Iam alive challenge:


I usually say I might have a talent or I'm lacking a talent, because everyday, I must tell you, I thank whatever is up there or out there that Iam alive and that I get to do what I'm doing, and I think that sends off a lot of good vibrations in different directions.
When i arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
When I know who truly iam,there is an abiding alive sense of peace.
I could call it joy because that's what joy is, vibrantly alive peace. It is the joy of knowing myself as the very life essence before life takes on form. That is the joy of Being of being who iam truly .So I thank God that I’m here alive today to witness so many things around me it’s not by power nor by might.-
