Is there a real difference between camera or cell phone photos?


Guess what, all these images were taken with the cell phone.

Today I woke up as always, I looked out through the window again (it's already a habit every time I go out to take pictures) due to the constant rain, I didn't want to go out and the rain surprised me with all the equipment mounted and without any protection, anyway, a small breeze was falling very lightly, almost nothing, so I got ready to go out on a new adventure.

I arrived at the park where I always go, and the first thing I noticed was a very loud noise, they were mowing the grass and under a structure they were setting up tables and chairs, probably for some political event, I didn't take much attention because my mentality was to record a video about the use of the cell phone to take pictures in RAW mode.

But due to the excess of noise the birds, turtles, otters, lizards, in fact, everything that lives in the park was hidden, and I was also planning to take a picture for the next photofeed contest, so I stayed dreaming of taking the picture and took all the equipment just for a walk.

Completely disillusioned with the result of today, I didn't feel like taking pictures, especially since I wasn't even going to be able to record the video I had in mind because of the noise, even so, I managed to take a couple of shots that I just edited and I want to present to you.





I know that the pictures could have been a little sharper, or with a different story, but basically they are helping me to continue exploring the capabilities of my cell phone, the Redmi Note 7, and I think it does a good job despite just being a smartphone and not a professional camera. Or what do you think?

Thanks to @robinsonlgil for this amazing Gif

Thanks for watching my post, see you in the next one.

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Se ven bastante bien. Hay mucha nitidez en los detalles y da un buen bokeh. En la foto de las flores amarillas se aprecia con claridad el contraste de colores. Con estas pruebas demuestras que se pueden obtener muy buenos resultados con ese Xiaomi. El cell tiene a su favor dos grandes ventajas, el precio y la versatilidad para poderlo usar en casi cualquier situación. Buen trabajo. Abrazos.


Muchas gracias, y sí es cierto lo de la versatilidad, el precio reducido comparándolo con una cámara es un punto fuerte, y la portabilidad es el otro como mencionas, la mayoría de las personas se intimidan al ver la cámara réflex, pero al ver el celular piensan que te estás tomando una selfie y actúan normal, por lo menos en mi caso que me gusta más la fotografía de calle


En definitiva si vale la pena, y si tienes chance de poder trabajar con archivos RAW más todavía.
