Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday || A fun experience of meeting acquaintances, in the midst of a sudden turn


Hello Hiver friends, I hope all of you are well. I am also fine..I am MD. Kawsar Hasan from Bangladesh.This is my entry post on this #SublimeSunday community..

Over the last few days, there has been a lot of rain in our country, Bangladesh. Due to the low pressure in the Bay of Bengal, this rainfall. Some parts of some roads have been submerged due to heavy rains. Due to which I was under house arrest. But the weather from morning to today is very nice. Sunrise is seen in the eastern sky in the morning. At the same time, in one corner of the mind, some joy has emerged.

So I called a colleague who is my nephew, to go out. He also agreed. So the two of us went out for a walk on the back road of our village.



The picture of the sky is very captivating. See what looks beautiful in the picture. There is still rainy season's water in the field. Although it is not a rainy season period in our country now. But the rainy season's water has not yet left the field. Today's sky is look like a wonderful. These scenes fascinate me a lot. However, I talk to my colleague about various issues for a long time. And once I decided, after the next two villages, to meet at a market with a few more colleagues.



Anyway, we kept walking, talking about different things. After a while we noticed that the road was being repaired. Although the road was paved. But some parts of the road were damaged. That's why now the road pitch has been removed and new bricks have been laid. Probably, after a while, the road will be re-cast.

You can see in the picture what the condition of the road is. Walking along this road is very difficult. Because there is no sidewalk on the side of the road. So we had to walk hard on this road for about 20 minutes.

Then on the way we met the son of the chairman of the union council. After exchanging pleasantries with him, we discussed various issues. For example, drugs and gambling. Because some young people in our village are addicted to gambling and drugs. So he asked, is gambling in our village now? And whether anyone is taking drugs now?
Then after a short talk with him we left for our main purpose.

It is evening when we reach our destination. Then I go to the mosque for prayers and after the prayers, I meet many people I know. Which is very nice. Eliminates fatigue throughout the day.

After going there a few take us to a restaurant and what do we eat? He asks. Then we take boiled peas and took tea. When I went to pay the bill after the meal, they did not allow us to pay the bill.
I am very happy to meet some colleagues there, because I have met them after a long time. Because of the coronavirus epidemic, my workplace has been closed since last March. That is why they are not seen much.

Then we talked with them for a long time about various tasks in our workplace, after a while we said goodbye to them and left for home.Anyway, the day was very nice to me. One of the reasons was heavy rain for the last few days. Due to heavy rain, I could not get out of the house for three days. Which is why I was feeling absolutely annoyed from sitting at home. So I feel very good to be able to turn around today.

Much Love And Best Wishes To All


I am Md. Kawsar Hasan. Since I was born in Bangladesh, I feel most comfortable to introduce myself as a Bangladeshi. I am engaged in teaching profession. I really enjoy the teaching profession. When I can teach my students something new, I have a different feeling. I also like to do something new every day, I like to mingle with new people and learn new things. Just try small to learn. Love to travel. A lot can be learned from nature through travel. Love to learn and write. I try to respect the elders and love the younger ones. I think, respecting someone, my self-esteem does not decrease but increases.
