Why You Should Take Responsibility for Your Own Future


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Why is it that some people make it, and others don't?

Some people just seem to end up with the perfect business partner every time.

Yet, it seems like many of us just know how to choose a bad business partner. You are barely starting to show a profit in your new business and your partner just disappears into thin air with all the profit (sometimes profits that you didn't even know was there yet...).

Sometimes you would start a business and suddenly the economy turns against you... Or you have everything in place, yet you just can't get those sales... Or you had a great business plan but you ran out of cash flow...

But why is it that there are always the few who do make it? It's almost as if they have some magical touch and everything they touch just becomes a huge success...

What is the difference? Why do some people become successful while others have to battle?

The difference is small, yet it's massive at the same time.

It all comes down to a mindset. You have to take responsibility for your own actions, for your own future.

But know this, when you decide to start taking responsibility for your own actions, a terrible thing is going to happen...

You take your life into your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing, no one to blame. ~ Erica Jong

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We are not talking here about being reckless and thinking you are untouchable or thinking you can "play God" and you are the master of everything...

No, it is merely about taking responsibility for your own actions. It is about planning, but also being prepared and being resourceful when things go wrong.

You see, that's the terrible thing.

Suddenly you stop blaming the bad economy. You stop blaming that person who gave false information when he sold you the business. You stop blaming your business partner who doesn't do what he is supposed to (or maybe who stole from you). You stop throwing a tantrum about not having enough money...

No, you stop living in the past. You stop looking for someone or something to blame. You face the facts, consider your options, and move on.

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I am not saying we should deny the fact when someone stabbed you in the back, or maybe if you ran out of capital, or the economy took a nose-dive just as you started your business. No, these things happen.

Acknowledge the fact that it happened, take some time to get over it if you need to, and then move on.

Those people who "just seems to have it all together" and make a success of everything they touch... Do you really think they are not going through the same tests and trials as we are? Of course, they do. They just don't get stuck in it.

They admit to the fact that their timing sucked this time. Or maybe they realize that what they wanted to do, was ridiculous at the given time, but it could work under different circumstances or at some other time.

If a partnership doesn't work out, accept that maybe you've made a bad choice in choosing your business partner. Make peace with it and move on. If possible, in the future, rather see if you can do it alone if you find it hard to trust someone else again.

It's not always easy, I know. And do not think for one moment I am writing this post to tell others what to do while I don't know what I'm talking about. I currently find myself in a situation where I can blame people, the system, the economy, even the pandemic, and who knows what else.

But, will that change the situation for me and my family? No. To start off with, the people I can blame, would most probably not even know I'm talking about them. And if they do, I doubt if they would even care. So what is the sense in that?

What happened, happened. Was it hurtful? Of course, it was...it still is. But the longer we dwell in it, the longer it takes to get over it.

It actually reminds me of a story I once heard about this guy who went to his preacher to complain and get some counseling about the bad situation he was going through.

So, as he was whining and moaning about everything he was going through, the preacher said; "That is good".

The man hesitated for a moment...and then continued.

Again, the preacher said; "That is good."

After about the third time, the man started getting irritated and asked the preacher if he wasn't really listening to what he was saying. How could the preacher say it was good? To which the preacher calmly responded; "But what you are telling me the whole time is how you are going through it. You are not stuck in there".

So, just the same as we all have 1440 minutes in each day to get done whatever we need to get done, we are all facing resistance, obstacles, failure, negativity, and all kinds of challenges.

So let's stop blaming others. Let's rather hold ourselves accountable and take responsibility for what we do and what we can do. Then let go of what you have no control over and that you cannot do.

If you are going through a tough time, remember, you are going through it. It will also pass. But if so, I hope this post will help you and encourage you to pick up the pieces and face the future with new hope and enthusiasm.

Thank you for reading my post.


Thanks for this post ,this post make me know am not the only one thinking this way ,I take action and I accept the responsibility

Posted via proofofbrain.io


I am so glad to hear you saying that. Thank you for sharing that with us.

I am glad to hear that this post meant something to you!
