

Okay when I think of the craziest excuse I've ever made, only one thought comes to mind and some may find it funny and others won't but it doesn't matter because at that time it was the only thing I could think of.

So you know how sometimes you're not in the "mood" to go to work and you have to call in sick? Well I was having one of those days and this was a time before I quit my job and got called back. As at the time I made this excuse, work was draining me mentally.

During those times thinking about going to work would always stress me out. Just the thought of having to go there was always giving me a hard time, so I told my partner and he said why not call in sick, you never miss work and they shouldn't complain for this one time.

I was down with that idea because I really did not want to go to work the next day but also I suck when it comes to lying either on phone or face to face. I couldn't think of a good enough excuse to lie about, after some thought I came up with what I thought was the ultimate excuse.

Since I couldn't do it via call, I sent a text - rude but I was never going to be able to do it via call. So I sent a text to my boss that read "I got a call that my uncle passed away and I have to be there with his family since I'm the closest to the children and they need moral support".

Crazy because this uncle I was talking about died like 2 years ago😂😂 and I'm not even that close to the family, yeah we talk but we aren't best of friends. I had to use him because I wanted a balance between the truth and the lie I was going to tell.

Yes, he was dead but he didn't just die, he's been dead for a while. After sending that text I switched off my phone 😂😂 because I was afraid my boss wouldn't buy it and I wasn't about to miss out on not going to work.

When I turned on my phone it was a text from my boss. Of course she was furious but I didn't care. She did buy the story but she didn't agree with the fact that I should be the one to see the family. She didn't pay me for that day but I wasn't bothered, I had already taken my day off.

Thanks for stopping by ❤️

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Ha ha ha ha. Honestly, if people are allowed a certain number of sick and vacation days, they should just be able to take them as needed - mental health days count as sick days - and you shouldn't have to make an excuse. Of course, that's not the way it works, but it SHOULD. You SHOULD just be able to call in "yeah I need to take a sick day today" and your boss says "okay feel better." I mean, if you are allotted them, you are allotted them. You shouldn't need to convince your boss to LET you take what you are allotted.
If I owned a company, that would be the rule.


I know right! If we're allowed to call in sick then there would be little or no need to make excuses. Over here even when you are actually sick you have to provide proof. It's discouraging.

Thanks for your comment!

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Moral support really? 😅😅

Calling in sick is more believable 😂


😂😂 I don't know what I was thinking. Another problem is even if I decide to call in sick, I could never act sick on phone 😂😂

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I will show this to your boss, you know I know things. Pay for my silence.

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