🐱 Cats Playing 💙🐱


Hey there!
Back in 2017-2018 when I was living in Barranquilla, I was taking care of these two beautiful kittens, I say taking care because I was looking for a home for them, as I know I would leave Barranquilla eventually and couldn't bring them with me.


The orange one which I named Garfield, I found him laying on a sidewalk all tiny and frail 🥺 right after returning from my Bday reunion at some friend's place not too far from mine, we could say I took him in as my Bday present hehe, I cleaned him and gave him some wet food easy to digest for the little fella, he probably wasn't older than a months by then and soon some days after he was starting to look quite handsome 💙.

Then some months later the other one showed up on my door, I guess it was because I left Garfield's food on a plate there all day...and since both got along so well I let the other one stay, hehe I named the other one Silvester, although it was a girl hehe.

So there I had 2 tiny kittens living with me and I was making plans to move to Medellin soon, so had to look for a home for them fast but wasn't that easy...by then I was letting them play outside in the terrace and the front garden of the House, of which I was renting just a piece on the second floor, they always returned back because they knew I always had food for them but one day they just never came back...not sure what happened to them 😢, it probably wasn't a good idea to let roam on the garden, but I couldn't leave them closed inside my tiny place all day long... well that happened like 6 or 8 weeks before I moved to Medellin... I hope it was someone who took them to give them a better care.

That was the story behind this digital painting, it's how I imagine both kitten would look now all grown up playing with each other.

Technical Info:
Digital Art
Created using Photoshop CC 2015
Original resolution is 2100x2100px 300dpi

Creation Process GIF

Final Art

Click to see in full size

Creative Commons
- @melooo182


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👋 Hi @melooo182, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

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I always found ways (ie bent and broke rules x_x) when it came to moving and my cats XD

They were such cute little kittens, if you hadn't put collars on them I bet someone in the area did exactly what you did and coaxed them with plates of food and they're chilling with someone who is taking great care of them :)

Nice pic to go with the photo for memories :D
