Manga Review: Chainsaw Man 90 "Super Power"


Another week in which we have a crazy chapter of Chainsaw Man, this week's chapter stars a peculiar color page, in which we can only see Makima, an image very similar to the one that starred Aki, some chapters before his death. Could this be the omen that Makima's death is approaching? I hope so, but more important than that is that the most beloved character in this manga is back and I'm sure you know what that character is.

Without further ado, the chapter review:

Chainsaw Man 90 "Super Power", begins by showing us the best character in this series: Power, however, is in a rather strange place, it is very dark and there are very strange things that look like intestines under it. She is sleeping, but Pochita appears and tells her to wake up and save Denji.

Power recognizes Pochita, however she tells him that she cannot help him because she is dead, but Pochita answers that there is still a way to bring her back to life, because when Denji took Power's blood some time ago, that portion of blood still remains in Denji's body and is the "Power" that is currently in front of him (in front of Pochita). This makes sense since Power is a "Blood Devil", so part of the essence of Power is inside Denji because he in the past consumed his partner's blood. This is a good excuse to bring her back. Pochita explains to him that weak demons that eat stronger demons become equally strong, so Pochita tells her to eat it so she can reincarnate again. Pochita asks her if she is willing to save Denji, Power very energetically, as this character has always been, she answers that of course, since Denji is her partner.

After this, we return to the "real world" in which Makima is walking with his army to the Chainsaw Man/Denji, however, from the mouth of the protagonist begins to emerge much blood from which also comes Power in a new totally powerful form and immediately begins to attack Makima, creating knives, razors and any other type of cutting weapons that impact on various parts of the body of Makima. Makima begins to counterattack and summons a sword, however, Power again attacks Makima throwing even more knives and swords at her, before a Power totally exalted by her new powers.

But Makima, logically is not defeated yet and recovers again, to later invoke another demon, this demon is "Zombie", which together with him, several controlled humans appear and attack Power, immobilizing it for a few moments. This moment is taken advantage of by Makima, who again using the skill with which in past chapters killed Power, again attacks her by cutting off one of her arms completely.

While Power is on the ground after Makima's attack, she asks Power "Why is she alive? however Power does not answer her even though it is clear that she is still afraid of Makima. Makima with a very imposing look intimidates Power to answer her, however, she does not and takes the Chainsaw Man/Denji and sets out to run away. But, again Power is attacked by Makima from behind, preventing her from escaping.

Again Makima turns to Power and tells him to give her Denji and that if he does, he will not kill her and will have her as his pet again. After a cross of looks between Power and Makima, in which you can see the poor Power very scared, in a very funny plot twist, Power tells her that he is going to give her Denji. Before a look of disappointment from Pochita, Power "betrays" them.

With this funny and comical twist the chapter ends, chapter which brings back Power, a character loved by all, who came back being more powerful, but betraying everyone. However, I believe that she will not really betray them, I hope this is just a trick to make Makima trust her, even though with this manga, you never really know what might happen. By the way, thanks to @ahmadmanga who advised me on how to improve the posts, so I have changed a little the format of the posts, in the now only put the images and panels most important of the chapters, and compile them in gifs, I think it looks much better, although I am not an expert in create gifs.

All the images in the manga were taken from here
