Pintura digital - Dedicando mi alma en Pokemon / Digital Paint - Dedicating my soul for Pokemon.


Hello jóvenes artistas, me presento con una pintura personal con cual más trabajo me tomo hacer, tengo una gran afinidad y amor por pokemon desde sus inicios, junto a una fuerte pasión por las artes y trabajos visuales... no podría dedicar menos con estos dos temas unidos.

Este fue un trabajo que me tomo toda una semana en hacer... y no estoy bromeando cuando digo que mi alma esta en ello. Ahora aprovechare en dejarles un post para distraerlos mientras poseo sus casas a través de ella.

Hello young artists, I present myself with one of the paintings with most work i had to put into, I have as well a big love for Pokemon since its beginnings, and a strong passion for the arts and visual works... I could not expect to dedicate less with these two themes together.

This was a job that took me a whole week to do... and I'm not kidding when I say that my soul is in it. Now I will take this opportunity to leave a post to distract you while I posses your homes through it.


Este personaje se llama Elaine, la protagonista femenino de Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee (un remake muy curioso de la primera generación). Aunque el videojuego en si tiene sus altibajos, se gano mucho interés el ser capaces de ver los pokemons salvajes rondar por ahí en lugar de que salgan por azar en la hierba alta... eso y que por fin ya podías causar terror siendo un niño montado en sima de tu dragón de fuego charizard.

This character is called Elaine, the female protagonist of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee (a very curious first generation remake). Although the game itself has its ups and downs, it was very interesting to be able to see the wild pokemons wandering around instead of just randomly appearing in the tall grass... that and you could finally cause some terror by being a child riding on the back of your charismatic fire dragon.




Comencé con un sketch, probando alguna nueva forma de presentar esta etapa de mis pinturas. Mi idea para este comienzo era poder compartir un "work in progress" en mis otras redes... igual descarte la idea al final. Con el fondo no estaba muy segura de lo que quería lograr: lancé ideas al azar a ver si algo me llegaba a convencer... tal vez mostrar otros pokemons alrededor... o algo característico de la franquicia.

I started with a sketch, trying out some new way of presenting this stage of my paintings. My idea for this beginning was to be able to share a "work in progress" in my other networks... but I discarded the idea at the end. With the background I wasn't sure what I wanted to achieve: I threw ideas at random to see if something would convince me... maybe show other pokemons around... or something characteristic of the franchise.

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Lo importante de estas primeras etapa es evitar el uso del zoom, la idea es buscar acertar en las proporciones y paletas de colores, y eso solo se puede si mantenemos una vista genérica de la pintura :3. Algo que he dicho y diré mientras que mi alma continúe con vida.

The important thing of these first stages is to avoid the use of zoom, the idea is to try to get the proportions and color palettes right, and that can only be done if we keep a generic view of the painting :3. Something I have said and will say as long as my soul is in it.

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Hay otro truco que tomo en cuenta durante las sombras, y es en imaginar a estos como figuras básicas, y dependiendo de que lago cada parte observe le llevo a alguna tonalidad en especifico. La común para las sombras cuya cara mire hacia arriba o los lados es agregarle tonos azulados, grisáceos o el común del ambiente en cuestión: En este caso el verde y/o azul verdoso (aunque traducido a la piel es gris).

There is another trick that I take into account during the shadows, and that is to imagine them as basic figures, and depending on which part it observe, I take them to a specific colors. The common one for the shadows whose face looks up or sides is adding blue, gray or the common one of the environment in question: In this case the green and/or blue-green (although translated to the skin it would be gray).

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El Eevee fue un reto... por más que pintara y le hiciera cambios no le podía quitar ese rostro y proporciones tenebrosas que tenía desde que hice el sketch... upps. Necesite la ayuda del la vieja confiable "liquify" de photoshop, lo bueno es que al final funcionó :'D.

The Eevee was a challenge... as much as I painted and made changes, I couldn't get rid of that face and scary proportions I had since I did the sketch... upps. I needed the help of the old reliable "liquify" from photoshop, the good thing is that in the end it worked :'D.


La piel fue el que mayor reto significo, quienes hayan tenido experiencia pintándolo sabrán que es una de las áreas que más variedad y juego en los tonos tiene... un buen reto para los artistas interesados. Aun sigo practicando en mi técnica y espero poder pintarlo con mayor rapidez y sin tantas confusiones de por medio... Como agregado, me hubiera gustado dar una explicación mas completa del proceso... pero hay momentos que ni soy capaz de recapitular con todo lo que me trajo lograr este trabajo.

The skin was the most challenging, those who have had experience painting it will know that it's one of the areas that has more variety in the tones ... a good challenge for interested artists. I'm still practicing my technique and I hope to be able to paint it more quickly and without so much confusion in between... In addition, I would have liked to give a more complete explanation of the process... but there are moments that I am not even able to recapitulate with all that this work has brought me.

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Aun siendo uno de los más difíciles este estilo artístico es de mis grandes favoritos, aun me cuesta llegar a este nivel en la piel, pero seguiré trabajándolo para dominarlo.

Even being one of the most difficult, this artistic style is one of my great favorites, I still find it difficult to reach this level in the skin, but I will continue working to master it.

Herramientas / Tools:

  • Paint Tool Sai
  • Photoshop
  • 13 x 18 cm / 300 ppi



También estamos compartiendo un Grupo de Artistas para todas las plataformas. / We are sharing as well an Art Group for all platforms.


Si les gusta mis trabajos, su apoyo significaría mucho / If you like my work, your support would mean a lot.

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Esta impresionante, que gran trabajo.
Ganaste un nuevo seguidor jejeje, espero ver mas de tu trabajo.


Muchas gracias :'D
me alegra mucho y son estas cosas las que motivan a uno :'3
graxie <3


What a wonderful artwork, @edanya. Excellent job on this one. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks a lot to you :3
I'm glad you like it n.n, it gives me motivation to keep drawing


😍Hermosooo!! es un trabajo impecable @edanya. Se detalla todas la dedicación que le has puesto. Gracias por compartir.


Muchas gracias :'D
En realidad la pintura me dejo hasta un poco traumada x'd. El resultado fue bueno pero senti algunos dias muy largos n.n'


Me encantaaa!


Muchas gracias :D
btw, disculpa la tardanza en responder n.n'


Realmente te quedó genial! Yo le tenía muchas ganas a la remake de Pokémon yellow pero me decepcionó que simplificaran la mecánica de atrapar los pokemones. Ya no me veo jugando a los nuevos con 800+ bichos así que lo único que queda es volver cada tanto a las primeras versiones jajaja.


Lol, en realidad de mi parte aprovecho en jugar la version de verde hoja en el telefono cada cierto tiempo
lo de simpleficar la mecanica para atrapar pokemons lo entiendo, tambien lo senti un poco cortante ya que estaba acostumbrada en etrenarlos de una manera mas amena... y no solo que aparecieran en pantalla en batallas cada plazo largo.

Si tengo entendido lo hicieron mas que todo para atraer a los jugadores que se habian encariñado por la saga debido al pokemon Go, pero wueno uwu


Soy un amante de Pokémon en todas sus versiones, y esta pieza realmente es preciosa, el simple boceto ya es espectacular, pero el trabajo de coloreado y sombras, es invaluable; Eso sin hablar del espectáculo que hiciste con Eevee y la forma de darle textura.

Una duda, ¿Usas alguna tableta, o haces los trazos a mouse?


Dear @jossduarte

I've noticed one of your comments related to recent post by Mr jaguar.force and I decided to write my own few words to you. Mostly, because it does remind me of a man hunt.

I'm afraid that those who support Jaguar are very wrong and they have made strong judgements based on one simple accusations by author of this post. Reality is that jaguar has been lately targetting number of Venezuelans lately and juanmolina is his latest victim.

I know Juan and he is very well respected person within our PH community (check out our website: He has been very helpful and supportive towards many users here. And I got to know him and his wonderful family.

Juan is a man, who lost several kg of his bodymass during crisis in Venezuela. And yet he does his best to support family, often ensuring that his wife and daughter have something to eat. That is this person reality.

I got to know him as a very kind and supportive person. And I strongly believe, that trying to publically shame and blame him by jaguar should not be acceptable.

Wouldn't you agree, that profiting (rewards) from this post is even worse? Mr Jaguar not only is attacking another vulnerable person, have been threatening our community on discord and now he is profiting by humiliating someone who he targetted.

It's sad to see so many awful comments, which are clearly based on cruel goal of discrediting someone who simply ended up on Mr Jaguar "radar". This is not the way to treat people.

Yours, Piotr


Hello @crypto.piotr I don't understand your answer in this post, I think to include that comment in a post of another user that has nothing to do with the content, is not correct, you could do it in my posts.

But while we're at it, maybe it was a translation problem, but I don't have any problem with Juan or the Girl, my complaint was directly to Jaguar, I have no interest in defending Juan, I am bothered by the ways used by Jaguar to accuse.


I think to include that comment in a post of another user that has nothing to do with the content, is not correct, you could do it in my posts.

You're right @jossduarte

Sorry about it.


Hola, disculpa la tardanza en responder 😅
y muchas gracias me alegra que haya logrado la calidad que buscaba en el trabajo final☺️

para responder, uso una tableta grafica. La Wacom intuos de la pequeña :)


Hermoso trabajo es increíble ame el efecto de el pelo.


Muchas gracias ☺️
Me tomo su tiempo, pero me alegra que valiera la pena.


I was seriously contemplating getting Pokemon Let's Go (Eevee version of course because it's my favourite though was very tempted by the Pikachu version) but like the Final Fantasies I decided it would be much safer if I continued avoiding it XD Love the cute fluffy eevee :D


Thanks :3
and i guess you decided not to buy it because you could lose all your day and soul paying it xd
at least for me i tent to avoid some games because of it xd


Yes I don't have too much time these days so I only play Minecraft now. If I play Pokemon or Final Fantasy that's me gone forever XD
