Walpurgis Nacht (30th April) and Beltane (1st of May) celebrations, myths, legends and folklore | Mitos, leyendas y folklore sobre la noche de Walpurgis (30 de Abril) y Beltane (1 de Mayo) | [ESP-ENG]


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Beltane Blessings | Feliz Beltane

Last night Witches rose over the bornfires of Walpurgis Nacht and today we celebrate May Day or Beltane, Nature at full bloom, midway from Equinox to Solstice. This article is about the traditions, mythology and even superstitions around these two dates (30th of April Night and 1st of May), which truly marks the truth transition from Winter to Spring and Nature in full bloom, the marriage of the Green Man and the Goddess to make the Earth fruitful and harvest plentiful.

Anoche, la noche del 30 de Abril las brujas volaron sobre las hogueras de la famosa "Noche de Walpurgis" que es la víspera de Beltane (Día de Mayo) punto intermedio entre el equinoccio y solsticio que celebra la naturaleza en su punto álgido de floración. Este post es sobre las tradiciones, mitología e incluso supersticiones vinculadas a estas dos fechas (la noche del treinta y el 1 de Mayo) que realmente marcan la verdadera transición del frío a los días cálidos de primavera, representa el matrimonio de "El Hombre Verde" y la Diosa que hará que la tierra dé su fruto y las cosechas sean abundantes.

Walpurgis Nacht (La noche de Walpurgis)

May Eve is Walpurgis Night (Walpurgisnacht), also known the "other Halloween" it is also halfway to Halloween (Samhain) and thus Witches gather to perform their rituals or so they used to say. The used to believe this was the night witches and evil spirits across Europe fly to the highest mountains for a great all-night Sabbath in Harz mountains, Germany. An area steeped in folklore, on Walpurgis Night it's where "witches meet to fly to the Brocken to get married to the devil" Probaby just harmless pagan practises once more demonised.
By the way my previous post also deal with witches but for another reason... We're on a witchy month apparently...

La víspera del 1 de Mayo se conoce como Noche de Walpurgis y en muchos paises de Europa se dice que esta noche los espíritus y brujas vuelan hacia las altas montañas de Harz (Alemania) para practicar un masivo aquelarre, y viajan al Brockeh para casarse con el diablo" Supersitición, probablemente eran inocuas prácitcas paganas que una vez más fueron demonizadas por la estricta iglesia de entonces. A propósito mi anterior post es también bastante de brujas pero por otro motivo, hahah, otro más literario, pero quiero aclarar que yo misma no soy una bruja, sólo me gusta el folklore.


Who was Walpurga? | ¿Quién fue Walpurga?

Walpurgis Nacht is named after the 8th century missionary Anglo-Saxon Abbess and healer Saint Walpurga, who traveled to Germany and worked on repelling witchcraft and other pagan practises. She was canonized also on May Day. It's been always traditionally a date to prepare for Nature's Growth and Harvest. But Incidentally, in Germany it was Hexennacht, a gathering of "witches", a pagan fire and fertility to celebrate the welcome of Spring. Later on it was more and more linked to the saint so the fire is told to ward off "evil spirits" (likely to scare predators that could harm the livestock from the farms). Other customs are hanging crosses on the doors and leave offerings for the Fae.

Walpurgis Nacht recibo el nombre de una misionaria abadesa anglosajona que viajó a Alemania y trabajó en repeler la brujería y otras prácticas paganas. Fue canonizada Santa precisamente el 1 de Mayo que ha sido siempre una fecha ligada al crecimiento de la Naturaleza y la futura cosecha y curiosamente la víspera en Alemania es una "Hexennnacht" (Noche de brujas") una reunión de brujas celebrada con hogeras y riguales de fertilidad para dar la bienvenida a la naturaleza. Luego esta costumbre varió y se vinculó a la santa, alegando que el fuego mantiene los espíritus malvados a raya (probablemente el inicio era para mantener a los depredadores alejados del ganado). Otras costumbres esta noche es colgar cruces en las puertas y dejar ofrendas a las hadas.

But Fear not... for most of it was just myths and legends..., wasn't it?

Pero no temáis... puesto que la mayoría son solo mitos y leyendas... ¿no es así?

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pd. I'm no witch, I'm more someone connected to Nature, but I love the folklore, mythology and legends behind these celebrations.

pd: No soy una bruja, soy alguien quizá espiritual y conectda con la naturaleza, pero me encanta el folklore, mitos y leyendas detrás de todas estas celebraciones populares.

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Some famous quotes about Walpurgis Nacht | Algunas citas famosas sobre la noche de Walpurgis

"On Walpurgis Night you can tell me best,
What favour I can return to you" Goethe, "Faust"

En la noche de Walpurgis puedes decirme mejor que favor puedo devolverte" (Goethe, Fausto)

Famous novel Dracula opens with Harker leaving Bavaria at this remarkable date.
"Walpurgis Night, when the devil was abroad -- when graves were opened and the dead came forth. When all evil things held revel... This was where the suicide lay; and this was the place where I was alone." - Bram Stoker, "Dracula"

La famosa novela de Drácula comienza con Harker dejando Bavaria en este fecha tan señalada. La noche de Walpurgis en la que, según las creencias de millones de personas, el diablo andaba suelto; en la que se abrían las tumbas y los muertos salían a pasear; en la que todas las cosas maléficas de la tierra, el mar y el aire celebraban su reunión -Bram Stoker, Drácula

A proverb says
"On Walpurgis Night rain
Makes good crops of autumn grain,"

Un proverbio popular dice
"Si llueve en la noche de Walpurgis, habrá buenas cosechas de grano en Otoño"

“Our forefathers kept the beginning of May as a great festival, and it is still regarded as the trysting time of witches.” Jacob Grimm (famed along with his brother for compiling fairytales)

Nuestros ancestors mantuvieron el principio de Marzo como un gran festival y es aún considerado como el tiempo cuando se reunen las brujas (Jacob Grimm, uno de los hermanos Grimm famosos por recopilar cuentos de hadas)

May Day, Beltane. All is blooming : Fiestas de Mayo o Beltane. Todo florece

If the Eve's Born Fire, hawthorn flowers, and crosses on our doors keep evil at bay dawn will come to unleash MAY DAY or BELTANE, a celebration of all things blooming.

Pero si las hogueras en la puerta, las ofrendas de flores de espino y las cruces en nuestras puertas mantienen el "mal" a raya, despertaremos en el día de Mayo, Beltane, para celebrar todo lo que florece.

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Beltane also know MAY DAY, midpoint between Spring Equinnox (Ostara) and Summer's Solstice (Litha/Alban Heruin) in the Wheel of the Year. Nature is at full Bloom and celebrations around the flowers like Maypole Dancing, paper cone with flowers and choosing a May Queen are celebrated worldwide.
Beltane means "White Fire" and represents the Goddess and God's marriage and mating so the Earth will bear its fruit. It's also one Feast and celebration before getting into the hard works of sowing and harvesting.

Beltane también es conocido como el "Día de Mayo", celebrado el 1 de Mayo y punto intermedio entre el equinoccio de primavera (Ostara) y el solsticio de verano (Litha/Alban Heruin) en la Rueda del Año. La naturaleza florece en todo su esplendor y celebraciones por todo el planeta como bailes alrededor de un poste trenzando lazos, hacer conos de papel con flores y dejarlos en las puertas y elegir una "reina de mayo" se celebran. Beltane significa "fuego blanco" y es el momento de la boda entre La Diosa y el Dios cuya unión hará que la madre tierra dé su frutos y podamos recosechar lo sembrado.

Beltane Superstitions and Traditions | Tradiciones y supersticiones de Beltane

Full Bloom this date is linked to the pagan celebration of Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere. Women usually dress in white or light colours that symbolize purity and wear floral garlands they weave with foraged flowers . It is thought the May Queen an ancient tree worship. We do not have these traditions in my country, but I still love to celebrate it my own way.

El momento de máxima floración coincide la celebración pagana de Beltana (calendario gaélico) en el hemisfero Norte. Las mujeres normalmente se visten de blanco o colores claros que simbolizan pureza y llevan coronas de flores que normalmente se tejen con flores recolectadas. Se cree que la Reina de Mayo es en verdad una antigua costumbre de veneración a un árbol (probablemente espino blanco como diremos después). No tenemos estas tradiciones en mi país pero me gusta celebrarlo a mi manera.

Beltane and Hawthorne tree | Beltane y el espino blanco


Named after the month in which it blooms, the May or Hawthorn tree is traditionally used for May Day garlands but unlucky to bring into the house. As I said Beltane means "white fire" and it's the time Hawthorn tree is at full bloom. Garlands of its flowers were common and would be left out of the house as offering for the fae, but never brought inside the house as it could offend them.
Hawthorn was the origin of the maypole dancing. Originally maidens use to dance around this tree which is one of the sacred trees in Celtic mythology, and coloured ribbons would be attached to its branches asking for wishes to be granted. I have a big one in my neighbourhood... what would you wish for? Hive to the moon? Fly high!

En inglés el "espino blanco" se llama "Mayo" y toma su nombre de este mes. Este árbol, uno de los árboles sagrados en la mitología celta está tradicionalmente vinculado a Beltane que como dije significa "fuego blanco" y se suele hacer coronas de sus flores. Pero luego se dejan de ofrendas fuera de las casas, nunca se entran en el interior del hogar puesto que podría ofender a los espíritus y hadas y traernos mala suerte.
También fue originalmente el origen de los bailes alrededor de un poste con cintas (Maypole). Al principio en vez de un posque era un árbol. También se dejaban lazos de colores en sus ramas para pedir deseos. Curiosamente el otro día en mi pasero por el bosque encontré lazos de colores en un árbol, así que alguien en mi zona estaba celebrando ya esta tradición. Justo tengo uno en mi barrio, voy a atar un deseo, ¿qué pediríais? ¿Hive a la luna? Vuela alto!

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Pagan handfasting marriage ceremonies usually take place all over the world on this date, being then wed six weeks later in June's Solstice, as this is the day the union of the "The Goddess" and "The God" is blessed so they can conceive a child. A symbol of the fertility of the Earth, this is a blooming time, a time to grow. It's a celebration of life, of love and yes of sensuality and sexuality as well. We also see this in the animal world having now their chicks and babies. Time to enjoy the outdoors, the sun, the life that stirs everywhere...


Ceremonias paganas para prometerse tienen lugar hoy en muchos sitios. Era costumbre casarse seis semanas después de este compromiso y por tanto muchas bodas eran en Junio, en pleno solsticio. Hoy es el día de matrimonio y unión de "La Diosa" y el "Dios" (Green Man u Hombre Verde) un símbolo de fertilidad de la tierra, celebración de la vida, del amor, y también de la sensualidad (y sí, sexualidad). Aquí se dice en España "La primavera la sangre altera" y lo vemos también en toda la naturaleza. Tiempo de disfrutar al aire libre, bajo el sol mientras la vida se abre camino en todos los sitios.

In Poland there's a rather creepy tradition of drowning a doll made of straw (stored in Winter) which represents the Slavic Goddess of Winter or Marzanna. Similarly in Switzerland, they burn a large rag doll called Böögg, if it burns quickly it will provide a warm summer, if it burns slowly it means it will be rainy and cold.

En Polonia se celebra hoy también una tradición un poco siniestra, ahogar una muñeca de paja (que se almacena en invierno) y que representa la diosa eslava del invierno "Marzanna". De forma similar en Suiza, se quema una gram muñeca de trapo llamada Böögg, si arde deprisa significa que el verano será cálido, si no, será frío y húmedo.


This time of the year calls to be joyful and active reverencing the abundance of life. It is also a last careless last celebration before the hard work of the year begins in order to harvest. In old times farmers would begin working the fields and livestock and farm animals would be taken to the fields.

Este momento del año llama a estar felices y activos y alabar la abundancia de la vida. También es una última celebración despreocupada antes de que tener que ponerse de lleno en los trabajos agragios para luego recolectar la cosecha. En los tiempos antiguos este sería el momento de sacar el ganadoa los prados y trabajar los campos.

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The strict Puritans of New England considered the celebrations of May Day to be licentious and pagan, that's why they're more popular in Europe than in America.

Los puritanos estrictos de Nueva Inglaterra consideraron estas celebraciones de Mayo como licensiosas y paganas y esa es la razón por la que son mucho más extendidas y populares en Europa

May Queens and Goddeses of Spring and Flowers | Reinas de Mayo y deidades de primavera y de las flores.

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Flora is the goddess of spring and flowers (equivalent to Green Chloris) She was celebrated with a six-day festival "Floralia" starting April 28th. a bawdy, licentious festival in honour of Flora, Roman goddess of flowers.

Flora es la diosa de las flores en la mitología romana, equivalente a la griega Chloris y era celebrada con Floralia un festival de seis días que ya comenzaba el 28 de Abril y el cual era un vestibal un poco "licensioso"


Antheia was also the goddess of flowers and flower wreaths and one of the Graces of Greek Mythology. Her name means "flower" or "blossom". She was also known to the Romans as Anthea.

Antheia también era diosa de las flores y las coronas de flores y una de las "tres Gracias" de la mitología griega. Su nombre significa "flor" y también era conocida en Roma como Anthea.

Idunn is a Norse Spring and rejuvenation Goddess, the keeper of apples and granter of eternal youthfulness. Apple trees were sacred symbols of rebirth and beauty. With her apples, gods remain young and immortal.

Idunn es la diosa nórdica de la primavera, y mantiene un huerto de manzanos de la eterna juventudm los manzanos son símbolos sagrados de renacimiento y belleza con lo que los dioses se mantenían inmortales.

The Welsh goddess Creiddylad is connected with Beltane, often called the The May Queen.

La diosa galesa Creiddylad también está conectada con Beltana y se la suele llamar la Reina de Mayo.

MAY you bloom | Que florezcáis

MAY all your projects bloom and flourish so you can have a plentiful "harvest"

Que todos vuestros proyectos florezcan para que podáis cosechar luego plenamente

Celebrate life!

¡Celebrad la vida!

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My seasonal Spring songs.| Mis canciones dedicadas a la primavera

As you know I'm a singer, I already posted these songs sometime ago in different posts but just in case you want some Spring music to celebrate. I take the chance to re-share some of my Spring Songs all together as background music for this post

Como ya sabéis soy cantante y aunque ya he compartido todas con anterioridad aquí os dejo un recopilatorio de mis canciones específicamente hechas para Primavera todas juntas por si queréis música para celebrar o leer este post.

-Longing to Bloom (Deseando florecer)

-The Waking of Spring (El despertar de la primavera)

-A blooming heart (Un corazón en flor)

-Cherry blossoms (flores de cerezo)

Maidens wearing floral garlands with a blush so healthy flowing on their cheeks
and barefoot as they gather as nymphs playing by the creeks

Doncellas que llevan coronas de flores con un rubor sano brillando en sus mejillas, y descalzas mientras se reunen como ninfas jugando en los arroyuelos!

All photos and videos (c) Priscilla Hernandez @yidneth. All rights reserved.

Todas las fotos y videos (c) Priscilla Hernandez @yidneth en colaboración con mi compañero @hedac. Todos los derechos reservados.

Support me following on my network. Sígueme en las redes

Videoclip making of  - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator. Cantante e ilustradora

Priscilla Hernandez yidneth - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com) - Priscilla Hernandez.jpg


Awesome photos and videos!!


Thank you, I'm mostly known around here for my music but to create the music videos I also do a lot of photography but above all I love folklore and mythology and that's what the post is really about today :) as it's May DAy, thanks for reading.


Yeah, I remember you from a couple of years ago or so on Steemit. :) That is where I first saw your stuff. :)


I have kept on posting since... as slowly as ever but consistently :) though this month I'm a bit more prolific I also take little hiatus as the videos are usually plenty of work. But trying to branch into folklore too :)


Happy Beltane, my friend. May the blessings of renewal and abundance guide us all. Sending big hugs! 💖


Aw blessed Beltane, and may all your projects flourish Dragon Princess


Aw blessed Beltane, and may all your projects flourish Dragon Princess


Absolutely stunning post!!!!!!! OMG I don't even know where to start.

"Nature at full bloom, midway from Equinox to Solstice"

You know, if you look at any oscillating object, it's at that point that it's moving the fastest before it starts to slow down again. 🙏


Oh my, what happened is that several days ago I started a post about Walpurgis which leads to Beltane but I craft slowly and date came and go, did not feel like being greedy and split into two posts with such short span if dates and believe me I edited parts out to make shorter, hope it is not too overwhelming lol


It's definitely not overwhelming lol. It's a lot of high quality informations and stunning visuals :)


Aw, thanks, I like folklore and legends and always been an influence on my work, I will not deny it took me a while so as grateful as I am for the votes, and I am indeed grateful when I get feedback from people actually reading. Thanks, it encourages 🐭❤


@yidneth, I think these are some of the best photos I've seen you take. Everything in here is marvelous: the writing, the images, the videos, your voice, all of it. Simply incredible work! :)


Thanks so much, post got a bit long cos I had intended to do a stand alone for Walpurgis Nacht and then thought I would merge them... Glad you enjoyed the reading and hope you had a great May Day


Stunningly beautiful post and I loved reading all the traditions. May Day has been a special day for me since I was a child.


In my native island the 3rd of May they make tapestries of flowers :) I remember to go watch them as a child


What's up!!!

Happy Beltane to you my favourite witch!! I liked the japanese song, really beautiful!



shh don't tell anyone but I'm no witch, maybe a wizard... wizard..esss? LOL hhahaha a guardian of Nature :) thanks so much and blessed Beltane too :) how are those videos going?
you know I don't know why recently I remembered about our spontaneous rainbow duet, I'm so sad noone recorded it hahah aww
anyway, until we cross our paths again :)


I don't mind being a wizard too haha. Videos are being slow, I had too many things to do lately, with the kids homeschool, the dogs, the farm, aaaaaahhh, not time to do anything, that's sad!

I would love to try to record something with you, I also know how busy you are, and how currently unreliable I am hahah, must be armed with patience... Take care my friend ^^


aww sounds lovely though the farm, and I saw you have reunited with your dogs that makes me so happy. Take care you too


Thanks ^^, hopefully you will see them one day, and hopefuly they won't try to eat your funfuccis! (that's not how you write it)


hahah :) you guessed right , It's "fufunchis"
The Wind , The Branch and The Spell
(Tuula, Ritva and Taika) at least those are the plushies you saw. It's been a while they crossed the rainbow bride but they appear in every single one of my videos since. I have not doubts I'll have more ratties in the future but once life is more settled.


I have not doubts I'll have more ratties in the future but once life is more settled

Me too, and the kids always ask for either a rat, a guinea pig or a rabbit!
We do have mice sometimes running around, it's the country life afterall. I saw a deer yesterday while running through the forest with the dogs, then lost my latest state of the art phone 😁 ahahah



If you get ratties remember you need to get more than one (same gender) they need companions of their own species, they're quite amazing
