Holidays ending, back to work.



After a continuous period of 8 months of work, how cool is that? I'm of those fortunate that have a job, a really bad payed one but hey, it's a job, one that's not what I would have dreamt at all though.

One month ago when you read the newspapers you could see articles like this : "Post holidays depression", "Back to work, new oportunities", "How to overcome postvacation stress" and so on but in my native language, spanish.

I always took those articles appart because I'm not in the mainstream league where people are scanning the mass media for great solutions to their normal issues. Coming back to work after holidays is a big deal for many, not for me. I'm rather used to work, I've done it my whole life, it's a normal "state" whether in holidays or not. What is an issue for me is not being on vacation time anymore lol.

What have I've done during this gap? More or less what I was doing before but had more time to spend reading posts and playing Splinterlands. I travelled to my preferred place at the north of my area called Hervás (more info here: My ex-wife lives there and this time she needed help moving stuff to her new house. Afterwards we have to travel to Salamanca at the north of Hervás (more info here: where my stepdaughter lives as she started her psychology grade there. More stuff to move.


Did I tell you before that I hate moving stuff to a new house? That's it. It drives me rather nervious and makes me feel very uncomfortable all the time. The whole place is a mess and you have to fight between the boxes and items to slowly fit them in place.

...but I was not talking about moving to a new house but about the things I made during my holidays time. I could sum it up: I just didn't stop working...

Now I have to go back to work, next Tuesday I'll be back. I won't be free to use my time (the most precious jewell) but others will tell me what to do instead. That's not something I like but I'm used to it. Will I get depressed?, don't think so, I have no choice but gaining my daily salary so it's stupid in my opinion to be worried about it. No salary no money to pay to live.

I will soon get used again to the routine and my only thoughts will be those related to my next "gap" in the comming Christmas time, hopefully and meanwhile time will go on inevitably, we will be getting older every day and all that past time will never come back.

I often wonder: did I use my time properly?, I mean, was it worthly spent?, was I happy?. Nevermind, I will throw away those questions and step ahead.

Could it be without music? nooo 😁

Love n’hugs to all ❤️

All the pictures are mine, no human nor animal suffered mistreatment during this post creation...
