¡Que Dolores!...Esp-Eng.


Cuando me refiero a ¡Que dolores!, son los dolores corporales, que sufre nuestro cuerpo, unos mas intensos que otros, pero dolores al fin, algunos son como avisos de algo grave que puede pasar, por eso no debemos de desechar o dejar pasar esos dolores mucho tiempo cuando estos son frecuentes o insistentes.

A manera personal les contare mis experiencias con algunos dolores que me han dado.

When I refer to what pains, are the body pains that our body suffers, some more intense than others, but pains at last, some are like warnings of something serious that can happen, so we should not discard or let those pains pass long when they are frequent or insistent.

Personally I will tell you my experiences with some pains that have given me.



Quizas sean los mas comunes, pero no hay que bajar la guardia, soy de sufrir muy pocos dolores de cabeza, cuando me dan creo que son asociados a algún estado de animo por el cual este pasando, como de desesperación, angustia, impotencia, que hago me relajo, me tomo un te, no uso medicamento químico, porque como dije es por algo emocional, entonces con un te se me pasa.

Perhaps they are the most common, but we must not lower our guard, I suffer very few headaches, when I get them I think they are associated with some mood for which I am going through, such as despair, anguish, helplessness, what do I do I relax, I take a tea, I do not use chemical medication, because as I said is something emotional, then with a tea I pass.



Para mi es uno de los dolores mas bonitos, porque te anuncia la llegada de tus hijos, pero mire que si son fuertes son las contracciones, que a pesar de que fueron cesáreas igual duelen, muchas dicen que son diferentes parir que cesárea, si lo son pero son dolorosas ambas. También tuve mucho dolor cuando tuve una perdida, creo que es mas fuerte que el del parto.

For me it is one of the most beautiful pains, because it announces the arrival of your children, but look that if they are strong are the contractions, that even though they were caesarean sections still hurt, many say that they are different childbirth than cesarean section, if they are but they are painful both. I also had a lot of pain when I had a miscarriage, I think it is stronger than childbirth.



Este me dio una sola vez, me empezó por la espalda y luego se alojo al frente, no sabia que era ni porque me dio, es como una rifa ya que a todos no les da, pero como dije me dio una vez, me lo calmaron con una dipirona, me hicieron un ecosonograma abdominale el resultado fue: la vesícula y la única manera de que no me doliera mas era de operación. Muchos se asustan cuando es de operación, yo no porque si esa era la solución me opere, habían dos maneras por laser y la del bisturí, la mía fue por la ultima, aproveche que tenia un seguro medico, ya no sufrí mas de la vesícula, porque se la sacan. Yo se de personas que pasan años sufriendo de esos dolores pero no se operan.

This one gave me only once, it started in my back and then it was in the front, I did not know what it was or why I got it, it is like a raffle since not everyone gets it, but as I said I got it once, they calmed it with a dipyrone, they did an abdominal ultrasound and the result was: the gallbladder and the only way to stop it from hurting me was to operate. Many people get scared when it is an operation, but not me because if that was the solution I had the operation, there were two ways, laser and scalpel, mine was the last one, I took advantage that I had a medical insurance, I did not suffer any more from the gallbladder, because it was removed. I know of people who spend years suffering from these pains but do not undergo surgery.



Hace poco sufrí de estos dolores, que terribles y horribles, son gases, te causan tanto dolor que me hicieron unos examines era algo viral, que cumplí tratamiento de una semana con Metranidazol y se me quitaron gracias a Dios. Eso me empezó de madrugada que primero vomite, luego me dio con diarrea.

Recently I suffered from these pains, how terrible and horrible, they are gases, they cause you so much pain that they made me some tests it was something viral, I completed a week's treatment with Metranidazole and they were removed thank God. That started early in the morning, first I vomited, then I got diarrhea.



Hasta los momentos esas han sido mis experiencias mas dolorosas, ojala que no me den mas, porque nadie quiere estar enfermos, pero hay unos como que les gusta. No es recomendable dejar pasar mucho tiempo con algunos dolores no se sabe cuales consecuencias pueden venir, mas vale prevenir que lamentar.

So far those have been my most painful experiences, I hope they don't give me more, because nobody wants to be sick, but there are some who like it. It is not advisable to let too much time pass with some pains, you do not know what consequences may come, better to be safe than sorry.

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