Light at the end of the tunnel - Blog


On Sunday, apart from dealing with our dead goldfish, I also got my first vaccine against Covid 19. In Ireland, they have been calling different groups based on age so my time had finally come. They have repurposed a theatre for the mass vaccination rollout and the whole thing was run very well with me in and out within 30 mins including a 15 min sit down so that they could make sure the microchip they implanted was creating a good signal.

I have seen many posts with people saying they won't get it. First, it was the alternative fact that Covid did not even exist, then it was the idea that the government was going to implant us all with microchips and now it seems to have moved on to such and such immunologist said it was bad and so it is bad. Of course, I had my misgiving in getting the shot. I have never been big on taking drugs unless they were for recreational purposes and even in those cases they were naturally sourced, not something cooked up in a lab.

But there have been certain times in my life that medical science has most definitely saved my life. Once when I had scarlet fever and another time when I was being possessed by parasites. With these conflicting facts in my mind, I went for the thing which has gained my trust the most and not that someone with an internet connection and confirmation bias.

Before I am called a sheeple I want you to know that I am still conflicted. Nobody can know for sure the long term risks of these vaccines. But, having seen the effects this virus has had on my wife and others I am willing to take this risk. It may not be for everyone and for me that is Okay too, we should all have a choice. Just don't shame each other for their decision.

My main takeaway from all this Covid thing is that it became very political very fast, especially since it came into being around the same time that that muppet was in the White House and how he polarised the world. Reason seemed to have gone out the window and all things, even science is now looked on through a red or a blue lens. Even the Mainstream media has taken a side based on their hate for that man and with so much disinformation floating around I can understand why people are confused and scared. Now with a new muppet in the White House it seems that we can all just continue on and blame the other guy but this is a systematic failure that is playing out all across the world where people act more like football team supporters than free thinkers.

As the Vaccine is rolling out I think you would be silly to not see that it is working. Fewer people in hospital, fewer people are dying and a sense of hope again for the future. Given the year that the world has seen, I believe as human creatures we need this.

What I most hope will come out of all this is that people will think more critically and not based on what their team thinks. Trump may have been right about the possibility that it escaped from the lab in Wuhan but at the same time may have been a complete failure in dealing with it. The same as most of our leaders both scientists and politicians. People can be fallible and nonfallible at the same time, we are all just human.

In about a month I have to go back in and get the battery changed on my microchip but from then on I hope that I can start to get back to whatever normal is left after a pretty shitty year.


I don't know. In my country the media has been intentionally lying for years for ideological reasons. Now they're giving health advice and I can't trust it. And the more they insist, the less I trust them. They blew their credibility for political reasons.

On top of that, every other week a government is banning one vaccine and exempting another. Now they're saying to wait 2 months between jabs instead of 1 month. I don't know about your government, but mine told me that masks weren't needed for the virus when it first appeared. Turns out, they intentionally lied because they wanted the masks for themselves. My government has proven that it has no fucking clue about what to do about this virus and they're not afraid to lie to cover their asses.

I hope the vaccine works so I can take it like I've taken dozens of other vaccines. I sincerely hope that the vaccine that you've taken is safe and keeps you healthy. Many of my loved ones have taken it and I hope they stay safe and healthy too. Currently, the vaccines in my country aren't approved, they have an emergency exemption. I choose to wait until they've been fully vetted.

In the meantime I'll stick with Ivermectin, one of the world's safest drugs with over 30 studies proving its effectiveness as a therapeutic and preventative for Covid. If you've never heard of using Ivermectin for Covid, it might be because the 9 new Covid pharma billionaires have a vested interest in keeping things quiet about the Nobel prize winning, "WHO Essential medication" that is out of patent after 40 years and 4.7 billion doses safely administered. No one becomes a billionaire by selling a generic drug for pennies per dose.


For sure it is a choice and I agree with you that throwing blame is never the case as people are free to choose what they feel is right for them


people act more like football team supporters than free thinkers.

I love this line.

What I most hope will come out of all this is that people will think more critically and not based on what their team thinks.

And I hope for this very thing as well.

The same as most of our leaders both scientists and politicians. People can be fallible and nonfallible at the same time, we are all just human.

And I love this too.

All these points are why I wrote my post about intelligence. I enjoyed how you shared your perspective here without being too heavy-handed on the whole 'vaccine' issue. Instead you looked more at the deeper issue of critical thinking. At least, that's what I got from it. Thank you! 🙏


Cheers, It really is one of the things that has most troubled me these last few years, the lack of critical thinking and believing that everything your side says is the real truth on any subject. Tell me your political leaning and I will know how you think. Words like 'echo chamber' and 'group think' have never been so valid. I love when ideas come along to change my mind on subjects but apparently, that has also become an unpopular trait to have.


Yeah, I feel similarly, and hopefully I've helped inspire a few minds to change here and there, regardless if that's unpopular or not. :) Thanks for the Engage! 🙏
