Today, no brain - Hoy, no he tenido cerebro


Today has been a very strange day for me. My brain has not been able to concentrate. I don't know if it was because of the bad weather outside compared to the previous days. The temperature hasn't gone above 13 degrees (it's 11 degrees right now) and it hasn't stopped raining all day. Going outside to clear is unthinkable.

I have already forgotten how many times I have sat in front of the computer monitor and opened in a browser tab the POB interface to write something. And I've ended up closing it every time without even being able to type a word.

And it wasn't for lack of inspiration!

Nothing could be further from the truth. Thanks to the contest I am doing I have spent a lot of time reading posts in the "New" section and I always find some with interesting topics that awaken my desire to debate. Today for example I found two that I think are worth writing about. One is about the form of governance in the POB community and what direction it may take in the future. "My Opinion on Governance" by @clicmaster touches on a topic of interest to us all.

And the second one is "Stop looking at the wallet!" by @clixmoney where he gives his point of view on the action of looking at other users' wallets for x reasons. This is a topic that involves human behavior as such, psychologically and sociologically speaking, as well as its relation to game theory, competition and many more. I find it super interesting. I left my comment but I'm sure I'll write something later on the subject.

But not today!

I also came across a journalistic note called "Divided We Stand: Why We Must Resist Political 'Unity'" that aroused my curiosity. This note coupled with the first post I mentioned above go hand in hand. The topic in the note, to sum it up, was about the concept of freedom. It talked about what "free people" should be like, compared self-government to freedom, and said that concentration of power in a small set of hands is tyranny.

Free people should obey the law, of course, but they do so only because they have consented to the law. And before consent comes debate: Free people air differing opinions that reflect their differing backgrounds and experiences, rather than bowing to those who claim they know what’s best. Free and open debate — and the diversity of viewpoint such debate implies — is therefore essential to lawmaking in a democratic republic.

This excerpt from the note reminded me a lot of the POB community, of what we do here, all those discussions about important issues for the community that are held almost daily. Also at one point they talk about how important it was, so that tyranny would not arrive, the use of communities. They use the phrase "community of communities" and that reminded me a lot of HIVE and its communities and how having communities has helped to test different forms of "governance" without the pressure of doing this directly on the HIVE blockchain as such (through a Hard/SoftFork where most of the witnesses must agree).

Every HIVE community is, in a way, a social, governance and economic experiment as well(online)!

Have you seen how interesting? As I said before, it was not for lack of topic that I was not able to write. Rather, it has been because I have not been able to organize my ideas in relation to a single topic. But I guess it's because of the weather that it's like this and also because I'm alone here in Germany right now.

On a lonely gray, cold and rainy day, my "mental zapping" is extreme to unsuspected limits!

------ En español -----

Hoy ha sido un día muy raro para mi. Mi cerebro hoy no se ha podido concentrar. No se si habrá sido por el clima tan malo que hay afuera en comparación con los días anteriores. Hoy la temperatura no ha subido de los 13 grados (ahora mismo hay 11 grados) y no ha parado de llover durante todo el día. Salir a despejar es impensable.

Ya he olvidado cuantas veces me he sentado frente al monitor de la computadora y abierto en una pestaña del navegador la interface de POB para escribir algo. Y he terminado todas las veces cerrándola sin tan siquiera poder escribir una palabra.

Y no ha sido por falta de inspiración!

Nada más lejos de la realidad. Gracias al concurso que estoy haciendo me he pasado bastante tiempo leyendo posts en la sección de "Nuevo"y siempre encuentro algunos con temas interesantes que despiertan mis ganas de debatir. Hoy por ejemplo he encontrado dos que creo que valen la pena como tema para escribir. Uno es sobre la forma de gobernación en la comunidad de POB y que rumbo puede tomar en el futuro. "My Opinion on Governance" de @clicmaster toca un tema que nos interesa a todos.

Y el segundo es "Stop looking at the wallet!" de @clixmoney donde él da su punto de vista sobre la acción de mirar la billetera de otros usuarios por x motivos. Este es un tema que envuelve el comportamiento humano como tal, psicológicamente y sociológicamente hablando, así como su relación con la teoría del juego, la competencia y muchos más. A mi me parece super interesante. Yo dejé mi comentario pero estoy seguro que escribiré algo más adelante sobre el tema.

Pero no hoy!

También me encontré una nota periodística llamada "Divided We Stand: Why We Must Resist Political 'Unity'" que despertó mi curiosidad. Esta nota unida al primer post que mencioné anteriormente van de la mano. El tema en esa nota, para resumirla, era sobre el concepto de libertad. Se hablaba sobre como debería ser la "gente libre", se comparaba el autogobierno con libertad y se decía que la concentración de poder en un pequeño conjunto de manos es tiranía.

Free people should obey the law, of course, but they do so only because they have consented to the law. And before consent comes debate: Free people air differing opinions that reflect their differing backgrounds and experiences, rather than bowing to those who claim they know what’s best. Free and open debate — and the diversity of viewpoint such debate implies — is therefore essential to lawmaking in a democratic republic.

Este extracto de la nota me recordó mucho a la comunidad de POB, a lo que hacemos aquí, todos esos debates sobre temas importantes para la comunidad que se tienen casi a diario. También en un momento hablan sobre lo importante que era para que no llegara la tiranía al uso de las comunidades. En un momento usan la frase "comunidad de comunidades" y eso me recordó mucho a HIVE y sus comunidades y como el hecho de que haya comunidades ha ayudado a probar diferentes formas de "gobernación" sin la presión que conlleva hacer esto directamente en el blockchain de HIVE como tal (a través de un Hard/SoftFork donde la mayoría de los testigos deben estar de acuerdo).

Cada comunidad de HIVE es, de cierta manera, un experimento social, de gobernación y económico también(online)!

Han visto que interesante? Como decía anteriormente, por falta de tema no ha sido el que no haya podido escribir. Mas bien ha sido por no haber podido organizar bien las ideas en relación a un solo tema. Pero imagino que es por el clima que está así de esta manera y también por el hecho de estar solo acá en Alemania ahora mismo.

En un solitario día gris, frío y con lluvia, mi "zapping mental" se extrema a limites insospechados!

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Eso es normal... (Creo).. Hay días en que no surgen las ideas como tal. Todo parece estar cortado. Bloqueo mental supongo.!

Sin embargo, interesante post. Es grato saber que detrás de la pantalla hay una persona con la que coincides en casos y emociones. No sólo robots tecleando!


That is normal... (I think).. There are days when ideas as such do not arise. Everything seems to be cut off. Mental block I guess.!

However, interesting post. It is pleasant to know that behind the screen there is a person with whom you coincide in cases and emotions. Not just robots typing!


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Sin embargo, interesante post. Es grato saber que detrás de la pantalla hay una persona con la que coincides en casos y emociones. No sólo robots tecleando!

Lo único que hay de robot en este lado es una descripción de perfil 😅😂

Eso es normal... (Creo).. Hay días en que no surgen las ideas como tal. Todo parece estar cortado. Bloqueo mental supongo.!

Seguramente! Me pasa a veces. Pero el clima es un factor importante en mi caso.

Muchas gracias por pasar y comentar.


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Tengo muchas ideas pero el problema es plasmarlas en el post, tengo una libreta de notas con ideas y esas cosas, pero la mayoría de las veces cuando me siento frente al monitor me invade el bloqueo mental, o tal vez el procrastinar? no estoy seguro. Estamos juntos en esto. Por cierto, ese último gif, aaww! LOL hahahaha.

I have many ideas but the problem is to capture them in the post, I have a notebook with ideas and stuff, but most of the time when I sit in front of the monitor I'm invaded by mental block, or maybe procrastination? not sure. We're in this together. By the way, that last gif, aaww! LOL hahaha.

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La procrastinación es un problema grave para mi. A veces desconecto el Internet directamente cuando trabajo para evitar que, por cualquier excusa barata, esta llegue a mi 😅

Por cierto, ese último gif, aaww! LOL hahahaha.

A qué es un poco así la sensación ? Lo bueno es que no pasa en la vida real, es solo la sensación 😂😂😂


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Weather influences mood more than we know, i suppose. I tend to focus better on rainy days and sunny days zap the energy lol.

That pov by clixmoney is interesting. The thing about looking at wallets is that it helps to catch bad actors. Follow the money trail and all that. Found a few interesting characters here on pob that way as well.

Anyway, have a !PIZZA and hopefully the brain fog clears tomorrow!

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Weather influences mood more than we know, i suppose. I tend to focus better on rainy days and sunny days zap the energy

I can assure you, for sure, that it influences me too much. But in the opposite way to yours. Maybe because I come from Cuba and since it is always hot there, I am used to it.

That pov by clixmoney is interesting. The thing about looking at wallets is that it helps to catch bad actors. Follow the money trail and all that. Found a few interesting characters here on pob that way as well.

Aside from other things you can find out. It is definitely part of the game that the wallet is visible to everyone and not hidden.

Anyway, have a !PIZZA and hopefully the brain fog clears tomorrow!

Thank you! I like to share so let's eat together !PIZZA and see what happens today.


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Sometimes I sit at the PC, I have the idea but I can't concentrate or even organize the ideas and when I see the time passing and passing, and I think how much I wasted my time without building a decent post, but the lack of productivity makes me feel very bad and then in a short time I can concentrate and write a post .... so I know how many days it’s difficult to write a post.

Even without a clue, your post came out today.

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... I wasted my time without building a decent post, but the lack of productivity makes me feel very bad and then in a short time I can concentrate and write a post ... Even without a clue, your post came out today.

😂 exactly what happened to me. All day I couldn't concentrate and at night before going to sleep I wrote this post in less than 25 minutes.

It's very weird but it's how our brain works sometimes.


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I've had days like that, even today was one of them ...

In a paradoxical way here the weather was quite hot, today we are around 31 degrees, and ordering ideas and what I can contribute I can confess, that sometimes I have felt that my brain makes a short circuit, where I have to disconnect for a while to be able to restart the brain cpu.

I think the word you used is very accurate, it is a social test to which we submit, and it seems that something similar happens to several of us.

It is possible that those of us who seek to contribute not only quality, variety and commitment, it is not enough to have a good song, but something really good, and it may be that in that effort, we overload our brain mass.

good article friend and thanks for the mention!

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sometimes I have felt that my brain makes a short circuit, where I have to disconnect for a while to be able to restart the brain cpu.

It happens to me! Sometimes I need a few hours but sometimes I need more time and I'm talking about quite some time. "brain cpu" 😂 exactly how it works, like a cpu.

it is a social test to which we submit, and it seems that something similar happens to several of us.

HIVE is a great experiment in itself and the communities are also, each one of them, experiments in themselves. I find it amazing that we can be part of them.

You are welcome and thank you very much for stopping by and commenting.


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Thanks for mentioning, I'm glad you're inspired of what I wrote.

About the inspiration, you may just take a break. Or to write an easy post. That's what I can advice you to do, to be able to write again. Our brain needs a rest to keep functioning !
