Sonrisas del alma |Smiles of the soul


Hoy estoy Feliz! Este fin de semana pude reencontrarme con unas amigas, siempre es lindo ver amigas, a ellas tenía rato que no las veía

I'm happy today! This weekend I was able to meet some friends again, it is always nice to see friends, I had not seen them for a while

Ambas trabajan y tienen sus ocupaciones al igual que yo. Pero esta vez nos propusimos y logramos vernos

They both work and have their occupations just like me. But this time we set out and we managed to see each other

Compartimos un rato bastante agradable, y ame estas fotos porque siento que sonreímos con el alma

We shared a quite pleasant time, and I love these photos because I feel that we smile with our soul


Y por supuesto que mi sophi andaba conmigo, la agarre de buenas con unas galletas que le gustaron bastante

And of course my sophi was with me, I grabbed her good with some cookies that she liked a lot

Es bueno salir a distraerse y conversar un poco de todo lo que sucede en nuestras vidas, reirnos y volver a reirnos

It is good to go out and be distracted and talk a little about everything that happens in our lives, laugh and laugh again



Nos vemos en un próximo post

See you in a next post

