Am I the only one who is tired of productions involving superheroes?


This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.


Earlier today I met some of my friends, and as usual, we talked about movies. In particular, the focus of our conversation was on superhero movies and how they still manage to impact the movie market and also the TV world (through TV series) in a meaningful and profitable way.

I am part of the team that can no longer stand watching movies or TV series where superheroes are the main focus of the script. Honestly, everything is already more than repetitive and the formulas on which many of the scripts are based, bring a type of theme that is just more of the same (just in a different guise).

Some of my friends agree with me, and other friends disagree and claim that this type of movies is still necessary to cause some kind of collective empowerment in a small part of the population. I disagree with this argument, because the number of superhero films with a valid message is extremely limited.

What I see in this scenario, is just an immense "money-making machine" that is represented by the big movie studios and that increasingly manages to be fueled by the "love" of the most extreme fans who watch any and all projects on which your favorite superheroes are present.

How long will these movies and TV series exist? Entertainment needs a much more conceptual and urgent evolution, so that these types of projects have a more useful type of relevance. If things continue the way they are going, these roadmaps are likely to be "banned" from the industry because they are saturated.

¿Soy el único que está cansado de producciones con superhéroes?

Hoy temprano conocí a algunos de mis amigos y, como de costumbre, hablamos de películas. En particular, el enfoque de nuestra conversación fue sobre las películas de superhéroes y cómo aún logran impactar el mercado del cine y también el mundo de la televisión (a través de series de televisión) de una manera significativa y rentable.

Soy parte del equipo que ya no soporta ver películas o series de televisión donde los superhéroes son el eje principal del guión. Honestamente, todo ya es más que repetitivo y las fórmulas en las que se basan muchos de los guiones, traen un tipo de tema que es más de lo mismo (solo que en una forma diferente).

Algunos de mis amigos están de acuerdo conmigo, y otros amigos no están de acuerdo y afirman que este tipo de películas aún son necesarias para provocar algún tipo de empoderamiento colectivo en una pequeña parte de la población. No estoy de acuerdo con este argumento, porque el número de películas de superhéroes con un mensaje válido es extremadamente limitado.

Lo que veo dentro de este escenario, es solo una inmensa "máquina de hacer dinero" representada por los grandes estudios de cine y que cada vez más se las arregla para ser alimentada por el "amor" de los fans más extremos que ven todos y cada uno de los proyectos en donde están presentes tus superhéroes favoritos.

¿Cuánto tiempo existirán estas películas y series de televisión? El entretenimiento necesita una evolución mucho más conceptual y urgente, para que este tipo de proyectos tengan un tipo de relevancia más útil. Si las cosas continúan como van, es probable que estas hojas de ruta sean "prohibidas" en la industria porque están saturadas.

Eu sou o único que está cansado de produções envolvendo super-heróis?

Hoje mais cedo eu encontrei com alguns dos meus amigos, e como já é de costume, nós conversamos sobre filmes. Em particular, o foco da nossa conversa foram os filmes de super-heróis e como eles ainda conseguem impactar o mercado cinematográfico e também o mundo da TV (através das séries de TV) de uma maneira rentável e significante.

Eu faço parte do time que não aguenta mais assistir filmes ou de séries de TV onde os super-heróis são o foco principal do roteiro. Sinceramente, tudo já está mais do que repetitivo e as fórmulas em que muitos dos roteiros são baseados, trazem um tipo de temática que é apenas mais do mesmo (apenas com uma roupagem diferente).

Alguns dos meus amigos concordam comigo, e outros amigos descordam e alegam que esse tipo de filme ainda é necessário para causar algum tipo de empoderamento coletivo em uma pequena parte da população. Eu discordo desse argumento, porque a quantidade de filmes de super-heróis com alguma mensagem válida é extremamente restrita.

O que eu vejo dentro desse cenário, é apenas uma imensa "máquina de fazer dinheiro" que é representada pelos grandes estúdios cinematográficos e que cada vez mais consegue ser alimentada pelo "amor" dos fãs mais extremistas que assistem todo e qualquer tipo de projeto no qual seus super-heróis favoritos estejam presentes.

Até quando esses filmes e séries de TV irão existir? O entretenimento precisa de uma evolução muito mais conceitual e urgente, para que esses tipos de projetos tenham um tipo de relevância mais útil. Se as coisas continuarem da maneira como estão indo, é bem provável que esses roteiros sejam "banidos" da indústria por estarem saturados.




I'm so sick of them. -.-'


Jordan Peterson has suggested it is the return of polytheism, and he is hardly incorrect, considering that these superheros are literally gods. Take Thor for example. There is no risk, we know they cannot be hurt. They are infallible and invincible and only extraordinary Godlike enemies like Thanos can actually hurt them. How can a simple human like me truly relate to someone like Superman. Well in that case we can say, he has vulnerabilities. His true self is Kal El and the costume he puts on is Clark Kent. That horse has been beaten to death. I also love spider man, he is just a kid but he gains powers by essentially embodying animal powers, much like some of the older gods were thought to do. Here is a list of examples of this I just pulled of Google.

Coyote. Pantheon: Native American. ...
Babi. Pantheon: Egyptian. ...
Hanumam. Pantheon: Hinduism. ...
Dagon. Pantheon: Semitic. ...
Faunus. Pantheon: Roman. ...
Kamadhenu. Pantheon: Hinduism. ...
Gugalanna. Pantheon: Sumerian. ...
Kutkh. Pantheon: Slavic.

So yes, Dr Peterson is probably correct that these ridiculously overblown 'trying to be' blockbuster films are just the modern version of Polytheism, many Gods, rather than Monotheism of one particular all-powerful God. This probably could be discussed further, so although thats all for now, I look forward to your response.


yeah man, i am sick of them too but until the world stops rewarding them with hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office they aren't going to stop doing it. The merchandising opportunities are immense for them as well and entrance into Asian markets is extremely accessible with this sort of entertainment. I'm afraid it is probably here to stay at least until Marvel and DC run out of material, which of course they never will.


... Marvel and DC run out of material, which of course they never will.

This is sad, @gooddream... But, it's also true. ;(


I think the superhero films will ultimately reach the point where the market is oversatured and the audience is bored and wants new things. Just like it happened with westerns in 1970s.


i honestly quite like the fact that the market is open for these kind of movies and shows. Sure some of them complete trash because the producers behind only care about money and others look just the same. Maybe the second one is cause of the fact that aside the super power a little bit of history the main moral remains the same "don't kill etc etc''.

I like though some adaptation that are far from the norm and want to see more of them (with good dialogs,acting,great vilains, fight scenes, great plot)!


I am not entirely against these types of movies / TV series, @filotasriza3.

The problem is that they are getting very repetitive and it is getting very boring. Even good scripts follow the same moral lessons.
