In the Search of a Lost Civilization #6. The Timing of the Great Catastrophe

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If there was a lost civilization in our past, when did it vanish? The attempt to answer this question may be approached looking into mythology and geology. As I said in a previous post major disciples hardly communicate with each other, but here we will attempt to make a connection.

Many human civilizations of the world have in their mythology a great flood which occurred in their distant past. Examples of this event are the story of Noah's Ark and the destruction of Atlantis. In both myths, a great civilization was destroyed in a cataclysm which involved water. Interestingly, Plato dates the event at 9000 years before the time of the dialogue between the Egyptian priests and Solon, this is 11600 BP.

The field of geology has described a period of warming of the planet which started about 22000 BP and lasted until about 10000 BP. During this warming period there were periods of faster warming and led to meltwater pulses, which were short periods of time when ocean levels rose very fast. One of these periods is called meltwater pulse 1b. It occurred between 11600 BP and 11200 BP. As you can see the correlation of dates is very close.

A destruction of the magnitude described in mythology would have left little material proof. However, the memory of such an even may persist in the same mythology. Geology can provide the link.


Atlantis Concentric Circles Image © 2018-2021 marcusantoniu26. All rights reserved.

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If there was a lost civilization in our past, when did it vanish?

I can't tell when they vanished but with the story in the scripture of Noah Ark, and the Atlantis which I kept watching the cartoon over and over again, I must say the stories are true

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There are many more stories than those 2. There has to be some truth about them.
