping day for my wife and younger daughter. I created a CD for the drive full of fun tunes (The Cure, SWMRS, Concrete Blonde, Bowie, Ok Go, Billy Bragg, Midnight Oil, Green Day... That kinda stuff...), and I chauffeured.

While they went in to various stores (always masked, of course), I stayed in the car and worked on writing and art. Here's what I came up with...

[Sharpie on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color. 2020.]

Good fun. After I finished my freewrite, I moved on to arts and crafts, first creating the image at the top of this post (from the doodle on the top of page three), then I moved on to an animated gif... However!!! I'm not sure if I feel like sharing (or perhaps tokenizing) the results or not.

I can show you a few of the "slides," though, I guess, as long as you promise not to tell anyone about them. (We'll just keep these between you and me!)

That's about all I've got for tonight. Time for some Buffy, then bed. (Driving leaves me tired...)

Later, skaters...

Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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