Cooking Is A Children's Activity When Stay At Home



Stay at home has been done for the past few months, children are doing all the activities at home. From learning to playing all are limited in the home environment, it is certain to make children bored when there are no activities that can entertain them.

Children gather together to add exciting atmosphere of the house, learning activities are still routinely carried out according to school and lecture schedules. In addition to completing their assignments they also occasionally watch movies together from laptops, besides sometimes playing together, exciting games on mobile phones as entertainment activities.




Another activity that children can do is go down to the kitchen, for those who are already big can make their own food such as fried rice, martabak, boiled noodles and other foods that are easily made. Young children help make cakes, print donuts and make jelly characters. This activity is very fun for children, even though the risk is that the kitchen will be like a broken ship and must be ready to help tidy up.



Corona brings blessings too, usually when children come home from boarding will be busy in their own rooms or play with their old friends. Now they are full at home and doing activities together for a long time, more comfortable too because they have returned home from boarding before the pandemic increasingly plagued.

God lowered the test there must be wisdom, more people should be able to refrain from going for a walk, a picnic, excessive spending wasting money and certainly more family togetherness is felt because they always gather at home. A situation that is difficult to condition in normal times without corona. But still the yearning for freedom and health is a dream, hopefully the pandemic will quickly pass.

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Lhokseumawe, April/28/2020

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