Willy Wonderland review


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Hola mi gente, para hablar de esta película es algo complicando, ciertamente es mala, pero es entretenida, y previamente antes de verla, ya eres consiente de que es una película de serie B, ósea que esta hecha para ser mala, para dar risa, pero la verdad es que no cumple con dar miedo, o nisiquieran con tener el gore necesario para considerarlo una obra violenta, se queda a medio camino, con lo que intenta poner en escena, y hacer que Nicolas Cage sea el protagonista, mas que ser algo positivo, hace que sea raro.

Hello my people, to talk about this movie is a bit complicated, it is certainly bad, but it is entertaining, and previously before watching it, you are already aware that it is a B-movie, so it is made to be bad, to give laughter, but the truth is that it does not meet to be scary, or even to have the necessary gore to consider it a violent work, it is halfway, with what it tries to put on stage, and making Nicolas Cage as the protagonist, rather than being something positive, makes it weird.

Es una película que comienza de manera clara, haciéndonos notar que es de terror, pero luego nos ponen en escena al personaje de Nicolas Cage, un sujeto que no habla literal nunca hay explicación para esto, solo no habla, no dice el mas mínimo dialogo, y toma unas bebidas que tampoco explican por que lo hace, mas que esto ser divertido por pequeños momentos, a la larga termina siendo fastidioso, aparte otro hecho raro es que el ve a los robots moverse, lo atacan, pero el los ataca como si fuera Rambo y los destroza fácilmente, y esto llega a ser divertido es cierto, pero entonces te das cuenta que el personaje realmente no esta en peligro y jamás lo llega a estar realmente.

It's a film that starts out clearly, making us realize that it's a horror film, but then we get Nicolas Cage's character, a guy who doesn't speak literally, there's no explanation for this, he just doesn't speak, doesn't say the slightest dialogue, and has a few drinks that don't explain why he does it, more than this being funny for small moments, in the long run it ends up being annoying, besides another weird fact is that he sees the robots move, they attack him, but he attacks them as if he was Rambo and destroys them easily, and this becomes fun it's true, but then you realize that the character is not really in danger and never really gets to be.


Para dar una idea, pareciera que esta película la hubieran dirigido drogados, queriendo poner cosas que creían que serian cool, pero llegan a ser aburridas, y esta cansadas por momentos largo, es una película, curiosa, que si la ves con amigos, probablemente te rías de lo mala que es, no voy a negar que el hecho de que sea una pelicula barata con un actor como Nicolas Cage la hace atractiva visualmente, lo único que podría rescatar es las canciones que si pueden llegar a ser muy macabras.

To give you an idea, it seems that this movie was directed by drugged people, wanting to put things that they thought would be cool, but they get to be boring, and is tired at times long, is a movie, curious, that if you see it with friends, you probably laugh at how bad it is, I will not deny that the fact that it is a cheap movie with an actor like Nicolas Cage makes it visually appealing, the only thing I could rescue is the songs that can become very macabre.

chucho final.gif

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oh if you say, the movie does not have enough vibes then I should just skip it

or do you think I should go ahead and watch it?

Maybe, I should, I might probably get one or two lessons from it

What do you think?

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I did not quite understand what you meant, but I think you should watch it, but with friends or in company, it is a movie that you cannot take seriously at all, it is just to enjoy a good time, after all it barely lasts one hour twenty minutes and I think you can get it on YouTube

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